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How teens and parents navigate screen time and device distractions

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Roughly half (54%) of U.S. teens are worried they spend too much time on their cellphones, according to a new Pew Research Center report released today. Some 52% of ...

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Words of wisdom from a seven-year-old: “Sing, dance and be silly… because God wants you to!” I think he has a valid point. Life is way too short to be serious all ...

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Prairie Village to debate LGBTQ protections

Prairie Village is considering an ordinance to include sexual orientation in its discrimination policies. The ordinance would expand coverage to all individuals who consider themselves lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transexual or queer (LGBTQ) ...

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Kansas City School District to pay kids to attend class

A Kansas City-area school district plans to use money as an incentive and pay students to attend class every day. Students at Hickman Mills School District’s four secondary schools will have the ...

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Kim seeks second summit with President Trump

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is calling for another meeting with President Donald Trump. Kim made the request in a letter that the White House describes as “very warm and pleasant.” ...

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Kansas near top for registered sex offenders

A report last week has Kansas near the top of a list of 10 states with the most registered offenders per capita. In the report, released by asecurelife.com, Kansas ranks as the 9th ...

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When you need to offer forgiveness

The first step in forgiveness is to recognize your resentment against an enemy. You must understand who the enemy is and what he has done to hurt you. Then you must consciously ...

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Good news: New users of opioids down by half

In a dramatic turnabout, the latest figures show that new users of opioids in the nation have dropped by half since President Trump made it one of his administrations top priorities. The survey, released ...

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Setback for George Soros: Judge removes measure from ballot

A judge in mid-Missouri’s Cole County issued a Friday ruling, ordering the removal of the “Clean Missouri” measure from the November ballot. The move is seen as a setback to liberal billionaire ...

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Suspicious letter meant to derail Kavanaugh?


Sixty-five women who say they have known Judge Brett Kavanaugh since high school are coming to the Supreme Court nominee’s defense after allegations of sexual misconduct were leveled at the judge this ...

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Meteorologists scoff at newspaper’s hurricane claims

A day or so before Hurricane Florence had even made landfall, The Washington Post editorial board took aim at President Donald Trump’s handling of the matter, suggesting he was somehow “complicit” in the ...

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Vietnam vets to be honored at ceremony

Ed “Doc” Golden says enlisting in the military did not require any one thanking him. In fact, after serving in Vietnam, he didn’t hear “thank you” for many years. America’s involvement in ...

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Democrats look at Kavanaugh’s high school days

In a last ditch effort to derail what is seen as the likely confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Democrats are saying they have the goods in an  “anonymous” letter. ...

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Teens prefer texting vs. talking in person

Text messaging is now the most popular form of communication among teenagers, according to a survey conducted by Common Sense. Teenagers overwhelmingly preferred in-person communication six years ago, with almost 1 in 2 saying ...

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81% of TV comedy episodes expose kids to sex


Over 80 percent of prime-time network family comedy television shows have scenes in which adult characters use sexually explicit dialogue in front of children, a family media watchdog group has warned. In ...

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A mom’s tips for raising a kind, compassionate man

As a mom of two (my daughter is 24 and my son 18), I have experienced the journey of raising both a boy and a girl in a chaotic world where digital ...

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Instead of trafficking heroin man now smuggles Bibles


A former smuggler involved in the international drug trade impacting Central Asia has opened up about how he went from trafficking illicit drugs like heroin to secretly selling Christian literature in hostile ...

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Awaken the Dawn is coming to Kansas

Last year over 50,000 people went to Washington, D.C., with 1,600 worship teams from all 50 states, for Awaken the Dawn 2017. Every state had their own tent, and they spent 50 ...

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Why Congress must investigate Google trying to fix election

On Wednesday, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued a statement calling on Congress to probe Google for potential election-meddling: Congress must hold hearings to investigate Google for possibly trying to fix ...

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AG Jeff Sessions to speak in Kansas City today

United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions will be in Kansas City today to hear testimony from local law enforcement on escalating crime. The goal is reducing violent crime in the metro which ...

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As a Nation, We Have Forgotten God

It seems like we as a nation have forgotten God. When I was a kid, there was an expression: “Stop the world. I want to get off.” Glancing at the headlines sometimes ...

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Boy survives meat skewer piercing skull


A 10-year-old Harrisonville boy is recovering after he was attacked by insects and tumbled from a tree, landing on a meat skewer that penetrated his skull from his face to the back ...

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Tech giants to face Congress, this time over privacy

Sparks could fly next week between six major Web companies and a Congressional Panel investigating privacy. The tech giants and internet-service providers, including AT&T Inc, Twitter Inc, and Alphabet Inc’s Google, will ...

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British MPs want Franklin Graham banned

Franklin Graham should be banned from Britain, according to the country’s leading Muslim organization and some British MPs. Graham, the founder of the Samaritan’s Purse relief organization and son of famed evangelist ...

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PLO office in Washington closed by US

President Donald Trump and his administration are being praised for closing the Palestinian mission, or PLO, in the nation’s capital. The announcement this week comes after nearly a year of mulling the ...

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