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President Trump honored with ‘Witness for Life’ award

witness for life

Pro-life organizations have repeatedly said Donald Trump is the most pro-life president in American history. Now, he has been chosen by a major pro-life organization to receive the first Dr. Bernard N. Nathanson “Courageous ...

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Democrats announce Articles of Impeachment, ignore media questions

articles of impeachment

In perhaps a sign that the United States is done with impeachment drama, immediately after Democrat Congressional leaders announced articles of impeachment of President Donald Trump, broadcast news outlets returned to regular ...

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Supreme Court upholds major pro-life law

supreme court pro-life

In another win for the nation’s pro-life movement, the U.S. Supreme Court today refused to review a case on a Kentucky law that requires doctors to show and describe ultrasound images to a patient ...

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Polls show historic Black and Hispanic support for Trump surging ahead of 2020

Is Donald Trump heading towards a 50-state sweep in the 2020 election? That’s what some political analysts are saying after new polls that show surging support among African American, Asian and Hispanic ...

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Despite negative media coverage, Rasmussen poll shows President Trump at 51% approval

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday Dec. 6 shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Donald Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove. This week, it was announced that ...

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Jobs report breaks expectations, unemployment at 50-year low

U.S. employers added 266,000 jobs for the month of November, surging past expected gains and continuing growth from October, adding fuel to the economic expansion. The unemployment rate fell to 3.5%, matching the lowest ...

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Nikki Haley: God has brought ‘lessons’ and ‘change’ through Trump’s presidency; Rick Perry agrees

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said that God is using Donald Trump’s presidency to create “change” and to help teach the country “lessons.” CBN News chief political analyst David ...

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Food stamp rules reformed, create better accountability for eligibility

The Trump administration has announced changes to the federal food stamp program.  While critics have made dramatic claims that it will “kill millions,” the truth is that it strengthens eligibility requirements for ...

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Democrat candidate Pete Buttigieg courts black vote in church

Pete Buttigieg has been coming on strong in the Democrat presidential primary race but has struggled to gain support among African Americans. Especially those that attend church. Black Americans have been slow ...

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Report: Impeachment effort based on ‘hearsay, presumptions, and speculation’

impeachment report

The Democrats impeachment of President Donald Trump rests entirely on secondhand evidence, assumptions, and speculation, according to a report released by House Republicans on Dec. 2. Republicans released the thorough 123-page report (pdf) ...

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Warren to end Electoral College by 2024 if elected

The US Constitution may be upended if one Democrat candidate has her way. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) said she plans to trash the Electoral College by 2024 if she is elected ...

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‘Meathead’ actor Reiner compares evangelical Trump supporters to white supremacists

Actor Rob Reiner, made famous for his portrayal as Meathead in the 70s sitcom “All in the Family,” is being criticized from all sides for calling all Trump voters racist. He also accused ...

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Warren, Buttigieg want over-the-counter abortion drugs

Seven Democratic presidential candidates, including front runners Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg, want to remove safeguards on dangerous abortion drugs and allow them to be sold over the counter. The New York ...

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Naughty or nice? Liberty Counsel offers guide to informed shopping

Most Christians prefer shopping at stores that support their beliefs during the Christmas season — or at least don’t ignore them. Liberty Counsel tries to make that job easier.       ...

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President Trump greeted with cheers from troops in Afghanistan

Troops cheered President Donald Trump as he made a surprise trip to visit to troops serving in Afghanistan on Thanksgiving Day. Photos of the Commander in Chief serving food to the troops ...

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President Trump issues proclamation honoring God on Thanksgiving Day

Metro Voice presents the Thanksgiving message of President Trump to the nation, unfiltered by the national media. November 27, 2019 THANKSGIVING DAY, 2019   – – – – – – –   ...

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Black Friday deals on TVs open up hacking concerns

Savvy shoppers know that Black Friday presents some of the best deals of the year on pricy electronics like TVs. Overall, the National Retail Federation expects Americans will spend about $730 billion ...

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‘He has set the captives free.’ Men freed after serving 36 years for wrongful conviction

36 years

After a painful 36 years in prison, three Baltimore men were exonerated Monday for a murder they did not commit. Alfred Chestnut, Ransom Watkins, and Andrew Stewart were teenagers when they were ...

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Trump pardons turkey, defends Thanksgiving against critics

As some across the nation are pushing to do away with the celebration of Thanksgiving, President Donald Trump has vowed not to change the name of Thanksgiving. “As we gather together for ...

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Avoiding the malls? Try celebrating Bless Friday instead

bless friday

Although some people will be up before the crack of dawn in search of Black Friday bargains, others would rather not set foot anywhere near the mail. They may want to consider ...

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African-American Senator Scott says Trump innocent of impeachable offense

The recent Democrat-controlled impeachment hearings did nothing to deter Tim Scott, one of the Republican Party’s most senior African-American leaders. Scott has critiqued the hearings saying there is “no way in the ...

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Former CIA analyst: Deep State threatens coup

If you follow politics, you’ve heard people talking about the “deep state.” But is there really some sort of coup going on at a deeper level among career bureaucrats in Washington, or ...

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After weeks of hearings, impeachment effort still stands on hearsay

impeachment hearsay

After televised hearings failed to rouse the public or garner support for Democrats seeking impeachment, the mainly hearsay and presumptive testimony came to an end Thursday. Polls show no movement in public ...

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Democrat Party near bankruptcy as 2020 nears

Despite millions spent on fundraising and wall-to-wall coverage of the impeachment hearings, the Democrat Party is near bankruptcy. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) had just $8.6 million cash on hand and operated ...

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‘Bombshell’ testimony from Ambassador Sondland refutes Dem claims


Despite media hype of “bombshell” testimony, statements by US Ambassador to the European Union, Gordan Sondland, were a knife in the heart of Democrat claims. Sondland’s testimony in Wednesday’s impeachment at first ...

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