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Tag Archives: babylon bee

Elon Musk commends teachings of Jesus, calls himself “cultural Christian”

musk cultural

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk described himself as a “cultural Christian” in a recent interview with psychologist Jordan Peterson. “While I’m not a particularly religious person, I do believe that the teachings of ...

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Political agenda robs liberal comedy of its humor, Babylon Bee founder says

political comedy

Comedy that comes from the political left is no longer funny, according to CEO Seth Dillon of Babylon Bee. “I think one of the ways that they lost their sting was because ...

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Babylon Bee shares amusing look at denominational definitions

bee denominations

Keeping track of the many Christian denominations (and those that pretend to be Christian) can be confusing at times. The Babylon Bee offers a tongue-in-cheek guide in the spirit of fun. Anglicans. ...

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Vicky Hartzler, Babylon Bee among latest example of Big Tech censorship

babylon big

Twitter’s lockout of “The Babylon Bee” last week is only the latest example of Big Tech’s censorship of conservative voices, political commentator Mollie Hemingway said. “You cannot possibly have been alive in ...

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Did Elon Musk just get saved?

Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk recently told “The Babylon Bee” that he respects and agrees with “the principles that Jesus advocated,” such as forgiveness and “treating people as you wish to be treated.” ...

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Why a funny Christian satire website is under attack


In 2017, a fan named Seth Dillon bought the Christian satire site, The Babylon Bee. However, since becoming the owner, Dillon has become a primary target for censorship by the left. But ...

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Babylon Bee pokes fun at Missouri, Kansas over vaccine enticements

babylon bee

The satirical website Babylon Bee released a story on what states are giving away to encourage residents to get vaccinated. Included on list, which pokes fun at all 50 states, are “Free ...

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