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Tag Archives: republicans

Ginsburg falls and is admitted to hospital

Venerable U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been hospitalized after a serious fall in her office. The court made the announcement Thursday morning (Nov. 8). The 85-year-old liberal justice fell Wednesday night ...

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George Soros racks up two victories in Missouri


The influence of George Soros was just too strong for Air Force Veteran Saundra McDowell, a political newcomer and first time candidate. The Republican mom and Christian mounted a very strong grassroots ...

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Blue wave disappears as Republicans gain in Senate, oust incumbents

In what could still be considered a stunning defeat, Democrats took control of the House without the “blue wave” that was projected to sweep Republicans from power in state governorships, the Senate ...

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Poll: Americans blame media for divided country

A new poll from Morning Consult shows that more voters blame the media for a divided country than voters the political parties or President Trump: 64 percent of registered voters said the ...

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‘Blue wave’ disappears as GOP voters surge

Early voting turnout data from six key battleground states suggest a surge for the Republican party as President Donald Trump ramps up campaign rally appearances across the country ahead of the Nov. ...

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Has the Kavanaugh Battle Vindicated Trump Voters?

Democrats’ willingness to go low demonstrates why so many Republicans believed they needed someone who would fight dirty. There were many points of contention that divided Donald Trump voters from other Republicans ...

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Senate committee votes to advance Kavanaugh to full Senate

On a partisan 11-10 vote, the Senate Judiciary Committee has voted to support Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. All of the committee’s Republicans voted in favor of recommending Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination while ...

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New Gallup poll refutes media hopes of November bloodbath


A Gallup poll shows forty-five percent of Americans now have a favorable view of the Republican Party, a nine-point gain from last September’s 36%. It is the party’s most positive image since ...

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Democrats look at Kavanaugh’s high school days

In a last ditch effort to derail what is seen as the likely confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Democrats are saying they have the goods in an  “anonymous” letter. ...

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Pence: voters should know what’s at stake

WASHINGTON – Vice President Mike Pence has explained to the Christian Broadcasting Network why he is “very confident” the news for conservatives and the Nov. elections isn’t as bad as the media reports. ...

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Republicans tackle extreme candidate who won MO primary


First it was socialists and Marxists winning Democrat primaries over the summer and again this week. Now, Missouri Republican leaders are condemning an extreme candidate that came from no where to win ...

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Republican Senator opposes any pro-life Supreme Court nominee


U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, a key swing vote for the next U.S. Supreme Court nominee, said she will not support a judge who opposes Roe v. Wade and abortion. Collins, a pro-abortion Republican from ...

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Tuesday’s primaries show democrat “blue wave” not happening

The results in Tuesday’s primaries in eight states are an early indication that President Trump’s “America First” agenda and accomplishments are winning the support of the American people. This is good news ...

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GOP wins in Arizona but how will Republican exodus affect the issues?

After a string of Democrat victories in early special elections across the country received wide coverage, last night’s GOP victory in Arizona is being downplayed by liberal news pundits today. Former Arizona ...

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