Home / Dwight Widaman

Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

Polling finds half of pastors afraid to speak on moral issues

Half of all pastors are afraid to speak out on moral issue for fear of offending a church member according to recent polling. The research, from the well respected Barna Group, finds that ...

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Stairs that Jesus climbed in Potius Pilate’s palace visible in Rome


The bare, white marble of Rome’s ‘Scala Sancta,’ which are believed to be the stairs trod by Christ on the day of his trial and death, are exposed and visible to pilgrims ...

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Social media companies don’t like pro-life message

Multiple pro-life supporters have seen their posts removed in another round of censorship from popular social media sites Instagram and Facebook. Recently, Christian satire site founder Adam Ford and pro-life filmmakers Nick ...

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Poll finds ‘free time’ a rare commodity for most people

Busy, busy, busy. That’s how most people would describe their life. But have they really figured out how much free time they get? Most people might even over-estimate it, thinking they’re catching ...

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Pastors called out for wearing $4000 sneakers


Across the nation some pastors are wearing sneakers costing in excess of $4000.  Now, a sharp-eyed Instagram user has spotted them and launched a new account questioning the wisdom of flashing wealth. ...

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If aliens exist, does God’s salvation plan cover them?


Everyone from Billy Graham to C.S. Lewis have speculated about aliens and, should they exist, do they fit into God’s plan of salvation. Scientists have hypothesized that there could be billions of ...

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White couple claims they’ve ‘changed’ their race

white couple

The escalating global debate over genetic identity has taken on a new twist. Now there’s a couple who were born white, but they say they’re changing to become black. The Daily Mail ...

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Israel achieves moon landing but ‘not in the way we wanted’

moon landing

Israel’s Beresheet moon lander lost its main engine this afternoon just a few miles above the surface of the lunar surface. The engine was reignited but too late to prevent the spacecraft ...

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‘Unplanned’ still in Top 10, surprising media critics


Much to the surprise of the media critics who wanted to deter moviegoers from seeing it, the pro-life movie “Unplanned” finished in the top 10 at the box office for the second ...

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Ohio legislature passes ‘fetal heartbeat’ bill

fetal heartbeat

On Wednesday, April 10, the Ohio General Assembly passed a bill banning abortions when a baby’s heartbeat is detected and sent the bill to the governor’s desk for approval. The state will ...

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Israeli spacecraft to land on the moon today

Israel will become only the fourth nation to land on the moon today, April 11, as the Beresheet spacecraft separates  it’s landing craft for the controlled decent to the surface. In addition ...

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‘Frankenfish’ salmon to be sold unlabeled in U.S.


As the United States joins Canada to become the only two countries in the world to sell genetically modified salmon, GM opponents warn that not only does the fish pose environmental risks, ...

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President’s approval numbers rise as Democrats investigate

In spite of, or possibly in reaction to, announcements of new Democrat investigations into him, President Donald Trump’s approval rating grew to 53 percent. That’s according to a polling firm on April ...

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Church of Sweden changes sexual identity of Jesus

The Diocese of Västerås, a division of the Church of Sweden, is now giving away an LGBTQ guide for “Christian queer kids.” Bible-believing Christians may be stunned to hear that this extreme ...

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Polls indicate dead heat in Israeli election

Israel is just hours away form having an official winner to lead the country as prime minister. Rivals Benny Gantz and Benjamin Netanyahu are each claiming victory as exit polls show the ...

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UVA Cavaliers Coach, “I’m humbled, Lord”

In a thrilling upset, the Virginia Cavaliers are the national champions of college basketball after a heart-pounding overtime victory over the Texas Tech Red Raiders last night in a game that went ...

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Movie on MercyMe’s hit ‘I Can Only Imagine’ impacting China

A movie that was the biggest faith-based movie of 2018 is bringing Chinese viewers to Christ. Few thought the film adaptation of MercyMe’s classic track, “I Can Only Imagine” could have such ...

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VIDEO: Entire contents of church stolen


A Florida church is trusting God to have church without all the things normally needed.  The entire contents of the church, which was stored in a trailer, was stolen was taken from ...

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Merger would make St. Louis 9th largest city in nation

A state senator from St. Louis is optimistic the Missouri Legislature will approve her proposed constitutional amendment involving a possible St. Louis City and County merger by the end of session in ...

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Cannonball detonated after being on display at Kansas museum for 20 years


It was on display for over 20 years yet no one knew a cannonball had never been defused. Authorities detonated the explosive Friday afternoon after it was inspected by a sharp-eyed by ...

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Actress Alyssa Milano uses Bible to support abortion stance

Actress Alyssa Milano, who left a mediocre acting career to become an outspoken pro-abortion advocate, is outraged by Georgia’s “heartbeat” bill. The bill bans abortions as soon as a baby’s heartbeat is ...

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Student claims teacher said Trump not appropriate hero for school project


A New York television is reporting that a mother claims her 11-year-old daughter was not allowed to use President Trump as her hero for a class assignment. Bella Moscato, a sixth-grader at the ...

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Here are the top 12 tax scams you need to know

tax scams

Each year, Americans lose billions of dollars to tax scams. They can range from your grandmother getting a bogus call the she owes money or scammers filing fraudulent claims using your Social ...

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Dems go against polls, launch three new Trump investigations

Going against polls that show Americans overwhelmingly want Congress to stop investigations and get to work, Democrat leaders of three key House committees launched a multi-pronged attack on President Donald Trump on ...

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Songwriter and performer Pat Barrett wants to be a ‘Good, Good Father’

Pat Barrett remembers the first time he met Chris Tomlin. It was while he was in high school and he and his buddies were walking down the street and saw Tomlin and ...

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