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Tag Archives: middle-class

Good News: Air Pollution has plummeted since 1980

In June, as wildfires ravaged Canada, the Northeastern United States experienced heavy air pollution problems from the smoke. The out-of-control fires and subsequent pollution are a tragedy, certainly. But the fact that a ...

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Nation’s culture wars have religious underpinnings, Sen. Josh Hawley says

sen hawley

Many progressives have made a religion out of climate change, Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley told talk show host Tucker Carlson. “I think what’s really going on here with the Biden administration is ...

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$1 now worth just 88 cents while Biden claims inflation has risen “hardly at all”

88 cents

$1 at the start of the Biden administration is now worth just 88 cents. The devastating news for millions of families comes as the Federal Reserve again raises interest rates to stem ...

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The collectivist horrors against Ukraine by Russia are unmatched in its history

collectivist ukraine

During Ukraine’s long history, there have been no shortages of geopolitical manipulations against the Ukrainian people. Long before the current conflict, they can be seen in the Russo-Turkish Wars and Catherine the Great’s settling ...

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Where does your state compare to those with highest tax rates?

A new report lists the states with the lowest and highest tax rates. A survey by WalletHub  found that four blue and one red state topped the list. Illinois came in as ...

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Trump unveils economic plan to provide opportunities for black communities

President Donald Trump is expanding his 4-year effort to help black Americans prosper. The Black Economic Empowerment Platinum Plan commits $500 billion to inner-city areas. It is a follow-up to policies instituted ...

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Bernie Sanders refuses to say how he’ll pay for $32 trillion ‘Medicare for All’

Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is refusing to release a plan showing how he’d pay for Medicare for All. The elderly candidate who recently suffered a heart attack, responded to criticism by saying, “I ...

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News Briefs: Biden’s brother sued for fraud; Missouri pro-life law partially blocked; Democrats and ‘luxury’ taxes

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Companies sue Joe Biden’s brother for fraud Biden, the brother of presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden, told potential business partners that their health care startups could get more business through ...

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Study: Churches are real force behind the American dream

What is the state of the American Dream? Is it alive and well or dying? The answer depends on who you ask, but new research shows at the heart of whether a ...

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GOOD NEWS: World poverty rates are dropping

Poverty rates around the world are falling dramatically, especially in the last few years but there’s still much work to be done. While the United States experiences record growth, global economic prospects ...

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