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Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

Trump and Putin issue statement on Elbe River meeting of armies in WWII

elbe river

Seventy-five years after American and Soviet troops met on the Elbe River in Germany on their way to defeat Nazi Germany, U.S. President Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin issued a joint statement on Saturday ...

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Attacked by Democrats for his support of Trump, black legislator vows to fight on

jones democrats

After being threatened by fellow Democrats and being forced to resign for his support of President Trump,  black Democrat and Georgia state legislator State Rep. Vernon Jones has decided to reverse his ...

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City drops ban on drive-in church after legal action

The Mississippi city that banned drive-in church services earlier this month due to the COVID-19 pandemic has issued a new order lifting the ban. The Greenville City Council lifted the ban after ...

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Here’s the reopening schedule with all 50 states as COVID-19 flattens

The debate whether the nation’s governors and mayors overstepped Constitutional boundaries will be debated for years. In fact, lawsuits charging unconstitutional restrictions of freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, have already ...

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Nearly 30 percent of Kansas City workers currently unemployed

Nearly three in 10 (or 316,000) Kansas City workers currently are unemployed, according to a new study by MoneyGeek. Statewide, Missouri had 52,678 jobless claims this week, and Kansas had 31,920. Thirty-seven ...

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Televangelist Jim Bakker faces bankruptcy after promoting fraudulent Covid-19 cure

bakker coronavirus ozarks

Televangelist Jim Bakker, who is based in Branson, told viewers this week that his ministry is facing bankruptcy unless they purchase his products. Credit card processors refused to work with Bakker after ...

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Famous museums offer virtual tours of amazing exhibits

Although art museums are closed across the country, many have opened their collection to the public through virtual exhibits. The Covid 19 “stay-at-home” order is the perfect time to visit local, national and ...

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Finding peace in the pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has caused disruptions in our lives at a level not experienced for generations. As a counselor, I have recently heard people describe feeling paralyzed, paranoid, hopeless, fearful about the ...

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Study: Coffee really does make dessert better

We now know why many people will pair a cup of coffee with their favorite dessert. A new study is lending some scientific credibility to the time-honored tradition of serving coffee after ...

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The amazing story of the Trump family Bible and its revival connection

trump bible

Could a Bible sitting in the Oval Office be America’s connection to a coming revival? The same Bible used during the inauguration ceremony of Donald Trump? The president and founder of Crown ...

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Zondervan publishes ‘Quran with Christian Commentary’ to help reach Muslims

Christian publisher Zondervan is releasing a study guide of Islam’s Quran to help Christians in their efforts to reach and teach Muslims. The new work will include the precise modern English translation ...

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Pope Francis blames ‘environmental sins’ for coronavirus

Environmental degradation is to blame for the coronavirus pandemic, according to Pope Francis, who is calling for a worldwide response to climate change. He made the remarks on the 50th anniversary of Earth ...

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Sister of Kim Jong-Un rises after he vanishes from public view

North Korean watchdog groups and media outlets are reporting on the possibility of Kim Yo-Jong, the sister of Kim Jong-Un, taking leadership role after the dictator has disappeared from public after recent ...

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President Trump redirects part of WHO funding to Samaritan’s Purse

Samaritan’s Purse will receive part of the money originally earmarked for the World Health Organization. President Donald Trump halted funding to the WHO earlier this month after arguing that the U.N. body ...

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High school students mock Auschwitz in ‘off to camp’ video

auschwitz off to camp

Two high school students in Minnesota apologized for posting a clip on a popular video-sharing app that pokes fun at Jews who were sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp. In the TikTok ...

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Missourians descend on State Capitol seeking end to stay-at-home order

Protestors frustrated by Missouri’s stay-at-home order took their message to the streets of Jefferson City outside the state capitol on Tuesday, StlToday.com reported. Many of the several hundred protesters waved the American ...

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EchoHealth providing KN95 masks to general public

Metro Voice has added a new sponsor. EchoHealth is a Kansas City-based company making KN95 masks available to the public during the coronavirus pandemic. The masks, which are registered with the FDA, ...

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FCA hosting virtual huddle up on Wednesday afternoons

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is hosting a virtual huddle up on Wednesday afternoons. The organization says it’s part of their effort to keep young athletes connected in a temporary era ...

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First US state sues Communist Chinese government over coronavirus

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt on Tuesday sued the Chinese government over the way it has handled the coronavirus pandemic. It is the first state to file such a suit, according to ...

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Federal lawsuit filed against Christian health care sharing ministry            

A company purporting to be a Christian health care sharing ministry has scammed people and failed to provide coverage, according to a new lawsuit. Aliera Companies and Trinity Healthshare has been charged ...

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Family Research Council documents erosion of religious freedom as pandemic continues

religious freedom pandemic

Several Christian organizations are expressing concern about how government health policies are encroaching on religious freedom guaranteed in the Constitution. In a newly released issue brief, “Restrictions on Religious Freedom During the ...

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Former Kansas City Chiefs Pellom McDaniels dead at 52

mcdaniels chiefs

Former Kansas City Chiefs defensive lineman Pellom McDaniels III  has died, the NFL Alumni organization announced Sunday. He was 52. “It is with great sadness that we share the news of the passing ...

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Nearly half of pastors hope to be back in churches by May

pastors churches may

Nearly half (47 percent) of pastors hope to be back in their churches by May, according to a new Barna survey. However, an increasing number are shifting their expectations to later this ...

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The ‘Squad’ wants $14,000 debit card for illegal immigrants

Unpopular Democrat Congresswoman Rep. Ilhan Omar has been joined by three other  Democrats, commonly referred to as “The Squad,” in calling for American taxpayers to pay out stimulus funds to illegal immigrants.  ...

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President Trump to suspend immigration to slow spread of COVID-19

President Donald Trump has announced he’ll sign an executive order temporarily suspending immigration into the United States in an effort to slow COVID-19. The administration is working out details on the suspension ...

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