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Tag Archives: barna

Christians continue to grapple with proper role of artificial intelligence

artificial christians

The rapid rise of artificial intelligence has led to interesting questions about the future roles of humans and AI. The Barna Group and the technology platform Gloo recently asked both Christians and ...

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Parents ignoring AI despite concerns of its effect on kids

summit artificial children parents

Although parents are concerned about artificial intelligence, they are not actively learning about the emerging technology, a new survey from the Barna Group found. Three in four are concerned about AI’s impact ...

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Worldview of preteens threatens future of the church in America: study

preteens church

The Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University has a sober warning for the American church. “We are on the precipice of Christian invisibility in this nation” as new research shows that ...

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Churches must tackle porn, says app founder

teens scams churches app

The use of pornography has become a “civilizational crisis” that churches need to address, according to Ronald DeHaas, founder and CEO of the accountability app Covenant Eyes. DeHaas, who also serves as ...

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Christians more likely to use AI in their work

christians work

Christians are more likely than non-Christians to use artificial intelligence in their work, a new survey from the Barna Group finds. The data suggest that nearly two-thirds of Christians in the workforce ...

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Majority of pastors feel lonely and isolated at times, Barna study finds

church pastors lonely

Two-thirds of pastors felt lonely or isolated at times last year, a new survey by the Barna Group found. That number is up significantly from 42 percent in 2015. At the same ...

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Well-being of pastors has dropped in several key areas since 2015, study finds

church pastors lonely

The well-being of pastors in several key areas has significantly declined since 2015, a new report from Barna Research found. When it comes to having true friends, 20 percent of pastors in ...

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Bless Your Pastor campaign kicks off with national tour

Many pastors are discouraged, with 43 percent saying they have given serious consideration to leaving vocational ministry, according to national research by the Barna Group. The National Association of Evangelicals created the Bless ...

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Can we keep our children in the Church for life?

For thirty years the answer has been “NO”. For each of those years, nearly all protestant denominations have lost 70-86% of the children raised in the church (Barna research and many others). ...

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Public faith in credibility of pastors eroding, survey finds

U.S. pastors have some work to do to improve their credibility with the public. The news comes with increasing hostility towards pastors, churches, and people of faith in the media, Hollywood and ...

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‘Seismic generation shift’ among Millennials over Christian faith

Millennials are far less likely to hold Christian beliefs than previous generations.  The Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University calls it a “seismic generational shift.” Its research found that this generation ...

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Here’s how much Bible reading went up during 2020 pandemic

One bright spot of the pandemic is that millions of Americans have been turning to the Bible for comfort and direction. The number of Americans who opened the Bible at least once ...

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Data reveals gender gap in nonreligious Americans

One of the most consequential stories in American religion in recent years is the rapid and seemingly unceasing rise of “nones” – those who respond to questions about their nonreligious affiliation by ...

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Poll: Pastors worried election will impact congregations

A poll of protestant pastors has found they’re worried that the 2020 election will have a negative impact on their church congregations. The news comes as faith is being used as a ...

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Worldview of Americans correlates to biblical perspective, survey finds

Being a Christian has a profound impact on a person’s worldview, a new survey found. Ninety-eight percent of American adults who choose socialism over capitalism oppose a biblical worldview, according to the ...

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Evangelicals approve of Trump’s handling of coronavirus

Nearly 70 percent of white evangelicals approve of the way President Donald Trump is handling the coronavirus outbreak, according to a HuffPost/YouGov poll conducted last weekend. By contrast, 45 percent of Americans ...

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Increase in ‘church hopping’ among trends found in State of the Church survey

The days of joining a church and staying in it for life are long gone. New research by the Barna Group shows that practicing Christians and churched adults believe in the value ...

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Barna study: Pastors worried about reaching young people

Just over a week after leaders of a Minnesota church were accused of trying to get rid of older adult members from one of their campuses in an effort to attract a ...

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Barna finds public associates evangelicals with conservatism

Although evangelical Christians comprise only 6 percent of the U.S. population according to The Barna Group, they have significant political influence, especially in the Trump administration. As a result, a new Barna ...

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Barna announces top 10 cities for generous Christians

A new survey finds which cities have the most generous Christians. The Barna Group, which has been tracking cultural trends related to values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors for 35 years, identified the ...

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Cambridge professor defends Gospels, challenges British public to rethink Jesus

gospels jesus, great teacher

A leading theologian has claimed there is compelling evidence for the reliability of the Gospels, and spoken directly to the growing public perception of those who doubt Jesus’ existence. Peter Williams, Principal ...

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Half of pastors are worried about offending someone if they speak out on social issues

Pastors are pressured from all sides to speak out on hot button issues, but struggle with just how to address those topics, such as LGBT issues and same-sex marriage. In a new ...

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Only 1 in 4 Christians acting out their faith at home

Twenty-five percent of professing, practicing Christians live in households that regularly pray and practice Bible reading together and conduct outreach together to others, while 28 percent live in a home that does ...

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Millennial Christians not fond of evangelism

If the future of spreading the Gospel is in the hands of millennial Christians, evangelism in America is at risk. Barna research reveals in a new study that about half of younger ...

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