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Politics & Policy

After weeks of hearings, impeachment effort still stands on hearsay

impeachment hearsay

After televised hearings failed to rouse the public or garner support for Democrats seeking impeachment, the mainly hearsay and presumptive testimony came to an end Thursday. Polls show no movement in public ...

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Democrat Party near bankruptcy as 2020 nears

Despite millions spent on fundraising and wall-to-wall coverage of the impeachment hearings, the Democrat Party is near bankruptcy. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) had just $8.6 million cash on hand and operated ...

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Primary candidate Pete Buttigieg cites scripture to support pro-abortion beliefs


Pete Buttigieg, who has been surging in Democratic presidential polls, said he derives his pro-abortion beliefs from scripture. “I think for a lot of us — certainly for me — any encounter ...

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‘Bombshell’ testimony from Ambassador Sondland refutes Dem claims


Despite media hype of “bombshell” testimony, statements by US Ambassador to the European Union, Gordan Sondland, were a knife in the heart of Democrat claims. Sondland’s testimony in Wednesday’s impeachment at first ...

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Democrat attorneys general vow to support only pro-abortion candidates

Pro-life Democrats are quickly becoming extinct. Gov. John Bel Edwards, a rare pro-life Democrat, narrowly won re-election as governor of Louisiana last week. Soon after, the Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) announced ...

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Former Bush ethics advisor criticizes Trump spiritual advisor Paula White

The selection by President Donald Trump of Paula White as his personal faith advisor is drawing criticism, according to a story in liberal Newsweek. Richard W. Painter, who is not a pastor but ...

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Bernie Sanders promises to eliminate need for charity by taxing the wealthy

Jesus said the poor will always be with us, which is why the church is commanded to exhibit charity in their care. Bernie Sanders, socialist candidate for the Democrat presidential nomination, disagrees. ...

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Catholicism, commitment to Israel help define faith of Democrat Joe Biden

Although Elizabeth Warren and others are gaining momentum, former Vice President Joe Biden remains a weak frontrunner for the Democrat Party’s presidential nomination. As opposed to previous elections where most Democrat candidates ...

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Dems vote against subpoena for witness in secret impeachment inquiry

The Democrat-controlled House Intelligence Committee on Wednesday voted against issuing the whistleblower at the center of the impeachment inquiry a subpoena. The vote was split along party lines 13-9, with Democrats led by ...

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Pentecostal pastor in New York challenging Ocasio-Cortez for House seat

Although the 2020 presidential race dominates the headlines, it’s not the only race being contested next year. Every House seat in the 435 member chamber is being contested. A Hispanic pastor and ...

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Trump to release another phone call transcript to prove Dems wrong

After President Trump’s release of a phone call transcript with the Ukrainian President that proved there was no wrongdoing, he says there was a previous call that “nobody knew about,” and may ...

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Graham warns on impeachment if ‘witness’ kept from public

Senator Lindsey Graham has a warning for Congressional Democrats operating a secret impeachment process against President Trump. Graham says the Senate will not consider the impeachment efforts against the President to be legitimate if ...

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Proposed Trump administration rule would overturn Obama restrictions on adoption and foster agencies

Adoption and foster care agencies that receive federal funding would be able to refuse to serve people based on religion, sexual orientation and gender identity under a new rule proposed by the ...

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Migrants returning to home countries from Mexico under Trump policy

Thousands of migrants who entered the US illegally and were sent back to mexico to wait for asylum hearings, are returning to their home countries.

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President plans fireside chat to read Ukraine phone call transcript

President Donald Trump is bypassing the news media as he plans a “fireside chat” with the American people. Trump said he will read the transcript of the Ukraine phone call. The call, ...

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South Carolina church denies communion to Joe Biden because of support for abortion

biden communion

“’I’m personally opposed to abortion but would never impose my views on someone else” has been a popular position among many politicians concerned about upsetting potential supporters. Straddling the fence is not ...

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Dick Morris: Hillary Clinton thinks God wants her to be President

Is God telling Hillary Clinton to jump into the 2020 presidential race? According to a political advisor to former President Bill Clinton, the former First Lady believes that is her destiny. “She ...

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Bernie Sanders refuses to say how he’ll pay for $32 trillion ‘Medicare for All’

Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is refusing to release a plan showing how he’d pay for Medicare for All. The elderly candidate who recently suffered a heart attack, responded to criticism by saying, “I ...

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Dems to bring first House vote on impeachment as early as Wednesday

After two weeks of hearings in a committee that is outside of the realm of congressional judicial matters, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Monday that “we will bring a resolution to the Floor that ...

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Sen. Josh Hawley introduces legislation to move federal jobs to depressed areas

federal jobs

The USDA recently caused a stir among career employees when it decided to move some of its operation from Washington, D.C., to Kansas City, Mo. Sen. Josh Hawley, a Missouri Republican, wants ...

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Poll: majority believe federal officials broke the law to prevent Trump from winning in 2016

In a poll that might give Democrats pause, a majority of likely voters believe that high-level officials in government broke federal laws in their attempts to stop Donald Trump from becoming president. ...

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1 in 5 people at Trump Dallas rally were Democrats

More than one in five people who registered for President Donald Trump’s “Keep America Great” campaign rally in Dallas on Oct. 17 were Democrats, according to Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale. Parscale, whose ...

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Democrats partner with leftist groups to push impeachment in media


Congressional Democrats are actively working with radical, left-wing groups such as MoveOn.org to promote House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s unilateral push to impeach President Donald Trump.  Pelosi this week announced her decision to ...

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Pro-life Democratic lawmaker shows that political labels don’t always apply

A state lawmaker from Louisiana is ignoring the official position of the Democrat Party Platform that seeks to guarantee abortions at any time, for any reason, and virtually – for any age. ...

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Ted Cruz urges Trump to release Biden’s transcripts with Ukraine

The Trump administration is being urged to release Vice President Joe Biden’s phone call transcripts with officials in Ukraine. The call for transparency was initiated by Texas Senator Ted Cruz. Cruz made ...

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