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How Missouri will handle taxes on stimulus checks

Missouri residents who received a stimulus check from the federal government because of COVID-19 will not have to pay state income tax under a bill passed by the state senate. The payments ...

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Podcasting shows surprising trends during pandemic

At the beginning of this year, podcasting was projected to be one of the hottest new media. After experiencing a half dozen years of 20% annual growth, this was going to be ...

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TV25 offers help for area small businesses impacted by COVID-19


Do you own a business in the Topeka, Lawrence or Kansas City area that has been impacted by the coronavirus shutdowns? TV25 wants to help. If you have a 30 or 60 second ...

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Why reopening churches after COVID-19 will be hard

Reopening our country will not be easy. And neither will be the reopening of churches across America. Most organizations are facing significant challenges brought on by the virus. Business owners feel overwhelmed ...

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Facebook sparks controversy by naming Muslim Brotherhood activist to ‘oversight’ board

LONDON – The name of Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Yemeni Nobel Prize winner Tawakkol Karman stood out as an odd addition to the oversight board of Facebook. The new oversight body includes four chairs: Former ...

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‘Completely dishonest editing’: White House says of NBC video clip

In another example of what media analysts say is media bias, NBC admitted spreading an edited video clip of Attorney General William Barr that was abruptly cut off, dramatically altering the meaning ...

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Demand soars for special communion cups

The coronavirus outbreak is changing numerous things about how church services are held, right down to communion. Blessed Communion in Chicago, the world’s leading provider of individually sealed, prefilled communion cups, is ...

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Vice President Pence supports church in dispute with state

Can government arrest a church pastor for hosting small groups in their buildings? The growing verdict across the nation is no.  Now, Vice President Mike Pence is joining other members of the ...

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Former Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon defending televangelist Jim Bakker

Televangelist Jim Bakker, who is based in Branson, Mo., now has an unlikely ally in defending his lawsuit over claims that he peddled a fake cure for COVID -19. Former Missouri Gov. ...

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Several good Christian movies available for viewing this weekend

weekend movies

There’s a lot of trash available on streaming devices and television. Sometimes it’s easy to spend 30 minutes looking for something decent to watch on Netflix, Prime or television. Here are five ...

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Sen. Josh Hawley calls for investigation of meatpacking industry

The coronavirus pandemic is exposing many flaws in the nation’s supply chain for essential items such as food. Sen Josh Hawley, R-Mo., is calling on the Federal Trade Commission to begin an ...

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Just released Democrat House Committee found ‘no evidence of collusion, coordination, or conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russians’

In a bombshell development that again have destroyed Democrat assertions of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday released previously sealed transcripts of interviews from its ...

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Video: U.S. Space Force releases first recruiting commercial

space force

When President Donald Trump announced in 2018 the creation of the sixth branch of the U.S. Military, the Space Force was met with derision by the news media and skepticism on the ...

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Egyptian TV series El-Nehaya shows Israel, U.S. destroyed

Israel is almost completely destroyed and millions of Jews slaughtered in the Egyptian science fiction drama El-Nehaya. The program, which has seen high ratings in Egypt and across the Islamic world, was ...

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The Chosen tops our top 5 family things for May

the chosen

Have you ever watched a television series that was good at the beginning, great by the second act and left you begging for more when the credits rolled? Such is the case ...

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Baseball’s Darryl Strawberry and his homerun for eternity

The most significant home run for Darryl Strawberry didn’t happen on a baseball field. It happened when he ran home into the arms of Jesus. The coldest place in the world on ...

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Abundant Life announces legal action against Jackson County over reopening restrictions

abundant life jackson county

One of the largest churches in Missouri is taking legal action against Jackson County, Mo., because of its new restrictions on reopening churches.  Pastor Phil Hopper, lead pastor of Abundant Life Church,  ...

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VIEWPOINTS: What others are saying about reopening

news media poll

Last week, as areas of the country began reopening, United States Attorney General William Barr ordered federal prosecutors across the U.S. to identify coronavirus-related restrictions from state and local governments “that could ...

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Obama office will release records involving Ukraine and 2016 election

The Obama administration has backed down from an earlier refusal to release information about its involvement in Ukraine and the 2016 election of Donald Trump. A Republican senator is now responding to ...

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Digital evangelism explodes in popularity during coronavirus outbreak

Christian Vision, a ministry that has focused on online digital evangelism for the past 10 years, has seen explosive growth in the use of its digital media. The organization is supporting churches ...

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Pastor offers hope for future of rural churches in new book

Pastor Danny Davis believes rural churches have a bright future despite the many challenges they face. He shares his insights in the new book “Rural Church Turnaround,” published by CrossLink Publishing. “Danny’s ...

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Saint Luke’s Mid-America Heart Institute studying effects of COVID-19 on heart patients

Saint Luke’s Mid-America Heart Institute in Kansas City this week will begin collaborating on a study to determine the effects of COVID-19 on patients with pre-existing heart conditions. George Clinical, whose U.S. ...

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Presidential Prayer Team plans virtual event for National Day of Prayer

The Presidential Prayer Team, the national, nonpartisan prayer ministry for America and its leaders, said it will host the largest virtual prayer event in the nation’s history on the National Day of ...

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Poll: Evangelical support for President Trump remains high

White evangelical Christians continue to be among the biggest supporters of President Trump, according to a poll conducted last week. Overall, approval ratings have returned to previous levels before the coronavirus outbreak. ...

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Tenn. Gov. points to Christ at drive-in church service: ‘We know where our hope comes from’

drive-in church

While some government leaders have discouraged drive-in church services, on a recent Sunday in Tennessee, the state’s governor attended a drive-in church service – and even delivered a word of inspiration from ...

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