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Surveillance video emerges of after-hours ballot counting in Georgia

georgia ballots

In a bombshell development surrounding alleged ballot fraud in Georgia, surveillance video was released Thursday by the company responsible for security at the State Farm Arena. The footage was released along with ...

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New partner Bahrain defends Israel against boycotts

bahrain boycotts

The historic treaties secured by the Trump administration between Israel and Arab states is already bearing fruit as Bahrain defends Israel against boycotts. Members of the press were informed by Bahrain’s Minister ...

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Prayer needed as ISIS kills Christians in Indonesia

ISIS, having been defeated in the Middle East, has slowly been moving into regions thousands of miles away from Syria and Iraq. The news has Christians calling for a world-wide prayer effort. ...

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Edward Peecher: From the Black Panthers to seeking peace on Chicago’s violent streets

black panthers

For Edward Peecher, promoting peace in Chicago’s violent streets is a long way from his days as a member of the Black Panthers. Now 70 years old, the pastor remembers what took ...

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Corrie ten Boom honored by Jewish community

ten boom

Why Corrie ten Boom is important to the Jewish and Christian communities. In Jewish culture, we believe that only very few, the most virtuous of all, have the distinction of passing through ...

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Delightful film explores Dickens as ‘The Man Who Invented Christmas’


Since its arrival, A Christmas Carol has become a holiday favorite the world over in its myriad retellings. The 2018 adaptation, The Man Who Invented Christmas, is a bit different, offering something ...

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The beloved Joyland Carousel is restored and rideable at the Wichita Botanica Gardens


For many Kansans, Wichita’s Joyland was a part of their childhood summers, as it ran for 55 years before closing down. It’s sad to know that Joyland is completely gone, but there ...

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Number of “F” grades soaring as schools close

Many people have speculated that school lockdowns are hurting students and grades, and new research backs them up. The number of students receiving “F” marks is soaring this year in the Fairfax, ...

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Missouri helps lead the way as U.S. abortion rate declines

Missouri had the second-lowest abortion rate in the nation in 2018, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The state’s abortion rate dropped by 35 percent between ...

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Rep. Rashida Tlaib retweets phrase about eliminating of Israel

Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Minnesota on Sunday retweeted a phrase that is associated with calling for the elimination of Israel. StopAntisemitism.org highlighted the tweet that Tlaib retweeted, which stated: “From the ...

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Covid restrictions causing food insecurity among Americans

As some governors re-enforce partial or total Covid lockdowns across the nation, many Americans are concerned about being able to feed their families. Food insecurity is highest in states with lockdowns and ...

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Kansans for Life questions Standridge appointment to state Supreme Court 


Kansans for Life is disappointed in Gov. Laura Kelly’s appointment of pro-abortion judge Melissa Standridge to the state Supreme Court on Monday. As a Court of Appeals judge, Standridge upheld the district ...

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Where each state stands on lockdowns and restrictions

Just in time for Christmas, state governors and local authorities are re-instituting full or partial lockdowns. The actions come as several lawsuits, claiming they are unconstitutional, wind their way through the nation’s ...

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Rush Limbaugh thankful, says doctors mum on days left from cancer

Limbaugh jesus

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh is grateful for his life despite being diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. His Christian faith gives him comfort. The veteran radio talk show host spoke to listeners ...

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Olive branch: Saudi Arabia opens airspace to Israeli airlines

saudi arabia airlines

In a major move towards normalization of relations, Saudi Arabia announced on Monday that Israeli airlines can use its airspace en route to the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Until now, Israeli ...

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On Giving Tuesday, help Anita and Dwight educate young people about the Holocaust

holocaust educate

Giving Tuesday is an opportunity to support worthy causes. We would like you to consider helping educate today’s young people about the Holocaust. In 2019, Dwight and I launched the educational non-profit ...

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Americans more accepting of churches defying lockdown orders today than in March

The American public is much more accepting of churches defying coronavirus lockdown orders today than they were last spring. Paul Djupe, an affiliated scholar with the Public Religion Research Institute, and Ryan ...

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Today’s cultural division has its roots in French Revolution, author Os Guinness says


The Christian worldview upon which the United States was founded is quickly disappearing, according to noted author Os Guinness. The current division in the United States ultimately stems from a difference between ...

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‘The Case for Christmas’ available free online starting Nov. 30

case christmas season

Former journalist and atheist Lee Strobel uses his legal and journalism training to investigate whether the account of the birth and divinity of Jesus is logically and historically credible, in the free ...

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World’s first Christian airline for missionaries cleared for takeoff

An aviation ministry plants to create the world’s first Christian airline in 2021 to carry missionaries and their cargo around the world. Judah 1 is based in Shreveport, La. “We give wings ...

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Fact-checker Politifact admits Biden NOT president-elect

politifact president-elect

A fact-checking website has admitted that Joe Biden is not president-elect. Politifact, a left-leaning site that media outlets, including Twitter and Facebook, rely on for “fact-checking,” had originally issued a “false” label ...

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Hawley, other leaders criticize Obama over remarks about evangelical Hispanics

hawley health obama party

Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley is among the Christian leaders who are responding to former President Barack Obama and his remarks about evangelical Hispanics who voted for Donald Trump. “Ah yes, those Hispanic ...

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Franklin Graham responds to Kansas school banning Operation Christmas Child

graham operation

Franklin Graham said he is disappointed after the atheist Freedom From Religion Foundation pressured a Kansas middle school to suspend donations to Operation Christmas Child. Graham expressed his disappointment over the decision ...

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His Lions and BLAZE Arts program aims to inspire youth to create with faith in mind


A Kansas City-based arts organization is joining forces with a wellness group to train youth in visual media with a spiritual twist. “Something was needed in homeschooling and Christian education to help ...

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Bill to create coin to commemorate Negro Leagues Baseball awaits president’s signature

negro leagues royals

New commemorative gold coins will pay tribute to the centennial of Negro Leagues Baseball, which was founded in Kansas City. Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, sponsor of the Negro Leagues Baseball Centennial Commemorative ...

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