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Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo joins American Center for Law and Justice

Pompeo law

Mike Pompeo, the former secretary of state, has joined the American Center for Law and Justice as senior counsel for global affairs. “Secretary Pompeo is joining the ACLJ as of today and will ...

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‘Great damage to the church’ says Sean Feucht about ‘Equality Act’

feucht equality

Worship leader Sean Feucht is encouraging Christians to draw a line in the sand against the Equality Act, which passed the U.S. House last week and now moves to the Senate for ...

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Biden voters much less likely to have biblical worldview, survey finds

biblical worldview

President Biden’s base of supporters is 60 percent less likely to hold a biblical worldview than other Americans. Although nearly two-thirds of those voters consider themselves to be Christian, many of their ...

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Justice Clarence Thomas concerned about mail-in ballot fraud


Although the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review the way Pennsylvania conducted its presidential election because of the timing of the case, Justice Clarence Thomas expressed concern about the potential for fraud. ...

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Courts blocking Biden administration over unconstitutional acts

biden court

Court rulings blocking unconstitutional Biden adminsitration policies are ramping up. Thursday saw a U.S. District Court rule that Biden does not have the authority to issue a nationwide moratorium on evictions. Earlier ...

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Missouri Senate bill penalizes protestors who block streets, deface monuments

Protestors who block streets would be penalized under legislation initially approved by the Missouri Senate this week. The bill also aims to prevent municipalities from decreasing budgets for law enforcement agencies in ...

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Missouri legislation would ban Big Tech from censoring users

Missouri lawmakers are considering a bill that would prevent social media and other Big Tech companies from censoring users. The “Stop Social Media Censorship Act” from Rep. Jeff Coleman would prohibit social ...

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Trump probably will run for president in 2024 says daughter-in-law

Donald Trump isn’t going anywhere and most likely interested in running for president again in 2024, his daughter-in-law Lara Trump says. Her comments come after the second failed attempt by Democrats to ...

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State AGs respond to Biden cancelling sex offender crackdown

Across the nation, state Attorneys General are attempting to persade President Biden to reverse his decision to cancel Operation Talon, a nationwide operation to remove illegal immigrants who are convicted sex offenders. ...

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Will pandemic build momentum for school choice?

Across the nation, legislators are optimistic that the ongoing pandemic will provide the impetus to finally pass school choice legislation. That’s also true for Missouri where legislative leaders have spent the last ...

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Biden reverses Trump ban on Communist influence on campuses

President Joe Biden has rescinded a Trump administration order that required universities in the U.S. to reveal their ties with a Communist organization. The move has human rights activists alarmed. President Trump ...

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Rush Limbaugh remembered by his brother, others across Missouri

limbaugh died rush

Although Rush Limbaugh was a household name, his brother David also has become well-known for his writing about both Christianity and political topics. He thanked Americans for their support following his brother’s ...

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New Arkansas law protects churches from arbitrary Covid lockdowns

arkansas churches overtime

While other states fight in court for religious freedom during the pandemic, Arkansas is taking the lead in protecting churches. A bill that limits the governor’s power to close churches and that ...

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After a month, Biden calls American ally Israel

It took a month but President Joe Biden has finally spoken to perhaps America’s most important ally – Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says his American counterpart called him on Wednesday. The ...

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Eric Swalwell refers to God as a woman after Pelosi strikes ‘gendered’ language from House

Congressman and failed presidential candidate Eric Swalwell has made it a point to refer to God as a woman.  The Democrat joins Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, a Democrat from Kansas City, who was ...

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Kansas City Archbishop calls out President Biden for abortion policies

The pro-abortion policies of President Joe Biden are in direct opposition to Christian teachings, said Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, who also serves as chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic ...

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Biden proposes state travel ban while increasing migrant entries

President Joe Biden is being called out for hypocrisy after he floated a ban on Americans traveling to Florida and other states over Covid fears.  The suggestion comes as his administration prepares ...

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Missouri may join states allowing guns in churches

churches guns

After numerous armed attacks on unarmed congregations across the nation, more states are dropping the ban on legally carrying guns in a house of worship. A Missouri House subcommittee this week began ...

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Trump releases statement on acquittal

trump acquittal

Below is the statement released by former President Donald Trump after his acquittal by the U.S. Senate. – February 13, 2021 – Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United ...

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Biden notifies Congress he is defunding southern border wall

President Joe Biden has defunded work on the southern security wall with Mexico. He informed Congress Feb. 11 that he reversed President Donald Trump’s emergency declaration that funded construction of the wall. ...

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Group pleads with Biden to stop Chinese genocide against Uyghur minority


A Uyghur group protesting Chinese treatment of minority religious populations is calling on President Joe Biden to act upon the Trump administration’s “genocide” designation against China.  The East Turkistan National Awakening Movement ...

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Biden Administration flips on schools reopening

President Joe Biden’s promise to completely reopen schools during the first 100 days of his presidency has been considerably scaled back. The new plan is to reopen more than half of schools ...

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Six Republicans join Democrats to move ahead with impeachment vote

The U.S. Senate voted on Tuesday to proceed with what many consider an unconstitutional impeachment of former President Donald Trump. The vote, however, was more important for signaling that Democrats do not ...

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Supreme Court strikes down California church closures

Embattled California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Saturday was forced to revise guidelines for indoor church services after the U.S. Supreme Court slapped down his ban on indoor worship. The new state guidelines ...

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Democrats block vote to save babies who survive abortion

A vote to stop infanticide was blocked by Senate Democrats Feb. 4 when Republicans offered an amendment to provide medical care for babies that survive botched abortions. Republican Senator Ben Sasse of ...

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