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Report of sex crimes prosecutor casts doubts on accuser’s testimony

In our continuing effort to bring you news and information unfiltered by the media, we are providing you with that report and results to Senate Republicans by Sex Crimes Prosecutor Rachel Mitchell. ...

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President Trump to hold rally in Topeka October 6

President Donald Trump is coming from the nation’s capital to the Capital City. “We’re thrilled to welcome President Trump to the Sunflower State!” GOP chairman Kelly Arnold said in response to the ...

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These 7 Missouri counties may decide US Senate race

Republicans and Democrats are focusing a lot of attention on seven Missouri counties that some say will be pivotal in the U.S. Senate race between Attorney General Josh Hawley and U.S. Sen. ...

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FROM THE CHEAPSEATS: Is Mahomes the Real Deal?

I have to admit, I did not see this coming.  They said that Patrick Mahomes was the real deal but I refused to believe it. Was it the fact that I thought ...

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Historic new trade deal with Canada reached

President Trump and his team have negotiated a victory for American manufacturers and farmers in a new trade deal with Canada. The announcement comes after Canada ultimately gave in to demands by ...

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“Bring Your Bible to School Day” is Oct. 4, with a chance to meet Sadie Robertson

More than 500,000 students from across the United States will join the Bring Your Bible to School movement on Thursday, Oct. 4. The annual student-led event, now in its fifth year, provides ...

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State agencies answer increase in questions about bats and rabies

The Kansas Departments of Health and Environment (KDHE) and Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) have had an increase in the number of calls recently from residents who have questions about bats in ...

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Italian Festival Returns to Topeka

Christ the King Catholic Church, 5973 SW 25th St., will host its fourth annual family-friendly Italian festival, “Rome Sweet Home,” on Saturday, October 13, from 3:00 -7:30 p.m. on the parish grounds ...

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Palestinian president: We “never resort to violence or terrorism.”

Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas told the U.N. General Assembly last week that his people fight Israeli through solely peaceful means, and “never resort to violence or terrorism.” Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin ...

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AP reports Kavanaugh accuser’s history of deceit and lawsuits

The Associated Press is reporting that Julie Swetnick, one of the women who has publicly accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of allowing gang rape, has an extensive history of involvement in ...

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Video shows powerful tsunami as death toll rises

The video shows the multi-story wave that hit this city. For those in its path it was a nightmare borne from the sea. Residents too afraid to sleep indoors camped out in ...

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Chinese communists rewriting Bible and hymns


WASHINGTON — The Chinese government is supervising a five-year plan to make Christianity more compatible with socialism in which they are rewriting the Bible, a prominent religious freedom activist has told Congress. The ...

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Media plays fast and loose with released statement

Leland Keyser, a high school friend whom Dr. Christine Blasey Ford publicly named as a witness, again refuted that she does not know Brett Kavanaugh in a letter released Saturday. You might ...

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Hawley under fire for speech at college chapel, while McCaskill gets pass

Missouri’s Republican Senate candidate Josh Hawley is being criticized for plans to speak at a Christian college. Just last May, the media and Democrats praised Senator Claire McCaskill and a New Jersey ...

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Annual Life Chain will draw thousands on Oct. 7

chain, life chain

The 31st Annual Life Chain across the nation will take place Sunday afternoon, Oct. 7. It will include cities across Missouri and Kansas, including many in the Kansas City and Topeka Metro ...

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Christians in Kurdistan hope democracy will prevail

The Christian minority in Iraqi Kurdistan is hoping for its “real” representatives to be voted into the Kurdish regional parliament September 30, reports Kurdish news service Rudaw. The presidential and parliamentary elections ...

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Trump stops FDA purchases of baby parts for research

The Trump administration has heard the concerns of pro-life organizations and pro-life Americans upset by the news that the FDA had purchased the body parts of aborted babies for research. In August, ...

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Senate committee votes to advance Kavanaugh to full Senate

On a partisan 11-10 vote, the Senate Judiciary Committee has voted to support Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. All of the committee’s Republicans voted in favor of recommending Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination while ...

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What’s good for the goose? Zuckerberg hacked


After deleting and censoring the accounts of conservatives and Christians, Facebook is about to get a dose of its own medicine. A Taiwanese “white hat” (good guy) hacker claims he’s hacked the ...

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Hawley one of busiest state AGs in nation


Some Missouri republicans would like Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley to do more in his race to unseat incumbent Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill. But others point out his race  is deadlocked against an entrenched ...

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Kavanaugh and Ford testimony grips nation

The nation was riveted by Thursday’s dramatic and historic testimony at a Senate hearing featuring Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christime Ford who accuses him of sexual assault 36 years ago ...

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Chip and Joanna Gaines to host a Waco church

A culture shock awaits a church in Waco, Tex. Church Under the Bridge is a place where hundreds of the city’s marginalized gather on Sundays to worship and enjoy a free meal, ...

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Conference will address families and the end times

Many would agree that society is spinning out of control. How does that affect families, communities and the church? Some are asking if families have the tools needed to respond to challenging ...

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How the Gospel reached the brutal Amazon “Skull Splitters” tribe


The warriors from the Skull Splitter tribe walked 10 days on foot from a village deep in the Amazon jungle because they wanted to find someone who would tell them about the ...

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Thieves strike again at Salvation Army


Thieves have struck the northland Salvation Army again, capping a summer of loss. Sometime between Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, at the facility located at 5306 N. Oak St. Trafficway,  someone cut through a ...

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