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Tag Archives: Technology

Israel to assist in scanning river for Holocaust victims

For the first time since the end of WWII, a search is beginning for Jews killed and thrown into the Danube River in Hungary. The move is at the behest of Interior ...

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Is China’s control of 5G speeds a Pearl Harbor for US?

Communist China is determined to control fifth-generation wireless technology (5G) networks, posing a threat to American telecommunication firms and raising national-security concerns. To win the next-generation mobile race, the U.S. government has ...

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Solar-powered Bible makes God’s word available to billions


Leading The Way’s solar-powered Navigator audio devices are reaching young people for Christ in the world’s largest Muslim nation. Founded and led by Christians, Harapan Children’s Centre* is seeing a remarkable response among their pupils ...

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Love of the typewriter shows in ‘Type-Out’


Kevin Kittle states that his love of the venerable typewriter began early.  “I didn’t like handwriting as a boy,” he begins.  “And because my parents owned a print shop, typewriters were readily ...

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Free seminar explores investment in Israel the ‘start-up-nation’

“A reform happens when you change the policy of the government; a revolution happens when you change the mind-set of a country,” said author Dan Senor in his book Start-up Nation: The ...

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‘Moses’ will break kidney, bladder stones


Millions of people experience the excruciating pain of kidney and bladder stones. Anyone who has had kidney stones knows the acute pain — sometimes compared to that of women in labor — ...

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As a dad, Kirk Cameron tackles kids and smartphones

When Kirk Cameron was a teenager starring in the nation’s number one sitcom “Growing Pains,” smart phones were still over a decade away. Metro Voice caught up with the veteran actor turned ...

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Top 5 uncommon phone apps every Christian needs

Are you looking for the best Christian apps for your smartphone or tablet? If yes, then you came to the right place. I personally use different applications that help me with my ...

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Teens prefer texting vs. talking in person

Text messaging is now the most popular form of communication among teenagers, according to a survey conducted by Common Sense. Teenagers overwhelmingly preferred in-person communication six years ago, with almost 1 in 2 saying ...

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American taxpayers on hook for California high-speed rail

What has already become known as California’s boondoggle, the high-speed rail project is reportedly getting even more pricey. Eventually connecting 8 of the 10 largest cities in California, the project now faces ...

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Consumers fear tech will increase loneliness

It’s hard to know what the future will bring, but a majority of US consumers think that five decades from now, we’ll all be overly dependent on tech and spend less time ...

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Apple to launch cheaper laptop

Some consider it the standard in laptops. Now Apple will release a new low-cost MacBook Air laptop and a professional-focused upgrade to the Mac mini desktop later this year. The move is seen ...

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Your next text may be from an online scammer

Internet scam artists are moving beyond your email inbox to target your text messages as well. “SMiShing,” also known as SMS Phishing, continues to loot information from busy and unaware consumers despite ...

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What are top searches in Bible Gateway App?

What are the top 10 keyword searches on a popular Bible app? How about the top five Bible verses searched and shared by its users are. On its 25th anniversary, the online scripture ...

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Israel will become only 4th nation to land on the Moon

YEHUD, Israel — Israel continues to push the boundaries of science and technology, this time reaching all the way to the Moon. An Israeli company said today that it hopes to become ...

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International Israeli media summit is eye-opener for Metro Voice


Israeli entrepreneurship seems to be having a remarkable impact on the world. But how do secular and faith-based media perceive the nation and its many accomplishments? This was one of the main ...

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Are Bible apps dumbing us down?

According to a report released by LifeWay Research, 53 percent of Americans rarely, if ever, read scripture. One in 10 Americans have never read the Bible, and 13 percent have only read ...

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Apple investors seek stronger iPhone parental controls

With more and more tech giants bowing to public and investor relations to be good “citizens” the attention has now turned to Apple. Two major Apple investors have asked the tech giant ...

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Keeping up with technology

Learned some interesting statistics about technology and accessing the web. Mobile Device Web Browsing is expected to overtake desktop browsing worldwide in 2015 (it already happened in the U.S. this past summer). ...

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More donated technology available to organizations

TechSoup Global distributed $37 million worth of technology products to nearly 10,000 religious organizations last year — now offers more products to additional recipients SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (Christian News Service) — TechSoup Global, ...

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