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Here’s how evangelical and other voters faith are lining up this year

President Trump’s lead among evangelical voters is larger than it was in 2016, according to a recent survey from LifeWay Research. The news comes as some pundits say the Democrat effort to ...

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‘God showing up’ – Youth For Christ replaces loneliness with hope in juvenile detention centers

youth for christ

“I was totally lost, really hopeless and ashamed of what I was doing with my life. I was in a hopeless spot at a time where I didn’t really care what happened ...

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Good news: COVID is not destroying marriages

The media is telling two different stories on marriages and how they’re coping with the stress of the COVID pandemic. Here’s what’s really going on. While some news stories say divorce from ...

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Ultra-Orthodox Jews and Israel’s future survival

For Israel, a clash of cultures involving ultra-Orthodox Jews and the less religious threatens society. Following the signing of agreements at the White House normalizing relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates ...

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Pompeo warns Christians forced to replace Jesus with pictures of Mao

Christians in China are now being forced to replace paintings of Jesus in their homes with pictures of infamous Chairman Mao. The revelation came from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who is ...

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Girl abused, brother sacrificed by Muslim witchdoctor in Uganda

An African newspaper is reporting that a 13-year-old Christian girl and her 11-year-old brother, abducted by a radical Muslim woman two years ago, were sold to a witchdoctor for ritual sacrifice. Morning ...

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1,200 absentee ballots missing in Pettis County, county clerk says


Problems with mail-in balloting are hitting close to home. The county clerk in Pettis County, which includes Sedalia, said 1,200 absentee ballots that were supposed to arrive on September 21 are still ...

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City Union Mission kicks off Celebrate Hope campaign

union bed

City Union Mission kicked off their annual Celebrate Hope campaign Thursday, Oct. 1. The organization hopes to raise $7 million—a significant portion of the Mission’s yearly operating budget through January 31, 2021. ...

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Poll: Pastors worried election will impact congregations

A poll of protestant pastors has found they’re worried that the 2020 election will have a negative impact on their church congregations. The news comes as faith is being used as a ...

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Sen. Blackburn calls on all women to support Supreme Court nominee

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) joined other female senators on Wednesday calling on American women to support Amy Coney Barrett. If confirmed to the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett will become the fifth woman ...

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Sarah Huckabee Sanders speaks out on faith and politics in new book

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, former press secretary for President Trump, finally is sharing her side of the story in a new book, “Speaking for Myself.” “The honest part of my story is that ...

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As media scoffs, major ballot fraud uncovered in Minneapolis

fraud minneapolis

As mainstream media asserts there is no evidence of mail-in voter fraud, a major example is under investigation in Minneapolis. The Minneapolis Police Department is now investigating a ballot harvesting and vote-buying ...

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Clergy of Color group slams Harris for praising Black Lives Matter organization

clergy of color

Not all African Americans support the Black Lives Matter agenda. Conservative Clergy of Color, a coalition of African-American pastors who say they were called to bring a new perspective to the nation’s ...

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Term limits for statewide offices will be on November ballot in Missouri

With the presidential election front and center, other issues on the November ballot may be overlooked. Missouri voters will decide whether to enact a term limits for lieutenant governor, secretary of state, ...

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‘Exhausting’: Trump and Biden debate covid, economy and Hunter Biden

biden debate

For many who watched last night’s Trump-Biden Presidential debate, they left the television feeling exhausted. President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden confronted each other on a wide range of topics with Fox ...

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Here’s what Christian leaders are saying about the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett

Christian leaders overwhelmingly support President Trump’s decision to appoint Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court. This is what several of them had to say. “This is a great day for ...

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On day of first debate, author tells nation what’s at stake in election

The first presidential debate of the 2020 election season takes place tonight at Case Western University and the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. Political pundits on both sides of the aisle say ...

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Washington DC Prayer march called nation to repentance

Christians across the nation are still talking about what happened Saturday in Washington, D.C.. On the same day that President Trump nominated Amy Coney Barret to the U.S.. Supreme Court, tens of ...

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President announces 150 million rapid covid tests to be delivered

“In a major announcement, President Donald Trump on Monday said the distribution of 150 rapid covid tests are ready to be distributed across the nation. The President said the new rapid tests ...

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Thousands participate in Kansas City Trump parade

Thousands of Kansas Citians turned out on Saturday for a Trump Parade from Liberty Memorial to the Country Club Plaza. The local Public Radio station KCUR, which along with the Kansas City ...

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$100 million anti-trafficking effort announced by Ivanka Trump, AG Barr

The Trump White house is continuing its aggressive take-down of human trafficking rings across the nation. Now, Ivanka Trump and Attorney General William Barr have announced $100 million to combat human trafficking ...

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Judge temporarily blocks ban of Communist-owned TikTok app

A federal district judge has temporarily blocked the ban on Chinese Communist Party-owned TikTok. The injunction allows the app to remain available for download from U.S. app stores. U.S. intelligence services say ...

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Can baptism forgive your sins?


Can baptism forgive your sins?  I walked in the hospital room and Terry was lying on her bed.  Her physical condition was deteriorating, and she was not ready to face her Creator.  I got ...

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Jewish groups demand Biden apologize for comparing Trump to infamous Nazi

biden goebbels

Jewish groups are demanding Joe Biden apologize for comparing President Donald Trump to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. “The rule in debate is that if your only argument is to call your opponent a ...

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Prayer echoes through Washington as march and rally fills National Mall

Thousands of Christians from across the nation gathered for prayer and rally at the National Mall in Washington D.C. on Saturday. Estimates put the number at anywhere between 10,000 and 20,000 people. ...

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