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Tag Archives: sharing

Israel bill against evangelizing sparks widespread opposition

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is rejecting a proposed law that would criminalize sharing the Gospel in Israel. The bill, supported by members of the ultra-Orthodox United Torah Judaism party, would punish ...

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Netflix sharing crackdown expands to four more countries

netflix drops sharing crackdown

Netflix this week expanded its crackdown on sharing to Canada, Portugal, New Zealand, and Spain, the company stated in a blog post. The move comes after it tested the plan in Latin ...

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Christians feel ill-equipped to share their faith

christians faith

An average of just 1 in 3 Christians say they’ve had a conversation with a stranger or even someone they know about their faith. But, according to a new study by Lifeway, ...

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Netflix loses historic number of subscribers from sharing, boycott

netflix drops sharing crackdown

Boycotts, account sharing, and streaming competition has led Netflix to lose subscribers for the first time in over a decade. The streaming service made the announcement to investors on April 19. It ...

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Missouri woman shares vision of heaven after near-death experience


A Missouri woman has shared that she was declared dead, went to heaven and came back to tell her story. She was recently interviewed by Christian broadcaster CBN and local media on ...

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Federal lawsuit filed against Christian health care sharing ministry            

A company purporting to be a Christian health care sharing ministry has scammed people and failed to provide coverage, according to a new lawsuit. Aliera Companies and Trinity Healthshare has been charged ...

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Topeka small businesses want to help those affected by the coronavirus

small businesses

Now that we are all “social distancing,” it’s obvious from time spent on social media (what else can we do?) that many small businesses in Topeka are hurting. From restaurants and bars ...

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Avoid arguments at Thanksgiving, point others to Christ

thanksgiving christ

As Thanksgiving approaches, you are likely to be surrounded by a few (or maybe many) family members who you would love to see trust in Christ. However, when conversations about the Savior ...

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