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Hawley, other leaders criticize Obama over remarks about evangelical Hispanics

hawley health obama party

Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley is among the Christian leaders who are responding to former President Barack Obama and his remarks about evangelical Hispanics who voted for Donald Trump. “Ah yes, those Hispanic ...

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Biden had less evangelical support than Clinton did in 2016, poll finds

White evangelical support for the Democratic presidential candidate dropped from 2016 to this year, according to research by the Faith & Freedom Coalition. Eighty-one percent of self-identified white evangelicals voted for President ...

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200 evangelical leaders sign letter calling for peace following elections

As Americans await the outcome of the presidential election, more than 200 evangelical leaders are encouraging communities to rise above political partisanship and societal divisions to live out the gospel by pursuing ...

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President Trump reveals he is now a ‘non-denominational’ Christian

President Trump, who has allied himself closely with evangelicals but spoken little of his personal faith, released a new statement of his religious identification. Having been confirmed into the Presbyterian Church as a ...

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Most Americans don’t see Democratic candidates as very religious


Religion has been a topic of conversation during the Democratic presidential primary, and some candidates have pointed out how their religious beliefs have shaped their political positions. But Americans don’t consider the Democratic candidates ...

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How can you follow Jesus and support Donald Trump?

Like many, I’m perplexed by the divide in the Christian community over President Trump — but I’m not surprised. The media is fueling lies, and the world is listening. This was demonstrated ...

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25 Best-selling Evangelical books of 2019 listed

The top 25 Christian books of 2019 include some well-known names and some new authors. One of the books has been a top seller for 16 years and remains on the list ...

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Average sermon length determined by type of church

Many people heard a sermon for the first time in a long during the Christmas season. How long the service lasted depends upon the type of church, according to a new survey ...

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Missionary couple sets goal: Share the Gospel 2,020 times by 2020

It’s a hefty goal: share the Gospel 2,020 times by the fall of 2020. It’s an even loftier goal when following these conditions: The entire Gospel story should be presented, not just ...

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New book from Paula White divides evangelical leaders

Paula White, a spiritual advisor to President Donald Trump and former pastor of New Destiny Christian Center, is no stranger to controversy. Like many pastors who attain national attention, she has been ...

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Cuba ramps up crackdown on evangelical pastors


Authorities in Cuba on Sunday (July 14) refused to allow the national presidents of two Christian denominations to board their flight to Washington, D.C., for a religious freedom event, sources said, according ...

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Egypt legalizes 127 churches in positive move

A sweeping move by Egyptian authorities is being celebrated by religious rights activists. A government committee has approved 127 churches which were previously being run in an illegal capacity under the country’s ...

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‘What are these people smoking?’ Franklin Graham calls out Taylor students for attacking Mike Pence


Franklin Graham is calling out some Christian university students and alumni who are viciously attacking Vice President Mike Pence after he was announced as the commencement speaker for Taylor University. Fox News reports ...

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Christian education initiative sounds alarm on public schools

A new coalition of evangelical leaders in the education space just announced a campaign to promote Christian education, all while educating parents and pastors on the dangers that government schools present to ...

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Washington tells church: Pay for abortion coverage or break the law

An evangelical church is suing the state of Washington over a new law requiring employers to cover abortion in insurance plans if those policies also cover maternity.   Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) ...

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China uses dynamite to destroy well-known megachurch

china dynamite

Chinese authorities have blown up with dynanmite a well-known Christian megachurch, inflaming . Witnesses and overseas activists said the paramilitary People’s Armed Police used dynamite and excavators to destroy the Golden Lampstand ...

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Could invite for Abu Dhabi prince to visit Israel lead to peace?

It has been over 40 years since an Arab nation has signed a peace agreement with Israel. Some are hoping that Abu Dhabi may be the next and are encouraging dialogue between ...

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Christmas Eve busy time for churches across America

At the nondenominational, multi-campus Faith Church in Missouri, Christmas Eve will be the culmination of a long weekend of creative celebration focused on family, Christ and saving souls. “Each service is another opportunity to ...

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Top Dem blasts Christian voters: They only ‘buy’ what they hear from pulpit

Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez warned last week that Democrats need to come up with a “broader communications strategy” in order to reach Christian voters who “buy” what they are being ...

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Analysis: Yeah, you need to go to church

It’s hardly fair to blame evangelical churches for not teaching sound theology to someone who never darkens its door. Last week I wrote a piece that highlighted the stunning results from Ligonier Ministries’ and ...

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Latino Evangelical leader’s immigration fix


The president of the nation’s largest Latino evangelical organization says an immigration deal is possible in the new Congress – in part because of his working relationship with President Trump and House ...

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Brazil elects their own “Trump” partly due to Christian vote

Brazil has elected conservative Congressman Jair Bolsonaro as their new president, and evangelical Christians played a major role in his victory. His election reflected widespread anger at the political class after years ...

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Australia may move embassy to Jerusalem

Australia may be the next country to officially move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted about his meeting with Australia’s prime minister and his openness to ...

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Australia gets first Evangelical Prime Minister

In a country where just over half say they’re Christian, Australia now has a believer in office. Scott Morrison, the country’s new prime minister, brings something extra to the country’s highest position ...

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