Home / Dwight Widaman

Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

Judge blocks Obama rule that forced doctors to perform abortions

Those who value pre-born life are celebrating after a federal judge permanently blocked an Obama administration rule Tuesday that forced medical facilities and doctors to abort unborn babies. The rule from President ...

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Democrats partner with leftist groups to push impeachment in media


Congressional Democrats are actively working with radical, left-wing groups such as MoveOn.org to promote House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s unilateral push to impeach President Donald Trump.  Pelosi this week announced her decision to ...

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Messianic congregation invites you to the Feast of Tabernacles and the ‘Greatest Day’

The Greatest Day! “On the last greatest day of the Feast (Sukkot – Tabernacles), Yeshua stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.” ...

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Democrats pass law stripping employees of many arbitration rights


Have Democrats killed arbitration? The House of Representatives just passed a bill that would make it harder and more expensive, even impossible, for Americans to resolve conflicts with their employers. The Forced ...

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Buttigieg pushes back against O’Rourke’s plan to punish churches


Democrat presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, the openly gay mayor of South Bend, Ind., doesn’t think much of fellow candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke’s plan to punish churches that oppose gay marriage by ...

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Pro-life Democratic lawmaker shows that political labels don’t always apply

A state lawmaker from Louisiana is ignoring the official position of the Democrat Party Platform that seeks to guarantee abortions at any time, for any reason, and virtually – for any age. ...

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Newborn girl survives being buried alive for two days


A newborn baby girl has been discovered after being buried alive in a clay pot. The baby miraculously survived for two days before she was discovered, according to authorities in India. The ...

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Ted Cruz urges Trump to release Biden’s transcripts with Ukraine

The Trump administration is being urged to release Vice President Joe Biden’s phone call transcripts with officials in Ukraine. The call for transparency was initiated by Texas Senator Ted Cruz. Cruz made ...

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Senator Hawley compares Berlin and Hong Kong protests for democracy

While the NBA is being criticized for cozying up to Chinese Communists who are battling pro-democracy protesters in China, U.S. Senator Josh Hawley, R-Missouri, says China is trying to censor Americans from ...

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Saints win after receiving Pope’s unintentional blessing


Fans may have prayed for divine intervention over the weekend for their favorite NFL franchise but one team may have gotten some unexpected support. Pope Francis unknowingly gave a shout-out to the ...

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Elizabeth Warren mocks men, people of faith at CNN town hall

Sen. Elizabeth Warren may be surging in the Democrat presidential primary polls, but she is doing little to court the support of Christians. Warren participated last week in a town hall sponsored ...

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Commentator Michael Knowles believes new Kanye West album can open doors

Musician Kanye West is accustomed to making headlines, often because of controversial things he has said or done. Lately, however, he is creating a buzz for going public with his newfound faith. ...

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Beto O’Rourke’s plan to destroy churches

Has Francis “Beto” O’Rourke leaked his plan to force churches to accept gay marriage? With seven words—“It is going to be an issue”—the U.S. government signaled to orthodox Christians that if they ...

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Democrat presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke vows to go after churches with traditional view of marriage

Churches that teach traditional biblical values may be breathing a sigh of relief that Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke is trailing badly in the Democratic presidential primaries. He made headlines last week by ...

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Clinton judge blocks wall funding but some liberal experts say Trump’s ’emergency’ was legal

A federal judge appointed by Bill Clinton is trying to stop the construction of the new wall along the border with Mexico. U.S. District Judge David Briones, offices in Texas, has ruled ...

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Justice Clarence Thomas talks about how spending time in church brought him through a difficult time

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is known as a man of faith. Early in his life, he briefly attended Conception Seminary College, a Roman Catholic seminary in northwest Missouri. He also was ...

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College students want Columbus Day replaced


Should Columbus be relegated to the trash heap of history? A new poll finds that 4 in 5 college students support dropping the the holiday that honors the Christian explorer in favor ...

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The faith of Christopher Columbus you don’t hear

columbus day

While thousands of people are celebrating Columbus Day, more and more people and cities are refusing to observe the holiday — including a city named after Christopher Columbus. “We have a number ...

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Police officer will run against Rep. Ilhan Omar in 2020 election

One of the most controversial members ever to sit in Congress will face an opponent in the 2020 election. Democrat freshman representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, is being described  by Minneapolis police ...

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Top business leaders will share their insights at Unconventional Business Summit 2019


Can God use my vocation for a higher purpose? Can the Bible be a relevant guide to business? How can I model biblical principles in the workplace? Is it “unconventional?” Nationally recognized ...

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Missouri city bans gay conversion therapy for minors

The Columbia, Mo., City Council voted unanimously earlier this week to ban on “gay conversion therapy” for minors. The vote came after testimony from a doctor, a parent and several people who ...

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Ukraine president: ‘There was no blackmail’

The president of Ukraine is rebutting false news reports that assert President Trump used blackmail during the phone call now at the heart of the Democrats’ presidential impeachment inquiry. President Volodymyr Zelenskiy ...

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Couple remembers Odessa church destroyed by fire


“It’s just devastating,” says Peggy Pemberton of the fire that destroyed her rural Odessa church in the early hours of Thursday morning. “I was sick to my stomach.” Police are investigating the ...

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Wives of pastors kidnapped, murdered by Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria


Muslim Fulani herdsmen have attacked a Baptist church, kidnapping another pastor’s wife along with three other members and killing a fifth church member. The wives of pastors are now targets for islamic ...

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Study: New friendships get more difficult to find with age

Studies have found that having a strong circle of friends is good for your health, and longevity. But new studies find that developing new friendships gets more difficult with age. According to ...

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