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The Bible and our cussing culture


Think for a moment about the words you’ve spoken in the last hour, the last day, the last week. Have the words of your mouth (those you’ve spoken out loud, those you’ve ...

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“There is revival in the LGBT community,” says Pulse nightclub survivor who accepted Christ

nightclub survivor

Luis Ruiz heard the gunshots, smelled the gun powder, and felt sheer terror as a muslim gunman brutally mowed down 49 people inside Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, FL in June ...

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Christian college student sang ‘Jesus Loves Me” before she died


DeEbony Groves, the 21-year-old Christian college student shot dead at a Waffle House, sang “Jesus Loves Me” shortly before she died. Groves was murdered with three others in an April 22 shooting ...

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NFL Cheerleader Claims She Was Discriminated Against for Her Faith and Virginity

A former cheerleader for the Miami Dolphins has filed a legal complaint, claiming she was discriminated against by both the NFL and her team for her Christian faith and commitment to virginity until ...

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Barbara Bush’s last words to son Jeb revealed

First lady Barbara Bush used her last words with son Jeb Bush to talk about Jesus Christ before she died last week. “Jeb, I believe in Jesus and he is my savior,” she ...

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Pilot that landed plane is Christian with KC connection

southwestern airlines

A former Kansas City area woman is being hailed as a hero as the pilot who successfully landed a passenger jet with one engine. Southwest flight 1380, bound for Dallas, began normally ...

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Can a horror movie have a Christian theme? The Quiet Place will surprise you

horror film

So you’ve grown up but still love the thrill of the old-fashioned horror film. It’s almost impossible to find one these days that doesn’t tear at your personal values. Horror films are ...

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Gracia Burnham hated herself more than her terrorist captors

faith, hate, prayer, captivity

During her long captivity in the dense Philippine jungle, Kansan Gracia Burnham came to realize she hated herself. “The hardest thing for me was seeing myself for what I really was. When ...

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Christian teen endures bullying by YouTube personality


In a video titled, “Crazy Girl Obsessed With Jesus,” a popular YouTube personality, Cinnamon Toast Ken, relentlessly bullies Emma Mae Jenkins, mocking her appearance and scoffing at her religious convictions. Endure the ...

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‘Paul’ director says new movie is true to scripture

bible stories

Filmmaker Andrew Hyatt understands why Christians are hesitant to trust Bible-based films out of Hollywood. As he acknowledges, the track record hasn’t been so great. That’s why – ahead of the release of ...

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The Other Holy Land: My Journey Across Jordan

The sun set behind the glowing amber hills of Wadi Rum in Jordan. It’s a vast and ancient desert that stretches across the Arabian Peninsula. We rounded a mountain-sized outcropping of stone ...

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Hearings to be held on Adoption Protection Act

Faith-based adoption agencies in Kansas have been helping children find their forever homes for more than 60 years. Today, their ability to help kids is threatened. In 2006, Catholic Charities was forced ...

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Man behind Chiefs mascot mask testifies at Prayer Breakfast

Before the Apostle Paul could write a substantial portion of the New Testament, God had to get his attention in a dramatic way on the road to Damascus. Dan Meers, the man who ...

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TNT Sports Broadcaster, Ernie Johnson, talks faith

Ernie Johnson, one of America’s top sports broadcasters, has become one of the industry’s top faith voices as well. Johnson is profiled in the new issue of Fellowship of Christian Athletes magazine where ...

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Actor Chris Pratt worships at concert

Actor Chris Pratt took, famous for his Guardians of the Galaxy roles, had a bigger role in worshiping the Creator of the Universe this week when he attended Christian singer Zach Williams’ ...

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NFL’s Benjamin Watson says God is not a vending machine

benjamin roe unborn watson

National Football League tight end Benjamin Watson has some harsh words for how America treats God. The 37-year-old free agent, who played last season with the Baltimore Ravens, appeared on Fox News this ...

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Trump makes impassioned plea at National Prayer Breakfast

In his second appearance at the annual National Prayer Breakfast, President Trump steered clear of partisan politics and instead made an impassioned plea that the nation rely on God. “America’s a nation ...

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Oprah’s ‘gospel’ | Entertainment mogul preaches ‘many paths’ to God

Oprah Winfrey is such a big star that we know her by one name, like Elvis, Madonna or Bono. She rules an entertainment empire worth nearly $1 billion. And she has a ...

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USA Hockey player to take her faith to Olympics

USA Hockey’s Gigi Marvin Taking Faith and Strength of Jesus to 2018 Olympics. ‘It’s About Sharing Christ and Leading Others to Him’. KANSAS CITY, Mo.—For the U.S. athletes gearing up for the Olympic ...

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U.K. remembers persecuted Christians

Parliament, churches light up red to raise awareness for martyred believers being persecuted around the world. (WNS)–On Nov. 22, the British Houses of Parliament and more than 30 churches and schools, mostly in ...

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Tacket hopes to change minds with ‘Is Genesis History?’

Del Tackett knows he can’t convince everyone that the events described in Genesis are literally true. But he does hope that naysayers who watch his new documentary — Is Genesis History? — ...

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You Visited Me In Prison

Faith groups partnering with states to help make released convicts productive citizens.   Jesus’ words in Matthew 25:36 are among the most quoted from the New Testament: “I was in prison and ...

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Michael Phelps reveals he once considered suicide and how a friend saved him

“There is a power greater than myself and there is a purpose for me on this planet” Michael Phelps is a household name for Team USA, one many Americans associate with hard ...

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‘A Lawyer’s Case for His Faith’ is an easy, and important read

An ardent atheist became a defender of the Christian faith. Kansas City-area attorney and author, Jim Jacob, has written about it in his new book, A Lawyer’s Case for His Faith. Self-published ...

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Church makes forgiveness center of ministry

The congregation of Maywood Baptist Church in Independence understands forgiveness, and members have made it the center of their ministry. “Maywood’s leaders chose to relate to our changing community on its own ...

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