Home / Dwight Widaman

Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

Forget abstinence says Canada’s largest Christian University

Canada’s largest Christian university will no longer require students to sign a Community Covenant agreeing to abstain from same-sex and other relationships outside marriage between a man and a woman. Trinity Western University, ...

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What you didn’t know about prayer in schools

The right of religious expression, especially the right to pray, for students attending public schools is alive and well. Most people just don’t realize it. Titled “It is Legal to Pray in ...

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The conversation with God that blew Matthew West away


Matthew West is sharing the surprise he felt when, after a long career in music, God told him to go “all in” for Jesus. He hopes his latest album has inspired other ...

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Satanists protest 10 Commandments in Arkansas

The Satanic Temple held a “Rally for the First Amendment” at the Arkansas State Capitol Thursday and brought with them a statue known as Baphomet, a goat-headed figure associated with the group. ...

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China training pilots to target U.S.

For years, foreign policy and military experts have been warning that China, not Russia, is America’s biggest threat. That theory gained weight this week after a new report was released. China is ...

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Teen loses best friend killed in church van crash


The bonds of friendship are difficult to break. Even in death. Nearly one week ago, three teens from the Overland Park area died on their way to a church float trip. A ...

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Elderly Kansas couple murdered at carnival


Alfred “Sonny” and Pauline Carpenter were your average friendly carnival workers, usually seen selling bears and other toys. They were murdered in a scheme orchestrated by fellow Kansas carnival worker Kimberly Younger ...

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First frivolous lawsuit hits over duck boat tragedy

The first possible frivolous lawsuit over the duck boat tragedy has been filed. A man who worked on the Branson Belle river showboat when the Ride the Ducks boat sank on Table ...

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Two faith and military-themed films premier this fall


Two faith-based, true-to-life films spotlighting the consequences of war on those who serve will debut in theaters this fall. The films, ‘Unbroken: Path to Redemption’ and ‘Indivisible’ spotlight the strain of war ...

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Salvations near 2,000 as revival hits Missouri army base


The largest revival in the nation seems to be happing not at a church, but at a Missouri Army base. A US Army Chaplain says a revival is taking place on the ...

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Chicago Christians pray and work to stop violence

Pastors in Chicago are desperate for God to intervene in the city’s exploding murder rate. As a result, 40 days of outreach called “Jesus Summer” kicked off in Chicago recently. The ministry ...

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A horse may be your next seat mate on Southwest Airlines

During a time when most businesses are cracking down on the increasing abuse of obtaining unorthodox “service” or emotional support animals and taking them on planes or in restaurants, one airline is ...

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Interview with God movie: What would you ask?

ask weekend movies

Suppose you could interview God and ask any questions you wanted. What would you ask? Maybe… Can you get my boss (parents, kids, spouse, in-laws, friends…) to be more understanding? Got any ...

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Willow Creek admits settling sex abuse case involving children

More explosive allegations are rocking Bill Hybels‘ former Willow Creek Community Church outside Chicago. After its entire elders board resigned over accusations that Hybels sexually abused women, it has now been discovered that the ...

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IRS admits it targeted conservative groups during Obama


After years of denial, the IRS has admitted it targeted conservative groups during the Obama administration and punished those groups for purely political reasons. In a historic settlement, a judge this week ...

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Colorado won’t stop, attacks baker over ‘transgender’ cake

Colorado baker Jack Phillips is being targeted for his faith yet again – this time for refusing to bake a cake to celebrate a gender transition. “It is surprising,” Phillips says. “It ...

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McCaskill on defense as challenger Hawley calls for debates

Senator Claire McCaskill continues to avoid debates with her challenger, Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley. Hawley, who is tied or leading McCaskill in polls, is pressing the point in his bid to ...

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Oops, Overland Park out money in broken sculpture incident


An Overland Park official admits he was mistaken about who paid for a $132,000 sculpture at the city’s community center that was damaged by a young boy. City spokesman Sean Reilly said ...

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Hospital billing scheme probe spreads to Kansas


A Kansas couple has filed a lawsuit that involves a $90 million billing scheme found last year at a rural Missouri hospital. James and Phyllis Shaffer are suing Jorge Perez over what ...

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Christian musician collapses on stage


Annie Lobert, wife of famed Christian musician Oz Fox, is asking for continued prayer. Her husband collapsed on stage during a show over the weekend. “Major emergency prayer request! If you are ...

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Jury rocks Catholic Church with abuse indictments

More than 1,000 children — and possibly many more — were molested by hundreds of Roman Catholic priests in six Pennsylvania dioceses, while senior church officials took steps to cover up the ...

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Univ. of Iowa backs down, Christian groups back for now

Just one week after the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship student group filed a lawsuit against the University of Iowa, the school has agreed to temporarily reinstate InterVarsity and other religious groups that the university ...

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Iran sentences entire church to prison

Iran’s Islamic regime has sentenced a Christian couple and their entire church to prison for practicing Christianity. Article 18, an organization that supports Iranian Christians stated that “A Christian couple have reported ...

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Family that lost 9 members seeks to ban all duck boats

ban law

A survivor of the duck boat tragedy in Branson, Mo. Is supporting a nationwide petition to ban the amphibious vehicles known as duck boats. Tia Coleman was a passenger on the fateful ...

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Satanist burns down 250-year-old Russian church

A teenage ‘Satanist’ has been arrested after he confessed to setting fire to one of Russia’s most historic churches. The wooden church was built in 1774 by Catherine the Great and burned ...

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