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Tag Archives: clergy

Judge rejects clergy-led attempt to overturn pro-life Missouri law

missouri heartbeat bill unborn clergy-led

A clergy-led effort to overturn Missouri’s near-total abortion ban has been struck down by a circuit judge in St. Louis. The pro-abortion faith leaders claimed the law violated the state’s constitution by ...

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United Methodists vote to remove all bans on LGBTQ clergy, weddings

The United Methodist Church today voted overwhelmingly to allow “self-avowed practicing homosexuals” to be ordained and serve as ministers of the church. The vote, 692-51, was made at their General Conference and ...

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CNN sex scandals and getting our own house in order

The Daily Wire recently ran an article by Tim Meads titled “Perverts, Predators And Adulterers: 7 CNN Employees Forced Out In Disgrace.” Not included in the article was CNN anchor Don Lemon who ...

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What ‘The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’ got wrong about Christians

roman empire

For two centuries those who defended the Roman empire blamed its destruction on Christianity but the facts reveal a much different story. In The Devil’s Dictionary, the writer Ambrose Bierce offered this ...

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Atheist elected president of chaplains at Harvard

The newest president of chaplains at Harvard University doesn’t believe in God. Greg Epstein, an atheist and humanist chaplain who says he doesn’t look to God but people for answers, was elected ...

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Over 30 churches attacked, clergy and members killed in rising unrest in Ethiopia

During the past two years since a young prime minister has taken over as the new leader of Ethiopia, more than 30 churches have been attacked with more than half of the ...

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5 ways to show you appreciate your pastor


October is not over and there’s still time to show your pastor some appreciation. Each year October is designated as “Pastor Appreciation Month,” and many local congregations make efforts to show their ...

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Is Pope set to give green light to married priests?

married priests

Pope Francis will commence a three-week synod of Amazonian bishops at the Vatican on October 6 which will consider breaking the centuries-old tradition of only having single priests. It is among 146 ...

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Fulani terrorists targeting Nigerian clergy

Christian church leaders continue to be targeted in Nigeria with reports of more kidnappings and murder by Fulani terrorists. The latest is a priest who narrowly escaped a murder attempt two weeks ...

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Liberal Methodist leaders gather to fight denomination’s marriage ban

methodist, hamilton

Hundreds of United Methodist leaders from the liberal wing of the denomination were joined by activists in Leawood, Kansas this week for the “UMC Next” conference. The event was organized to plan ...

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Half of pastors are worried about offending someone if they speak out on social issues

Pastors are pressured from all sides to speak out on hot button issues, but struggle with just how to address those topics, such as LGBT issues and same-sex marriage. In a new ...

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Jury rocks Catholic Church with abuse indictments

More than 1,000 children — and possibly many more — were molested by hundreds of Roman Catholic priests in six Pennsylvania dioceses, while senior church officials took steps to cover up the ...

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