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Tag Archives: genesis

Holocaust memorial event and “Living in a World at War” seminar this weekend

station holocaust war

Do you feel you’re in the midst of a battle? Images of protests, war, and hostages may seem far away but they can affect us in very personal ways. Two events will ...

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Why “Barbie” director is wrong choice to direct “Narnia” reboot

barbie narnia

Many people are excited by the news that “Barbie” director Greta Gerwig will be directing the first two “Narnia” movies for Netflix, but a look at her filmography shows she is the wrong ...

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Shanah tovah, or happy New Year! The importance of the lunar calendar

L’shanah Tovah to all! That’s Happy New Year! This week is Rosh Hashanah, or New Year, for the Jewish community. Marking the passage of a time and a new year is important. ...

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Hobby Lobby sues Oxford professor for $7 million over stolen Bible fragments

Hobby Lobby is suing a former Oxford professor for $7 million for selling stolen ancient Bible fragments. Dirk Obbink, a 64-year-old professor of papyrology at Oxford, sold fragments of papyrus and ancient ...

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Seminar offered clarity, hope on sexuality issues

As the old saying goes, when all else fails, try reading the instructions. This is especially true for human sexuality issues in today’s culture. “We find ourselves very confused in 2019,” said ...

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Tacket hopes to change minds with ‘Is Genesis History?’

Del Tackett knows he can’t convince everyone that the events described in Genesis are literally true. But he does hope that naysayers who watch his new documentary — Is Genesis History? — ...

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