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Tag Archives: evangelical

This theology is driving young Christians away from Israel

successful church pandemic young theology

Young Christians in the United States are abandoning support for Israel as they increasingly move toward the theology of amillennial and postmillennial eschatology. Support for Israel among this group has dropped by ...

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Watchdog group condemns Nicaraguan religious persecution


International Christian Concern (ICC) is condemning the Nicaraguan government under the leadership of Daniel Ortega, accusing it of extreme religious intolerance and an escalating trend of tyranny. “The regime has exhibited hostility ...

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Asbury Revival’s Surprise for America

asbury america

We’ve prayed for revival in America for decades. But do we know what to do when it happens? It’s been one year since the revival at Asbury University in central Kentucky began ...

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Wheaton College restricts use of preferred pronouns

wheaton pronouns woke

One of the nation’s leading evangelical colleges has weighed in on politically correct speech. Wheaton College in Wheaton, Ill, recently updated its student and employee handbooks to restrict the ability to designate ...

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Notable Christian leaders who died in 2023

leaders died

Several of the most influential Christian leaders of the past generation died in 2023. Religion News Service and Metro Voice look back at the passing of several giants influential people. Charles Stanley. ...

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Ukrainian Jews who follow Jesus serving in Israel

jews jesus

Many Russian-speaking Jews who fled the fighting in Ukraine now find themselves in another warzone. What makes the situation even more unique is they follow Yeshua – Jesus– as their messiah and ...

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Spiritually conscious rapper HerEx takes on Kendrick Lamar


When people think of the most influential rappers of all time, Kendrick Lamar is definitely on the list. The hip-hop artist made history in 2018 by winning a Pulitzer Prize in songwriting ...

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In secular Sweden, churches flourish by caring for neighbors


JÖNKÖPING, Sweden — Jan-Anders Pettersson struck a note of humility when describing attendance at Pingst Jönköping, a Pentecostal church in this downtown near the shore of Lake Vattern. “Unfortunately, it is summer ...

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Babylon Bee shares amusing look at denominational definitions

bee denominations

Keeping track of the many Christian denominations (and those that pretend to be Christian) can be confusing at times. The Babylon Bee offers a tongue-in-cheek guide in the spirit of fun. Anglicans. ...

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India officially targeting Christian believers, ministries

According to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, conditions for Christians and Christian ministries in India have worsened over the last several years. It recommends the United States designate India ...

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Ultra-Orthodox Jews clash with Christians during Pentecost gathering in Jerusalem

ultra-orthodox pentecost

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish activists harassed Christians who gathered to pray near the Western Wall in Jerusalem on Pentecost Sunday. Hundreds of Christians gathered at the Davidson Center, an archaeological park near the Western ...

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Church attendance is all over the place, but mostly down

Although most Protestant churches have resumed in-person services, overall attendance continues to lag behind pre-pandemic levels, a new Lifeway Research survey found. “While there are a handful of exceptions, we can definitively ...

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Ron Sider died July 27: Here’s why it matters


Ron Sider was an Evangelical Christian caught in the political crossfire and his voice will be missed. It was the kind of John Paul II quotation that was powerful and prophetic — ...

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Broadcaster hopes Protestant, Orthodox Christians will unite in Ukraine

Orthodox and evangelical Christians share concern about the rising tensions in Ukraine. Daniel Johnson, who runs a Christian radio broadcasting organization in Eastern Europe, elaborated on the situation on the ground and ...

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For Turkey’s only Christian magazine, turning 10 years old is a miracle

christian magazine

Publisher Gökhan Talas recalled the early days of his Miras magazine when he took a finished issue of Turkey’s only Christian periodical to an advertiser to collect payment. One pastor had not ...

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Pastors question if they’ll unplug from online services after pandemic

Pastors Daniel Ying and Brad Bissell doubled as online TV preachers on YouTube during the coronavirus pandemic, preaching to video cameras and livestreaming into homes for months during the covid pandemic. And ...

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Pastors feeling overwhelmed, survey finds

More than six in 10 pastors of evangelical and historically black Protestant churches agree that “the role of being a pastor is frequently overwhelming,” with 21 percent strongly agreeing, a new Lifeway ...

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Biola conference will explore Jesus Movement revival of 1970s

biola jesus

Fifty years ago, Christian revival sparked during the Jesus People Movement. Aiming to fuel the flame of the same type of revival, Biola University will host a new annual Bible conference — ...

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Defying the experts and media, percentage of Americans identifying as ‘Evangelical’ rises

As sociologists and pollsters continue to study the interaction of faith and politics, a new poll is turning heads. More white Americans identified as born again or evangelical during the Trump administration, ...

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Census data point to rebound in number of two-parent families

The traditional two-parent family is making a comeback, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. In the mid-2000’s, only about two-thirds of families included both mother and father in the home, ...

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Effort seeks to cover Japan in prayer during Olympics

japan prayer

Christian organizations around the world are partnering to cover Japan with 1 million hours of prayer during the 30 days of the 2021 Olympic and Paralympic games. “Japan1Million,” a movement started by ...

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Just 40 percent who normally attend Easter services will do so Sunday

easter services

The arrival of the pandemic caused major disruptions to Easter services at many churches in 2020. Although churchgoers say they now are more comfortable with attending live services, many still plan to ...

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Beth Moore discusses decision to leave Baptist denomination

moore baptist ukraine pray

Christian leaders are responding to the departure from the Southern Baptist denomination by respected author and Bible teacher Beth Moore. Born Wanda Elizabeth in 1957, her departure was intensely covered in the ...

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Largest Protestant adoption agency opens services to include LGBTQ parents

The nation’s largest Protestant adoption agency is facing criticism for recently opening adoptions to LGBTQ parents. The ministry has been adopting to LGBTQ families in Michigan since May 2019, after the state ...

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Lack of biblical knowledge threatens the church and young people

A lack of biblical literacy is one of the greatest threats to the church and young people, an evangelical says. “Beyond all theological differences, financial problems and political questions, our biggest problem ...

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