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‘Miracle’ 13-ounce premature baby born in Iowa


Premature babies are not expected to thrive like this. Weighing less than one pound, an Iowa baby born at just 23 weeks is being hailed as “miracle baby.” Fewer than one in ...

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“Choose LIFE” Kansas license plates available through end of year

choose life plates

After a 16-year battle, Kansans can finally pre-order the new “Choose LIFE” Kansas license plates. In 2002, the Kansas legislature approved the Choose Life license plate. However, the governor at the time, ...

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British police pay preacher over wrongful arrest

A Christian preacher named Oluwole Ilesanmi has just been awarded £2,500 (about $3,100) by Scotland Yard for his wrongful arrest in the UK in February when he was falsely accused of ‘Islamophobia.’ ...

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Early American history you should know…but probably don’t

american history

Many in academia, the media and politics believe that separating us from American history and our Christian heritage is a necessary step in a campaign to move the country towards a “workers’ ...

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After 70 years, ghost ship with dead crew remains a mystery

ghost ship

Seventy two years ago this summer, the legendary ghost ship “SS Ourang Medan” was found adrift at sea, with its whole crew dead for unknown reasons. To this day, the ominous ship ...

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Honduras, El Salvador to join Guatemala, Mexico agreements with U.S


Shortly after overseeing the signing of a historic “safe third country” asylum agreement with Guatemala at the Oval Office on July 26, President Donald Trump told reporters that he expects to soon sign similar deals with Honduras and ...

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65 Christian Nigerians slaughtered after funeral


Over 65 Christians returning from a funeral in Nigeria have been slaughtered by Muslim extremists over the weekend. Nigerian state television is reporting it is one of the deadliest attacks on civilians ...

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Trump observations on Baltimore defended as Democrats make it a race issue

Democrats are being criticized for creating a race incident where none exists after President Donald Trump criticized the living conditions and crime in Baltimore. The district, which has some of the highest ...

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Learning Jewish Beginnings and Why Israel Matters: free classes July 29

This Monday, July 29, you are invited to consider a five-week class on one of two critical topics for Christian (and Jewish) learning. Going into its 23rd year offering studies for Christians ...

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National Night Out will be celebrated by millions of neighbors across the country

The best way to build a safer community is to know your neighbors and your surroundings. The simple act of getting to know your neighbors is the best form of crime prevention. ...

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President Trump may declare ANTIFA a terrorist group

President Donald Trump announced on July 27 that his administration may declare the far-left extremist group Antifa “a major organization of terror.” “Consideration is being given to declaring ANTIFA, the gutless Radical Left Wack Jobs who ...

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Google researcher: Make search index a public utility

A psychologist who has spent years researching Google’s massive influence has suggested a way for the tech giant to avoid potentially crippling government intervention. The solution, a significant sacrifice for Google, would be ...

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Guatemala signs asylum deal with the U.S.

President Donald Trump, who has pushed hard to slow the flow of illegal migrants who are bypassing established asylum laws established by the UN, said Friday that the “safe third country asylum” ...

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World champ boxer Manny Pacquiao: ‘Read Bible…pray continually’

Boxing legend Manny Pacquiao recently showed his prowess in the ring once again as he defeated Keith Thurman to become the WBA Super Welterweight champion. Just days after Pacquiao’s victory over Thurman, ...

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Faith in Jesus unites former Northern Ireland enemies

BELFAST, Northern Ireland – There is peace in Belfast, officially. But a wall still separates Republican Catholics and Unionist Protestants. And a gate between the two still closes every night to keep ...

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President signs Hawley bill addressing police suicides

Legislation to help stop police officer suicides, and written by Missouri U.S. Senator Josh Hawley, has been signed into law by President Donald Trump. The bipartisan measure restores and expands grant funding ...

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‘Christianity is an evil cult’: What Chinese students are taught

This week the Trump administration announced plans to punish Chinese officials involved in persecution by preventing their entry into the United States. The moves comes as more evidence that the Chinese government ...

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‘His cemetery was full of victims’: group helps Americans ‘adopt’ Nigerian Christians

Leaders with “Save the Persecuted Christians” are on a mission to help Americans “adopt” persecuted Christians in war-torn Nigeria – by praying for them and bringing awareness to their struggles. STPC is ...

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Ginsburg defends Trump’s Supreme Court picks

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has broken with Democrats, and is defending Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch. At the July 24 event she pushed back at criticism from feminist organizations and top Democrats about her ...

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Omar files for divorce, faces questions over marriage to brother, tax fraud


Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) has separated from her husband with plans to divorce him, according to a new report, amid calls for investigators to probe Omar’s marriage history after it was recently found she ...

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Supreme Court sides with Trump on Pentagon funding border wall

In a major defeat for Democrats blocking construction of a border wall, the Supreme Court on Friday sided with the Trump administration’s attempts to use Pentagon funding. The Supreme Court said it ...

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Trump 2020 campaign has fun with straw bans

The campaign to re-elect President Trump is having some fun at the expense of the push to ban the straw. And that fun has found a receptive ear among Americans tired of ...

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U.S. to bar entry of Chinese officials involved in persecution

The State Department is planning block Chinese officials from entering the U.S. in an effort to punish the communist regime for persecution of Christians and other religious minorities. U.S. Customs and Immigration ...

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Trump’s workforce initiative reshaping American job market

A whopping 300+ companies have thrown their support behind President Donald Trump’s  White House workforce initiative, committing to train over 12 million Americans for new job skills over the next five years. ...

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These 526 deaths didn’t make the nightly news…again

Unless you deliberately searched for it, you probably missed one of the most significant news stories of the past few weeks. After eight years of bloody fighting, the Syrian civil war may ...

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