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Tag Archives: trump

Ambassador says new Peace Plan preserves the Biblical heartland

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman is optimistic about a new peace plan between Israel and Arabs living in the areas of Judea and Samaria – known as the “West Ban.”  Some ...

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In amazing show of support, Arab nations send ambassadors to peace plan unveiling

Peace between Israel and Palestinians living in the Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria, known as the West Bank, has been elusive for 75 years. On Tuesday President Donald Trump released a ...

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Grace in the New Year

As 2020 begins, let me offer up something for all — show more grace. I can offer grace and hope you can do the same. Remember too that you don’t know what ...

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Virus spreads, U.S. to begin evacuation


As the number of Chinese citizens quarantined rises to 56 million, the United States government has announced it is rapidly working on an evacuation of American citizens from Wuhan. That city is the ...

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Trump makes history by speaking at March for Life

President Reagan? No. How about President Bush? Father or son? No. President Obama? Well, no. It was President Donald Trump who made history by becoming the first president to ever appear at ...

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Jay Sekulow says it’s no accident he is defending President Trump in impeachment trail

Attorney Jay Sekulow has taken center stage in President Trump’s impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate. His career has followed a winding path to the pinnacle of power, according to a Religion ...

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Watch President Trump live at the March for Life at 12 Noon, 11 Central today

As reported by Metro Voice just minutes after it was announced, President Donald Trump will make history today by being the first U.S. President to appear in person and speak at the ...

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Trump will appear in person at National March for Life on Friday

President Donald Trump will become the first president to address in person the annual March for Life in Washington D.C.  The announcement came Thursday evening and was quickly praised by pro-life groups ...

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Today is Sanctity of Human Life Day

Pro-life organizations and individuals are commemorating Jan. 22 as National Sanctity of Human Life Day.  President Donald J. Trump made the official designation on Tuesday. READ: Here is the President’s proclamation “On ...

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President Trump’s proclamation of Sanctity of Human Life Day

On January 21, President Donald Trump declared Jan. 22 as Sanctity of Human Life Day. Below is the proclamation in its entirety.   Every person — the born and unborn, the poor, ...

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Here’s the 411 on the key players and process in impeachment

Even with wall-to-wall coverage of the impeachment on television, Americans have responded with a collective yawn as ratings lagged. But for those interested, here’s a list of the who, what, when and ...

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Former Iranian hostages pen letter of thanks to President Trump


[Editor’s note: In 1979 Kevin Hermening, Michael H. Howland, David M. Roeder and Rodney “Rocky” Sickmann were among the 52 Americans hostages held by the Revolutionary Guard after the U.S. Embassy was ...

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State senator criticizes Parson’s position to accept more refugees

accept refugees

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson recently announced that the state is willing to accept refugees. That position is not sitting well with at least one state senator who sees it as a burden ...

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Dr. Martin Luther King’s niece challenges Christians to pursue his dream

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As the nation pauses to remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., his dream is alive and well. “Even though widespread conflict and mutual distrust abound; we still have a dream,” said his ...

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Students talk to President about religious discrimination


While it was virtually ignored in the news this week, students, teachers, coaches and religious freedom activists with diverse faith backgrounds visited the White House to talk about religious discrimination and intimidation. ...

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Michelle Obama’s school lunch rules off the menu

school lunch

One of the Obama administration’s most unpopular policies was its meddling in the school lunch menus of millions of students. While Michelle Obama’s goals of improved nutrition were laudable, schools found it ...

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Trump’s Approval Index reaches 51% the day after Pelosi signs Impeachment Articles

On Thursday – the day after Democrats delivered impeachment articles to the Senate – Donald Trump’s Presidential Approval Index rating hit 51% for the first time in nine months, Rasmussen Reports’ Daily ...

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Report: Historic decline in drug overdose deaths

Are Trump administration policies having a positive impact on lowering drug overdose deaths? For the first time in nearly three decades, the deaths resulting from drug overdose in the United States have ...

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Pentagon gets request to build 300 miles of border security wall

The construction of the security wall along the Mexican border could ramp up quickly after the Department of Homeland Security sent a request to the Pentagon this week. The expectation is that ...

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President’s proclamation on Religious Freedom Day 2020

President Trump has issued a proclamation in honor of Religious Freedom Day. The proclamation may be read below in its entirety.   January 15, 2020 Religious Freedom Day, 2020 – – – ...

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Guatemala to get $1 billion investment to improve economy, security

The best way to decrease illegal immigration, say many, is to produce economic incentives and better security for migrants to stay in their own country. The Trump administration announced late Wedesday it ...

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Trump admin asks Supreme Court for help over immigration

In an emergency request to the nation’s highest court, the Trump administration has asked for assistance in how it interprets and administers immigration laws. The Supreme Court is being asked to lift ...

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Rockets again fired at Iraq military base

As Iranian protests against the Ayatollah and their president spread, the Islamic regime may be trying to divert attention with more rockets fired in Iraq. On Sunday rocket rained down on the ...

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Furious Iranians protest their government over jetliner downing

As Iranians continue to pour into the streets to protest their government downing of a Ukrainian jetliner, the United States has expressed its support for them. President Donald Trump and American diplomats ...

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Disney producer: ‘we’re trying to make this demon realm a part of Disney’

disney demon

The Disney company is releasing a new cartoon about a teenager who, in their words, “finds herself stuck in the Demon Realm and battles the forces of evil alongside a rebellious witch and ...

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