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Tag Archives: de blasio

Lady Gaga and father join suit against New York restaurant restrictions


New York’s covid restaurant laws are a “monster,” according the father of Lady Gaga. After thousands of New York restaurants have permanently closed, many of those that remain have joined in a ...

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President Trump redirects part of WHO funding to Samaritan’s Purse

Samaritan’s Purse will receive part of the money originally earmarked for the World Health Organization. President Donald Trump halted funding to the WHO earlier this month after arguing that the U.N. body ...

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Attorney General William Barr opposes Mayor de Blasio plan to shutter churches

Easter weekend underscored the tensions between the authority of the government to quarantine citizens and constitutional rights of freedom of worship and assembly. U.S. Attorney General William Barr supports religious organizations and ...

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Protesters upstage New York mayor’s ‘Green New Deal’ event

Many New Yorkers have had enough of ultra liberal mayor Bill de Blasio. Under the mayor’s leadership the city has passed ultra-leftist regulations on everything from the size of soft drinks to ...

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