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Wichita bomb threat leaves customer relieved

A report of a bomb threat at a Wichita Home Depot store now has police smiling and, customers creating a sigh of relief. Sort of. The threat turned out to be more of ...

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Don’t miss this cool college fair in Kansas City

Deciding what to do after high school? Checking out colleges and other options? Here’s the cool thing: There’s an event in Kansas City that brings together colleges and other options from across ...

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Free Christian K-12 education expo helps parents decide

Do you have questions about private education? Wondering what options are available to you or someone you know? Metro Voice will host its 21st Annual Midwest Christian K-12 Education Expo Saturday, March ...

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Now convicted, El Chapo may see his fortune build the wall

After his conviction today on drug charges, Mexian drug cartel owner El Chapo may see his seized drug money used to build the border wall. Mexico’s most notorious drug kingpin, Joaquin “El ...

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Judge rules citizenship question may remain on Census

A federal judge has rejected an activist group’s request to prevent the Trump administration from asking 2020 Census respondents about their citizenship status. In recent decades, Democrats and Republicans have fought bitterly ...

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Letter from George Washington credits God for Constitution

letter god

In an age when secularists try to remove God from the public square and deny the role faith played in our founding, a letter is revealing just how much credit those founders ...

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Church in Italy preserves the remains of a saintly dragon slayer … and the dragon he slayed

Arezzo is a relatively small city in Tuscany, Italy, the birthplace of the medieval music theorist Guido D’Arezzo (regarded as the inventor of modern musical notation) and also of a saint who ...

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“Valentine Business Matchmaker” at C5Alive POWER Luncheon

The C5Alive “Business Matchmaker” Luncheon will be held February 14, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Fairlawn Plaza Mall.  The meeting will feature speed networking to help businesses match up with one ...

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British mom arrested for calling transgender a man in tweet

Speech police around the world continue to monitor the statements of citizens in regards to transgenderism and gender dysphoria. It was revealed this week that UK police have arrested a woman after ...

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New Congresswoman continues anti-Jewish tweets

The hatred of Jews from one freshman U.S. Congresswoman is seething from her Tweets and forcing the Democrat Party to publicly denounce her just months after celebrating her election. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) ...

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Bill would ban drones over state prisons

As drones become more common and of greater use to both criminals and terrorists, state legislators are considering bills to ban their use in certain places like prisons. Since 2016, the Missouri ...

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South Korea will pay more to US after negotiations with Trump

South Korea will pay $60 million more for the upkeep of U.S. troops on its territory—this after President Donald Trump demanded that Seoul boost its contribution. The two nations inked a short-term ...

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Mention of a wall around Heaven sparks boycott against small grocer

wall heaven

Opponents across the nation rallying against a southern grocer’s  comments about Heaven having a wall and gate may want to read the Bible. Reggy McDaniel, who owns the Mac’s Fresh Market said he ...

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Modern day ‘Lassie’ breaks out, runs to get police and saves family


The spirit of Lassie lives in a dog named Sadie who broke out of her house to save her owner’s life. On Wednesday, Feb. 6, the 60-pound pit bull named Sadie was ...

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Here’s what your birth order says about you

Which description is most like you? 1: A natural leader and perfectionist, you are logical, technical, well-organized, conscientious, a good reader, and a list-maker. You take life seriously and don’t like surprises. ...

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5 craziest ideas in the Green New Deal

Socialists in Congress are unveiling their Green New Deal of a utopian wish list of control: economy goals sure to make Karl Marx smile from his grave. COMMENTARY Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ...

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Democrat Schiff met secretly with key witness in Russia investigation

The top Democrat investigating President Donald Trump has been outed for having a possibly illegal meeting with a key witness and keeping the clandestine association secret. Trump on Feb. 8 spotlighted a ...

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Only 13 percent support Medicare for all proposal

Just 13 percent of Americans would support the idea of “Medicare for All” if the proposal, as it is currently written, terminated the private health insurance industry, according to a survey by The ...

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Kansas students prepare to compete in the 2019 KidWind Challenge

Kansas KidWind Challenge

Kansas high school and middle school students will compete in the ultimate wind energy learning experience beginning next week. They have done their homework when it comes to wind power and used ...

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Public outcry does not stop library’s drag queen ‘AnnieChrist’ story hour

The public in a Philadelphia suburb continues to be upset after their efforts failed to stop a library from hosting a drag queen story hour featuring a drag queen named “Annie Christ.” ...

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Church security training offered in Lenexa

Many churches have taken comfort in the thought that “it could never happen here,” but headlines and a steadily-growing body of statistical evidence demonstrate that violence in faith-based organizations is not just ...

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Anne Graham Lotz begins final Chemo, says God has healed her


Nearly four months into receiving chemo, evangelist Anne Graham Lotz believes she will be healed after her seventh treatment next week. The 70-year-old evangelist revealed in an update on her blog this ...

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Rep. Hartlzer updates state lawmakers on pressing national issues

senate congressional hartzler u.s. religious

U.S. Rep. Vicky Hartzler, who represents Missouri’s 4th Congressional District, met with state lawmakers this week to discuss pressing federal issues. Hartzler, a popular Republican whose district encompasses a large rural swath plus ...

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Israeli scientists claim to have found cure for cancer

A team of scientists in Israel have claimed to have found the first complete cure for cancer and say they expect to have a complete cure within a year. Scientists from Accelterated ...

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This is what two Congressmen prayed over Trump at the prayer breakfast

At Thursday’s National Prayer Breakfast (See our Facebook page for the video) in Washington, event co-chairs Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) and Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) joined together in a rare moment of ...

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