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Health and Wellness

Vice President Pence reassures nation on danger of coronavirus

Vice President Mike Pence reiterated on March 4 that the risk of contracting the novel coronavirus COVID-19 in the United States remains low while urging Americans to take extra precautions to avoid ...

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Churches making adjustments in light of coronavirus

Many churches now are looking for ways to protect their congregations from the coronavirus, or Covid-19. While the threat of the sickness infecting any single American remains extremely low, the precautions may ...

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Missouri lawmakers plan for potential coronavirus threat

Missouri legislators are attempting to get ahead of the curve as the coronavirus threat continues to spread globally. Although there have been no confirmed cases in Missouri so far, 60 individuals are ...

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Coronavirus is a U.S, Jewish plot says Iraqi political analyst

iraq coronavirus

An Iraqi political analyst is spreading a conspiracy theory that the coronavirus is a plot by the United States and Jews aimed at population control. And he’s basing it on a 40-year-old ...

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As Coronavirus concerns rise, financial expert: ‘Do not get caught up in the fear’

California officials are working to figure out how a Solano County woman contracted the coronavirus since she hasn’t traveled to China and doesn’t know anyone else infected. And some experts are sounding ...

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Israel announces coronavirus vaccine within weeks

Israel has announced their scientists are just weeks away from releasing the world’s first vaccine against the deadly coronavirus. The Galilee Research Institute (MIGAL) spent four years creating a vaccine against the ...

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Could coronavirus cause cancellation of Summer Olympics?

Time Magazine is reporting that the 2020 Summer Olympics, scheduled for July 24 in Japan, could be moved or cancelled. The news comes as Japan deals with a the spread of the ...

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Technology developed locally helps coronavirus patients return home for treatment

Innovative technology from a Kansas City company has enabled 14 U.S. citizens who tested positive for coronavirus to receive treatment back home in the United States. Flight-ready containerized biocontainment systems (CBCS) from ...

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American life expectancy is on the rise for first time since 2014

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently announced that Americans’ life expectancy rose for the first time since 2014. Two of the main reasons were declines in the number of ...

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US military to begin quarantine of American citizens


The U.S. Department of Defense confirmed Sunday that it will receive hundreds of Americans who are being held in quarantine for the Coronavirus (COVID-19) at two military bases. The news comes as ...

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While US candidates push ‘Medicare for all,’ Canadians want private insurance

About 56% of people in the United States favor “Medicare for all,” according to polling from the Kaiser Family Foundation out last week. That’s an increase of 3 percentage points from last ...

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Coronavirus expected to surge in U.S. in coming weeks

coronavirus US

Just days after the U.S. government announced it has designated 10 quarantine centers across the country, leading health experts warned on Feb. 12 that the United States will likely soon see thousands ...

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Faith in God: Good for your health?

Can faith in God improve your health? A surprising number of medical experts say it might. These scientists claim certain desirable qualities might be associated with personal faith and spiritual practice. Benefits ...

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Study: Ringing a cancer bell at end of treatment does more harm than good

We’ve all seen the commercials. A cancer patient rings a bell, triumphantly proclaiming they’ve “beat” cancer. But is that celebratory moment doing more harm than good? Since 1996, the practice has become ...

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Hold on, Winter may last longer than expected


Sick of winter? You’re not alone. But hold on as it may be longer than anyone wants. Large swaths of North America will see a prolonged winter season. In an AccuWeather report ...

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Health-care system in St. Joseph to begin screening for coronavirus

The coronavirus threat started in China, but its impact is now being felt closer to home. Mosaic Life Care in St. Joseph, Mo. will begin screening for the virus. The Centers for ...

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Chinese virus death toll doubles over weekend

death toll

The death toll from the deadly coronavirus doubled over the weekend. That’s the news Monday from Chinese authorities as they extended the Lunar New Year holiday in an effort to slow the ...

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Virus spreads, U.S. to begin evacuation


As the number of Chinese citizens quarantined rises to 56 million, the United States government has announced it is rapidly working on an evacuation of American citizens from Wuhan. That city is the ...

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Chinese city under quarantine as virus spreads around the world

Just hours after Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced a person that arrived in that country had the  coronavirus flu, China is ramping up efforts to stop its spread with a ...

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Report: Historic decline in drug overdose deaths

Are Trump administration policies having a positive impact on lowering drug overdose deaths? For the first time in nearly three decades, the deaths resulting from drug overdose in the United States have ...

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Missouri judge dismisses lawsuit over religious exemptions for vaccinations

A federal judge in Missouri has ruled against a student at a Christian school who challenged the state’s religious exemption form for vaccinations. Senior U.S. District Judge Howard Sachs dismissed the lawsuit ...

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Bipartisan effort hopes to update Missouri HIV laws

prescription drug

Modernizing Missouri’s current HIV laws is a top priority for lawmakers of both parties as the 2020 legislative session gets under way in Jefferson City. Rep. Holly Rehder, R-Scott City, hopes legislative ...

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Creating a Bucket List: tips for seniors and family caregivers

The Bucket List, a 2007 movie starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, helped contemporize the old expression “kick the bucket,” a common slang phrase for dying. Now, people of all ages often ...

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Reading more in 2020 offers wide-ranging benefits

A popular New Year’s resolution is to watch less television and read more books. Reading offers a number of benefits according to a story on Beliefnet. Reading is fun. One of the ...

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After losing hospital, rural town realizes they don’t need one


It’s been about a year since the hospital in Fort Scott, Kan., closed. The lessons for this community about meeting its residents’ health needs could provide insights for the rest of the ...

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