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Mission trip inspired Nelli Kiim to launch a shoe brand to help impoverished

kim nelli

Nelli Kim walked wordlessly through the filthy streets of Mumbai’s infamous red-light district. Barefoot children chased each other past piles of trash while women stared impassively past the bars in open windows. ...

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Wife of author Randy Alcorn loses battle with cancer

Randy Alcorn

Nanci Alcorn, the wife of Christian author Randy Alcorn, has died. “Nanci is with Jesus,” Alcorn wrote of his wife Nanci, who died of colon cancer. “So happy for her. Sad for ...

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Christian NBA player donating salary to build hospital in his native country

At a time when professional sports owners and players fight over millions of dollars, one NBA player is focused on helping others. Bismack Biyombo is pledging to donate his entire $1.3 million ...

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Actor Mark Wahlberg sees himself in title character of new faith-based film

Moviegoers know Mark Wahlberg best for such action movies as “The Departed.” However, he also is a man of faith, which he will display in the upcoming film “Father Stu.” “These movies ...

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Southern Baptists launch own version of popular online game Wordle to promote annual meeting


The Southern Baptist Convention has launched its own daily word game following the overnight success of Wordle. “We’re always looking for unique ways to promote engagement around the annual meeting,” Jonathan Howe, ...

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“The Bible Answer Man” Hank Hanegraaff disputes prophetic link to Ukrainian war

Hank Hanegraaff

Some Christian leaders see the Russian invasion of Ukraine as fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Hank Hanegraaff, also known as the “Bible Answer Man,” disagrees. Ezekiel is about the “prince of Rosh” coming ...

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Christian young adults give more than non-Christian peers, study finds

Christian adults aged 40 or younger donate three times as much money as non-Christians over the course of a year, a new study finds. “The study showed Christian young adults share more ...

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VIDEO: Russia destroying the great cathedrals and churches of Ukraine

Kyiv, a classic and beautiful history-filled European city is also the spiritual heart of Ukraine. Russia knows that and is wiping out the country’s great cathedrals that, until now, have stood as ...

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Purim skits and satire have brought merriment to an ancient Jewish holiday in America


Purim, the springtime Jewish holiday packed with much merriment and humor, recalls the biblical story of Queen Esther. In this tale, the queen stayed true to her Jewish roots and used her status ...

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Survey finds just 7% of evangelicals have visited Israel but most want to

visited israel

Although only 7% of evangelical Protestants have visited Israel, the vast majority want to. In fact, eight out of ten are interested in doing so, including 40% who are extremely interested in ...

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Debunking centuries-old myths about Mary Magdalene


One of the most misunderstood biblical figures has to be Mary Magdalene. Let’s start with what we do know about her. Sometimes referred to as Mary of Magdala or simply the Madeleine, ...

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“Cheers” star Kelsey Grammer joins cast of upcoming “Jesus Revolution” movie

Kelsey Grammer, best known for his roles in “Frasier” and “Cheers,” has been cast as Pastor Chuck Smith in the upcoming film “Jesus Revolution.” “Jesus has been a profound influence in my ...

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How to know what the truth is, and what is the right thing to do

How do we know information that we are reading, watching, listening to or being told is accurate and the truth?  Maybe we will say, “Because it comes from my mom,” “It sounds ...

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“Duck Dynasty” star warns about dangers of cancel culture

Phil Robertson, the star of “Duck Dynasty,” understands the dangers of cancel culture from his own experience. Robertson, who released his new book, “Uncanceled: Finding Meaning and Peace in a Culture of Accusations, ...

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Christian leaders share insights on Ukraine and how to pray

moore baptist ukraine pray

Christians across the United States are asking how they can pray for the situation in Ukraine. Numerous Christian leaders have shared their thoughts on social media.   Their comments come as hundreds of ...

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Chinese government rewriting Bible to fit communist agenda

chinese bible

The Chinese government is rewriting the Bible in accordance with communist values, The Voice of the Martyrs warned. “This is a project that the Chinese Communist Party announced in 2019,” Todd Nettleton ...

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INTERVIEW: The ‘silent genocide’ against Christians in Nigeria

silent genocide prayer

“A silent genocide is going on against Christian communities in Southern Kaduna.” That’s the assessment Jonathan Asake, President of the Southern Kaduna People’s Union in Nigeria. For seven years, Christian communities in the ...

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Abandoned by the U.S., Ukrainian Christians turn to prayer

President Joe Biden on Tuesday used the word “invasion” concerning Russian troops that had entered Ukraine. Now, as the U.S. fails to abide by a 1994 treaty to help them defend their ...

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Late political commentator Bob Beckel was man of faith


Bob Beckel, the liberal political commentator who died Monday, was a frequent sparring partner of Sean Hannity and other opinion personalities on cable networks. He also took his faith seriously. “What people ...

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Jordan Peterson learns this at the Museum of the Bible

peterson bible

Influential psychologist Jordan Peterson continues to explore God and his word. “If categories just dissolve, especially fundamental ones, the culture is dissolving, because the culture is a structure of category,” he said.” ...

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Push to make Sunday a sabbath day of rest gains support

It’s not just nostalgia. Many pandemic-weary souls want to make Sunday a day of rest again. In a hit song two decades ago, country music group Rascal Flatts offered banjo-tinged commentary on ...

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Valentine’s Day brings back that lovin’ feeling

February is known for cold weather, presidents’ birthdays and Cupid’s delight.  As Valentine’s Day approaches, hearts flutter, lovers sigh and Charlie Brown hopes that little red-haired girl will like the card he’s ...

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Rams and Bengals coaches, players: two stories of faith

While the LA Rams beat the Cincinnati Bengals in Sunday night’s Super Bowl, some players and coaches kept a faith over football perspective leading up to the game. Cincinnati Head Coach Zach ...

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“Not a religious person,” says Jerry Falwell Jr. in Vanity Fair interview

liberty falwell jr retirement

Jerry Falwell Jr., the former president of Liberty University, recently talked about his fall from grace in “Vanity Fair” magazine. He said he is not a “religious person.” People think that “because ...

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Good Bible engagement makes good neighbors

People who are rooted in Scripture tend to make better neighbors. That’s the assessment of a study released by the American Bible Society. The State of the Bible USA 2021 report “Good ...

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