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Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

White House coronavirus expert Dr. Birx says let churches meet and people vote in person


Churches in California and elsewhere that want to meet indoors have an ally in Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House Coronavirus Task Force coordinator. Birx told cable channel CBN News that she ...

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Democrat St. Louis couple who confronted protesters speak at Republican Convention


The St. Louis couple who made worldwide headlines in late June for defending their family from threats by Black Lives Matter protesters outside their home, spoke on the first night at the ...

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Nikki Haley, Herschel Walker wow viewers of Republican Convention

‘America, Land of Promise’: Republicans Celebrate Trump’s Achievements on First Republicans celebrated President Donald Trump’s first term achievements, and praised American ideals and freedoms on the first night of the Republican National Convention. From ...

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Commerce official drops the bomb: Tech companies need to stop editorializing or else

Google, Facebook, Twitter and other tech companies will lose their liability protections unless they stop editorializing and banning speech content according to a Commerce Department official. When a social media company “shapes and controls ...

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White supremacist Richard Spencer endorses Joe Biden

Newsweek is reporting comments by white nationalist Richard Spencer who says he is endorsing Democratic candidate Joe Biden in November’s election.  Spencer has denounced Trump. Spencer, who was one of the key ...

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Jerry Falwell Jr. releases letter revealing wife’s affair which led to his bad behavior

falwell jr

Jerry Falwell Jr. has released a letter explaining his highly criticized recent actions. The suspended president of Liberty University was recently the center of a string of embarrassing incidents and released a letter Sunday ...

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GOP Convention list of speakers includes Blacks who have left the Democrat Party


Republicans hold their convention this week and promise it will be in sharp contrast to that of the Democrat event, both in content and style. In a major shot across the bow, ...

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Special House session today will address rising crime rate in Missouri

The Missouri House will meet today in a special legislative session called by Gov. Mike Parson to address the state’s rising crime rate. Unlike the state Senate, the House has broken proposed ...

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President praises Evangelicals for support of historic Israel, UAE deal

President Donald Trump credits Evangelicals for supporting the breakthrough agreement to normalize relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. “It’s an incredible thing for Israel, (and) it’s incredible for the evangelicals, ...

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Missouri parents want schools to stop blocking their online access

Many families continue to evaluate their options as the new school year approaches. Earlier this week, several Missouri parents and the National Center for Public School Options testified before the state Joint ...

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Kansas City Chiefs ban face paint, headdresses that ‘appropriate’ Native American culture

Sports teams with Native American names continue to address criticism from activists with the Washington Redskins changing their name and the Cleveland Indians getting rid of their longtime mascot, Chief Wahoo. The ...

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Mike Huckabee praises launch of National Association of Christian Legislators

A new association of Christian elected officials has gained the support of Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor and presidential candidate. The National Association of Christian Lawmakers (NACL), which was founded by Arkansas ...

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Three ministries team up to sponsor Unite to Fight Poverty virtual concert

Many of the top names in Christian music will join forces to help children living in poverty because of COVID-19 and other natural disasters. World Vision, Compassion International and Food for the ...

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Family Research Council documents state funding of abortion industry


A new study by the Family Research Council gives Missouri and Kansas credit for attempting to defund the abortion industry but also points out where work remains to be done. Missouri has ...

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Smartphones get an ‘F’ for lowering student grades

It’s never been easier for the average student to find the answer to a tough question using a smartphone. Across the nation, teachers regularly battle the distraction smartphones provide. From social media ...

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Bipartisan network of Christian groups launches police reform initiative

A network of more than a dozen Christian groups is launching an initiative to address police reform. The Prayer & Action Justice Initiative — bringing together Black, Hispanic and Asian organizations along with groups ...

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Leaked audio now shows Goodyear lied in responding to policy

goodyear audio

Leaked audio now shows Goodyear executives lied when they denied the company was hindering the wearing of specific clothing with Blue Lives Matter slogans.The audio, which was secretly recorded by a Goodyear ...

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Kansas City-based AMC Theatres open this weekend with $5 tickets

The movie industry has been hard hit by the pandemic, with most theaters closed since last spring. AMC Theatres, which is based in Kansas City, reopened Thursday night in several area theaters ...

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Mail carrier sentenced for stealing, opening mail


Another incident dealing with a US mail carrier is giving voters doubts about mail-in voting. A contract carrier of the U.S. Postal service was sentenced Wednesday for stealing mail. U.S. District Judge ...

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World Mosquito Day highlights horrific death toll from insect bites

Mosquito bites will result in more than 700,000 deaths around the world this year — wiping out the equivalent of the entire population of Washington, D.C.. The World Health Organization says it ...

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Schools looking for space could turn to churches – doing so has a rich history

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Could places of worship ease the burden of schools looking to reopen while giving students space to social distance? Working with churches might not be such an outlandish suggestion. With space at ...

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How the sound of religion has changed in the pandemic


Things sound different in a lockdown. The silence of usually bustling streets, the two-tone whirr of ambulance sirens and the sudden awareness of birdsong, all formed an aural backdrop to the coronavirus ...

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Speculation grows as to the next Arab nation to sign Israel peace deal

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told American news outlets last week that he has been speaking with leaders from Arab countries in addition to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) following the American-mediated peace deal ...

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ClearPlay Netflix filter leads this month’s ‘5 Family-Friendly Things’

For fans of family-friendly movies, this summer included some bad news and some great news, all in the span of a few days. That’s where ClearPlay comes in. First, the bad news: ...

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“We Build the Wall” fundraiser of Steve Bannon was fraudulent say prosecutors

Steve Bannon pleaded not guilty after he was arrested and charged with fraud over his alleged involvement in an online scam that raised more than $25 million to help fund a privately ...

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