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Tag Archives: Communion

Biden angers Christians with sign of cross at pro-abortion rally

biden cross president stupidity

Pro-life Christians were outraged this week when President Joe Biden made the sign of the cross at a pro-abortion rally in Florida. He made the ostensibly pious gesture in Tampa while Florida Democratic ...

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Families at local Lutheran church harvest grapes for communion wine

lutheran wine

While other area churches may have been celebrating communion on Sunday morning, members of Hosanna! Lutheran Church in Liberty were preparing for future communion services. Families joined together to harvest grapes that ...

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Biden says Roe v. Wade agrees with “mainstream religions”

President Joe Biden has weighed in on the abortion debate by saying mainstream religions agree with Roe v. Wade and support taking the life of a pre-born child. “Roe says what all ...

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Despite few masks, no lockdowns or vaccine, Amish community thrives during Covid

amish covid

The Amish could teach the government a few lessons about how to cope with the Covid pandemic. The Amish community in Lancaster, Pa., (and Amish counties across the state) is making it ...

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Catholic bishops meet to discuss denying Biden communion

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will meet his week to discuss whether President Biden will be allowed to receive communion while promoting abortion until birth and forcing colleges to allow biological ...

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Kansas City archbishop leads debate on pro-abortion Catholic politicians

archbishop catholic

Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City is taking the lead as U.S. Catholic bishops debate their stance on Catholic politicians such as President Joe Biden who publicly support abortion. During their next ...

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Demand soars for special communion cups

The coronavirus outbreak is changing numerous things about how church services are held, right down to communion. Blessed Communion in Chicago, the world’s leading provider of individually sealed, prefilled communion cups, is ...

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High-ranking Catholic cardinal supports decision to deny communion to Joe Biden

Joe Biden continues to hold onto his lead in polling for the Democrat Party presidential nomination. However, his position on abortion may dampen the Catholic vote in the general election this fall ...

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Catholicism, commitment to Israel help define faith of Democrat Joe Biden

Although Elizabeth Warren and others are gaining momentum, former Vice President Joe Biden remains a weak frontrunner for the Democrat Party’s presidential nomination. As opposed to previous elections where most Democrat candidates ...

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South Carolina church denies communion to Joe Biden because of support for abortion

biden communion

“’I’m personally opposed to abortion but would never impose my views on someone else” has been a popular position among many politicians concerned about upsetting potential supporters. Straddling the fence is not ...

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How God showed up in America’s Moon mission


On July 20, 1969, man first touched the surface of another world when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon. Though conquering space certainly marked a triumph for science and ...

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The danger of religion in church

“Come on.  Let’s go!”  Every Sunday morning, including every Easter, since I was three years old all six of our family were rushing out the door to church.  In the early years, ...

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6 tips on joining a church community

Two years ago I moved to Denver.  I was pursuing the woman who is now my wife.  She was starting at Denver Seminary, pursuing a master’s degree in counseling.  I was working ...

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