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Respect Life

Pro-life supporters and abortion opponents have reason to be optimistic

As thousands of pro-life demonstrators fill the streets of downtown Washington on January 24 for the annual March for Life, optimism and uncertainty will both be present in abundance. Forty-seven years after ...

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Satanist argues in court that Missouri abortion rules violate her rights

A Satanist is upset with a Missouri law that requires doctors to give women a pro-life booklet and an ultrasound before performing an abortion. A lawyer for the Satanist argued before the ...

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Petition aims to force vote on protecting babies who survive abortion

After Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats voted against it 80 times, a bill to protect babies that have survived an abortion is again being put forth by pro-life legislators. A petition has ...

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Annual Rally and March for Life is Jan. 22 in Topeka

Kansans for Life will hold the annual Rally and March for Life in Topeka on January 22. The day will be full of events including educational workshops for teens and adults, an ...

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MSNBC laments huge number of Trump’s conservative judges


As news networks reflect on the biggest news events of 2019, MSNBC took a look at what conservatives are applauding.  The liberal news outlet highlighted the confirmation of scores of conservative federal ...

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Green Bay Packers get heat for grant to Planned Parenthood

The Green Bay Packers are wrapping up a successful football season and heading toward the playoffs. Off the field, however, the team also is being criticized for donating to Planned Parenthood. The ...

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President Trump honored with ‘Witness for Life’ award

witness for life

Pro-life organizations have repeatedly said Donald Trump is the most pro-life president in American history. Now, he has been chosen by a major pro-life organization to receive the first Dr. Bernard N. Nathanson “Courageous ...

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MO Supreme Court to hear Planned Parenthood arguments for taxpayer money

The Missouri Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Tuesday morning in Jefferson City in a key case involving the Planned Parenthood of St. Louis’s legal dispute to force the State of Missouri ...

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Supreme Court upholds major pro-life law

supreme court pro-life

In another win for the nation’s pro-life movement, the U.S. Supreme Court today refused to review a case on a Kentucky law that requires doctors to show and describe ultrasound images to a patient ...

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Catholic League criticizes Nancy Pelosi for remarks about her faith

The Catholic League has criticized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s response to a question about impeachment in a news release. As she was leaving her press conference on Thursday, reporter James Rosen asked ...

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Jamie Grace: If every church fostered 1 child ‘there’d be no more waiting children’

Jamie grace

Christian singer Jamie Grace stars in the new PureFlix TV series “The Beverlys,” and while the inspirational show aims to impact young people, the singer hopes it will also encourage families to ...

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Pro-life lawyer Sarah Pitlyk latest Trump nominee confirmed as Federal Judge

The U.S. Senate confirmed a pro-life lawyer, Sarah E. Pitlyk, to a lifetime appointment as a federal judge in the Eastern District of Missouri. She joins more than 160 federal judicial nominees ...

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Warren, Buttigieg want over-the-counter abortion drugs

Seven Democratic presidential candidates, including front runners Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg, want to remove safeguards on dangerous abortion drugs and allow them to be sold over the counter. The New York ...

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Primary candidate Pete Buttigieg cites scripture to support pro-abortion beliefs


Pete Buttigieg, who has been surging in Democratic presidential polls, said he derives his pro-abortion beliefs from scripture. “I think for a lot of us — certainly for me — any encounter ...

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Democrat attorneys general vow to support only pro-abortion candidates

Pro-life Democrats are quickly becoming extinct. Gov. John Bel Edwards, a rare pro-life Democrat, narrowly won re-election as governor of Louisiana last week. Soon after, the Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) announced ...

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Congress hears testimony about abortion in Missouri

Missouri is back in the spotlight in the national debate over abortion. During a congressional hearing in Washington last week, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Maryland) said, “Big Brother has come to Missouri” and ...

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Man sues police after ticket for speaking on abortion in public space

A man who was ticked by police and told to stop speaking to people about his pro-life views is now suing the city of Portland, Ore., for $300,000. This past June, 2019, ...

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California law secretly changed to force churches to fund abortions?

states roe

The Alliance Defending Freedom is accusing California of having secretly changed the meaning of a law under pressure from abortion advocates. As now stated, the law forces churches and churchgoers to fund abortions, ...

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Recent news stories about abortion monitoring in Missouri based on incorrect information

Misinformation continues to cloud the debate over abortion in Missouri. An article by Michael J. New in National Review tried to clear up several false facts by national media. Contrary to media reports, ...

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Proposed Trump administration rule would overturn Obama restrictions on adoption and foster agencies

Adoption and foster care agencies that receive federal funding would be able to refuse to serve people based on religion, sexual orientation and gender identity under a new rule proposed by the ...

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South Carolina church denies communion to Joe Biden because of support for abortion

biden communion

“’I’m personally opposed to abortion but would never impose my views on someone else” has been a popular position among many politicians concerned about upsetting potential supporters. Straddling the fence is not ...

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Missouri representative hopes to make it easier to become foster parents by speeding up training

Nearly 14,000 children currently are in the Missouri foster care system. Finding and training foster parents willing to give them loving homes seems to be a never-ending challenge. State Rep. Hannah Kelly, ...

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Parts of aborted babies being transplanted into mice, other lab animals

In what could only be described as a scene from a Frankenstein movie, organs, bones and other body parts of aborted babies are being sold and transplanted into lab animals. Worse yet, ...

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Judge blocks Obama rule that forced doctors to perform abortions

Those who value pre-born life are celebrating after a federal judge permanently blocked an Obama administration rule Tuesday that forced medical facilities and doctors to abort unborn babies. The rule from President ...

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Newborn girl survives being buried alive for two days


A newborn baby girl has been discovered after being buried alive in a clay pot. The baby miraculously survived for two days before she was discovered, according to authorities in India. The ...

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