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Tag Archives: taxes

Get ready for taxes: Important things to know about refunds

  As tax filing season approaches, the Internal Revenue Service cautions taxpayers not to rely on receiving their refunds by a certain date, especially when making major purchases or paying bills. Some ...

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State senator criticizes Parson’s position to accept more refugees

accept refugees

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson recently announced that the state is willing to accept refugees. That position is not sitting well with at least one state senator who sees it as a burden ...

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Dave Says: Should you have renter’s insurance?

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Need some financial advice? Debt and income crisis? Pay off the house mortgage first? Check cashing? Taxes? Credit Cards? Check out what folks are asking Dave Ramsey.   Dear Dave, We just helped ...

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The 401(k) / IRA IQ Quiz: How safe is your retirement?

While we all love the season of giving, there is one place that many are likely giving far more than they should: the Internal Revenue Service. As we’ve pointed out in our ...

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Dave Says: The partnership, not the family, is the problem

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Need some financial advice? Debt and income crisis? Pay off the house mortgage first? Check cashing? Taxes? Credit Cards? Check out what folks are asking Dave Ramsey.   Dear Dave, My two brothers-in-law ...

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President repeals church ‘parking lot tax’

President Trump has signed the repeal of a tax law Congress passed that penalized churches and non-profits that had parking lots. The “parking lot tax” was an unintended aspect of the 2017 ...

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The ‘7% guaranteed’ annuity myth

One of the most common things I see when someone comes into our office for the first time if they own or have been pitched an annuity is the belief that the ...

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Need to amend a tax return? Here’s what you should know

Taxpayers may discover an error after filing their taxes. They shouldn’t panic, they just need to correct it by filing an amended tax return. Here are some common reasons to file an ...

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401(k) Plan Owners: Watch Out

If you are a 401(k) plan owner, imagine how you would feel if you were on a sinking cruise ship and couldn’t get off because there weren’t any life jackets or backup ...

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Several local communities rank high in survey of family-friendly Missouri cities

Missouri boasts a number of great places to raise a family, but its two largest cities are not among them. Kansas City ranked 71st in a recent WalletHub survey, while St. Louis ...

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Dave Says – Helping is often more than just giving

dave ramsey

Need some financial advice? Debt and income crisis? Pay off the house mortgage first? Check cashing? Taxes? Credit Cards? Check out what folks are asking Dave Ramsey.   Helping is often more than ...

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Do you need help with your IRS problem?

The first IRS problem would be if you have not filed tax returns for several years.  After 3 years, the taxpayer will not get his refund if one is due him. The ...

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Citizen Donald Trump joins 1 million fleeing New York region

U.S. President Donald Trump has officially changed his official residence and is leaving the high-tax state of New York. Trump confirmed news reports in a series of tweets, saying he has decided ...

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Beneficiary mistakes can cost a fortune

Beneficiary designations are important in determining where certain assets of an estate will end up. Many think that a will or trust is what determines where everything goes. This is not necessarily ...

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Bernie Sanders refuses to say how he’ll pay for $32 trillion ‘Medicare for All’

Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is refusing to release a plan showing how he’d pay for Medicare for All. The elderly candidate who recently suffered a heart attack, responded to criticism by saying, “I ...

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Panel says hyperloop test track in Missouri could cost $500 million


Will Missourians support the controversial hyperloop linking the state’s two largest cities? That’s the hope of a blue ribbon panel charged with investigating the idea. An announcement Monday afternoon by House Speaker ...

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Democrat-run Illinois to impose car tax on trade-ins

Car dealers may have a busy New Year’s Eve if Illinois residents try to beat a significant sales tax expansion on vehicle trade-ins that starts in 2020. The state currently collects no ...

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Democrat presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke vows to go after churches with traditional view of marriage

Churches that teach traditional biblical values may be breathing a sigh of relief that Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke is trailing badly in the Democratic presidential primaries. He made headlines last week by ...

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Dave Says – You don’t fake poor

Need some financial advice? Debt and income crisis? Pay off the house mortgage first? Check cashing? Taxes? Credit Cards? Check out what folks are asking Dave Ramsey.   You don’t fake poor Dear ...

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What are Enrolled Agents and how can they help you?

Enrolled Agents are tax professionals licensed to represent taxpayers before the IRS.  The Enrolled Agent designation dates back to 1884, when many taxpayers were victimized by unscrupulous representatives when claiming losses in ...

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Getting the taxman out of your retirement — Part 2

Last month, in part one of this article, we discussed how you might be in a lower tax bracket in retirement, but pay a higher tax rate. In this article, we’ll look ...

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Dave Says – Getting motivated

dave ramsey

Need some financial advice? Debt and income crisis? Pay off the house mortgage first? Check cashing? Taxes? Credit Cards? Check out what folks are asking Dave Ramsey.   Getting motivated Dear Dave, My ...

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News Briefs: Biden’s brother sued for fraud; Missouri pro-life law partially blocked; Democrats and ‘luxury’ taxes

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Companies sue Joe Biden’s brother for fraud Biden, the brother of presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden, told potential business partners that their health care startups could get more business through ...

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Getting the taxman out of your retirement — Part 1

One of the most overlooked, but perhaps most important, aspects of retirement income planning is taxes and how they relate to Social Security. Taxation on Social Security benefits works differently than other ...

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Local officials learning tax hikes doom consumer spending

City and county officials in Johnson County recently told the Kansas City Star they are ‘puzzled’ by sluggish sales tax collections and consumer spending. They shouldn’t be.  Local officials should realize the obvious. Kansans ...

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