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Health and Wellness

Nobel Prize-winning scientist questions value of coronavirus lockdown


As local churches work to reopen, many people are questioning the value of the lockdown, which took a heavy toll on the economy. A Nobel Prize-winning scientist, who correctly predicted in the ...

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CVS Health offers drive-thru testing for COVID-19 at 12 area locations

CVS Health on Friday will open 22 new drive-thru COVID-19 testing sites across Missouri, including 12 in the Kansas City area. These new sites will use self-swab tests and deliver on the ...

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4 ways to help nurses during the coronavirus pandemic

America’s nurses are on the front lines of the fight against coronavirus, providing safe, quality, compassionate and nondiscriminatory care to those they serve, many of whom are doing so at significant risk ...

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Heart attacks up 800% as 600 physicians warn lockdown worse than Covid-19

Statistics are now revealing in many communities, the rise in death from heart attacks now outpaces the number of Covid-19 deaths. That alarming news is the topic of a new grassroots organization ...

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Oops. CDC makes big correction about spread of Covid-19

After originally recommending the country go on lockdown because of the “easy” spread of COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released a big “oops” regarding how the agency now ...

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Good neighbor: U.S. sending Russia 200 ventilators

It’s never a bad thing to be a “good neighbor.” That’s true for two houses separated by a picket fence as well as two nations. Living up to that mantra this week ...

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Local energy efficiency firm converts production to service during pandemic

Tim Truesdale is committed to Christ’s admonition to let your light shine before men. He not only is a ministry leader but also an executive with Ecologix, which helps businesses convert to ...

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Senator Rand Paul tells Fauci: ‘You’re not the end-all’

paul fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, was forced by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) Tuesday to answer tough questions over Fauci’s often contradictory statements.  In regards to when to ...

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Saint Luke’s Mid-America Heart Institute studying effects of COVID-19 on heart patients

Saint Luke’s Mid-America Heart Institute in Kansas City this week will begin collaborating on a study to determine the effects of COVID-19 on patients with pre-existing heart conditions. George Clinical, whose U.S. ...

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World uniting against Communist China over pandemic

china world

The world is uniting against China after diplomatic frustration and anger over the Communist regime’s secrecy, propaganda, misinformation and aggressive diplomacy reaches a boiling point. In recent weeks, Chinese diplomats have engaged ...

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Noted Israeli scientist: COVID-19 to wind down after 70 days

70 days

COVID-19 will run its course in about 70 days, regardless of government measures, according to a prominent Israeli scientist. Isaac Ben-Israel is a physicist, mathematician, retired major general and head of two ...

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President announces new testing strategy to allow rebound of economy

As more states move towards opening up and easing restrictions on individual rights, President Donald Trump on Monday unveiled new testing plans to speed up and expand testing for the coronavirus nationwide. ...

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Cuomo supports Trump views on failure of WHO

cuomo trump

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that President Donald Trump was right to question the World Health Organization (WHO) for its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Speaking at his daily briefing on the coronavirus, the novel coronavirus that causes ...

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Study: Coffee really does make dessert better

We now know why many people will pair a cup of coffee with their favorite dessert. A new study is lending some scientific credibility to the time-honored tradition of serving coffee after ...

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EchoHealth providing KN95 masks to general public

Metro Voice has added a new sponsor. EchoHealth is a Kansas City-based company making KN95 masks available to the public during the coronavirus pandemic. The masks, which are registered with the FDA, ...

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Federal lawsuit filed against Christian health care sharing ministry            

A company purporting to be a Christian health care sharing ministry has scammed people and failed to provide coverage, according to a new lawsuit. Aliera Companies and Trinity Healthshare has been charged ...

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President Trump to suspend immigration to slow spread of COVID-19

President Donald Trump has announced he’ll sign an executive order temporarily suspending immigration into the United States in an effort to slow COVID-19. The administration is working out details on the suspension ...

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Americans rank mental health higher than physical health during pandemic

Amid the ongoing discussion of people’s physical health during the pandemic, a Gallup poll found it also is important to consider their mental health. Majorities in the United States say they can ...

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Successful coronavirus drug from Israel being tested in United States

A promising new coronavirus drug from Israel is being tested in the United States for the first time. The trial comes after Pluristem Therapeutics Inc., a biotech company based in Haifa, reported that ...

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Is it time to end our dependence on generic drugs from China?

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed a number of things about the US and China’s relationship. One most notable thing is how America depends on China for generic prescription drugs in a major ...

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Seeking Comfort in the storm

The USNS Comfort arrived March 30 at the front lines of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States, bringing a message of hope and comfort to New Yorkers and all Americans in the midst of ...

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Kansas Stay Home Order extended; Topeka attorney answers questions

Stay Home Order

By Joe Patton:  (UPDATE: The governor has now extended the Kansas Stay Home Order to May 3)   If you listen to the news, it’s Armageddon. At Patton and Patton, Personal Injury Lawyers, ...

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Pastors advised to protect their mental health during pandemic

Pastors are struggling as they cope with stressed-out congregations during the pandemic. Their denominational leaders caution them to also look out for their own wellbeing. The National Association of Evangelicals shared advice ...

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Local distillery partners with Heart to Heart to provide sanitizer

It may not rival Jesus turning water into wine, but McCormick Distilling Co. in Weston is now turning alcohol into hand sanitizer. The company, which calls itself the oldest business in the Kansas ...

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Increase in pandemic-induced substance abuse expected

Churches and ministries that work with those struggling with substance abuse may become more critical than ever during the ongoing pandemic. Mark Stringer, director of the Missouri Department of Mental Health, expects ...

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