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Marines arrive in Baghdad to protect US Embassy


After President Trump ordered 750 Marines to the area, Iranian-backed militiamen withdrew from the US Embassy in Baghdad. The arrival of the troops capped two days of violence by Iranians and Iraqi ...

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Queen Elizabeth’s annual Christmas messages reveal importance of faith in her life

queen elizabeth

Although Great Britain has become more secular in recent years, Queen Elizabeth has become more explicitly Christian in her messages. This is most notably addressed in her annual Christmas broadcast message, a ...

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Netanyahu expected to win Likud Party election

Likud voters streamed to polls across Israel Thursday deciding to keep Netanyahu or go with a younger and rising young leader. At 9:00 a.m., 106 polling stations opened to handle the 116,048 ...

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Trade barometer shows China down 50% in trade war with Trump

DHL’s Global Trade Barometer that tracks three quarters of world air and shipping trade reported its China index has been cut in half since President Trump took office in 2017. CEO of ...

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Church resources available to highlight world’s persecuted believers

church persecuted

A billion Christians will celebrate Christmas this year in the comfort of their homes or their local church. But for half a billion persecuted Christians around the globe, Christmas could be a ...

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Psychologists resign citing over-diagnosis of childhood gender issues

Thirty-five leading British psychologists have resigned from government “gender” clinics in the last three years it has been revealed, with many expressing concern over gender transitioning of children. They claim children are ...

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UK’s Boris Johnson recommits Britain to support for Jews, Israel

Just days after his conservative party won a historic landslide victory, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has made combatting anti-Semitism and supporting Israel a top priority. Johnson says Parliament will pass legislation ...

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Jewish leaders celebrate defeat of anti-Semitic Jeremy Corbyn in U.K. election

Jews around the world are breathing a sigh of relief after last week’s election in the United Kingdom that, in addition to focusing on Brexit, also pitted Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson ...

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UN schools for Palestinian children accused of teaching terrorism

The United Nations voted on Friday to renew the mandate of the U.N. body that provides schools to Palestinian children.  Only the US and Israel voted against the resolution.  Both have exposed ...

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Jews are praying on Temple Mount for first time in decades

Something amazing is happening in Jerusalem. Videos and pictures surfacing online show Jews praying on the Temple Mount – a simple act of worship they have been banned from doing there for ...

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Some good news about Bibles reaching Chinese Christians

bibles china, wycliffe 2020

Every week there is disturbing and sad news coming from China. From the destruction of churches, imprisonment of Christians and suppression of Christian thought across all parts of that Chinese society, Christians ...

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After links to Nazis revealed, owners of Panera Bread, Krispy Kreme will support Holocaust survivors

The owners of well-known restaurants and food brands Panera Bread, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Pret A Manger, Dr. Pepper and Green Mountain Coffee, have announced a $5.5 million donation to survivors of the ...

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Israel headed toward March 2 election if no coalition formed

Is Israel headed towards another historic election – the third in less than a year? That’s the plan as Israel’s two biggest parties agreed on a March 2 election date, barring a last-minute power-sharing ...

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Democrats today set to vote giving Judea and Samaria to Arabs

Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are pushing through a vote Friday on their two-state resolution that would give the Biblical heartland of Israel to the Palestinian Authority. This  “two-state solution” ...

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Netanyahu blasts six European nations breaking US sanctions on Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Donald Trump spoke Sunday night about the grave threat Iran poses to world peace, sanctions and other important issues, the White House said in a ...

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President Trump greeted with cheers from troops in Afghanistan

Troops cheered President Donald Trump as he made a surprise trip to visit to troops serving in Afghanistan on Thanksgiving Day. Photos of the Commander in Chief serving food to the troops ...

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‘Horror story’ of violence against women ‘must end’

women violence

The World Bank, a source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries, estimates that one in every three women around the world will suffer violence in their lifetime. Globally, as many ...

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Millions of Hong Kong protesters thank Trump for signing resolution of support

Fulfilling the promises of a 1997 treaty agreed to by Hong Kong, the U.S. and Great Britain, President Trump signed legislation backing pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong. The treaty promised that the ...

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Arab news outlet reports Congresswoman Omar is a foreign agent

A major Arab news outlet is claiming Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is a foreign agent and that she “passed sensitive information that was relayed to Iran, and received funding by a foreign ...

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Unprecedented: Israel is headed towards a third election

israel election

Israel is on the verge of having its third election in less than nine months after Avigdor Lieberman refused to endorse a candidate for prime minister. Lieberman, who is the leader of ...

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Qatar has emerged as a safe haven for jihadists

If you watch any television, you’ve probably seen the commercials. Qatar Airlines touts itself as a modern, western airline with global reach offering passengers unparalleled comfort. But the airline is owned by ...

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50 million women worldwide to benefit from Trump initiative

An amazing 50 million women are benefitting worldwide from a plan put in place by President Donald Trump. Ivanka Trump on Nov. 18 announced the second round of grants from a White ...

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Protesters in Chile now burning churches

Demonstrators in Chile are now being described as anarchists by a once sympathetic public after churches became the target of violence.  The country’s Catholic bishops are denouncing widespread looting and arson of ...

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Missionary couple sets goal: Share the Gospel 2,020 times by 2020

It’s a hefty goal: share the Gospel 2,020 times by the fall of 2020. It’s an even loftier goal when following these conditions: The entire Gospel story should be presented, not just ...

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Leading pastors join Open Doors in prayer for persecuted church

Open Doors ministry has launched a major prayer campaign for the persecuted church featuring more than 20 of America’s most influential pastors, teachers and ministry leaders. Each leader appears on video offering ...

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