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Search Results for: bob white

President Trump will join Elon Musk to witness first US astronaut launch since 2011

spacx flight

President Donald Trump will join Elon Musk to watch in person when astronauts depart from Florida in the first launch from the United States since 2011. The launch will take place on Wednesday ...

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Transcript of Tuesday night’s somber coronavirus press conference with Trump, Pence

coronavirus pence

Metro Voice regularly provides you with the transcripts of President Trump’s statements and press conferences. Below is the transcript from the Tuesday, March 21 coronavirus press conference with the President, Vice President ...

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ANALYSIS: What the new federal education reform means for communities

A sweeping overhaul of federal education funding has been proposed that, according to the Trump administration, would return decision-making power to states, school boards and teachers. It also gives students more pathways ...

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State senator criticizes Parson’s position to accept more refugees

accept refugees

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson recently announced that the state is willing to accept refugees. That position is not sitting well with at least one state senator who sees it as a burden ...

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Founder’s son-in-law speaks out on why he left Church of Scientology


The Church of Scientology recently increased its profile in the midwest by relocating to a historic building at Kansas City’s 18th Street and Grand Blvd. Now a former leader is speaking out ...

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As the British attack, Francis Scott Key writes Star Spangled Banner


September 14, 1814 started out as a bad day for the United States of America. That’s the day British soldiers burned the White House and the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., one ...

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I can’t stand movies with fighting. But, several years into motherhood, I realize that finding quality kids movies that don’t contain some element of aggression is definitely not the norm.  If I ...

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Early American History You Should Know…But Probably Don’t: John Adams

john adams

John Adams, the mind of the American Revolution. It was with more than adequate reason that Founding Father Richard Stockton referred to John Adams as “the Atlas of American Independence.” Adams did ...

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Unsealed testimony shows McCain at center of ‘Spygate’ scandal

At his funeral, the late Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) was described as the Lion of the Senate – the last politician of a seemingly bygone era who put the needs of the ...

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University of Missouri challenged over ‘kangaroo court’ allegations

State lawmakers in Missouri are threatening to withhold funding from the embattled University of Missouri if it fails to provide adequate due process to students accused of sexual assault. Critics say men ...

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Conservative leader interested in seat as Sen. Pat Roberts retires

pat roberts

Longtime Republican Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas will not seek re-election to a fifth term in 2020, setting up an intense political scramble to replace him. Roberts would have been 84 when ...

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81% of TV comedy episodes expose kids to sex


Over 80 percent of prime-time network family comedy television shows have scenes in which adult characters use sexually explicit dialogue in front of children, a family media watchdog group has warned. In ...

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Remarks of President Trump on anniversary of 9-11

Remarks of President Trump on the anniversary of 9-11 given at the Pennsylvania crash sight of Flight 93. In our continuing effort to offer you unfiltered news and information, please see the ...

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Another American hostage released

Another American hostage is celebrating new freedom today after being released from overseas imprisonment–this time from Venezuela. Joshua Holt, a missionary who had been imprisoned on false charges in Venezuela since the ...

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Conservative leaders fight for fairness on social media bias

world censorship bias fairness media conservative

As Metro Voice reported in March, new algorithms, bias and outright censorship may be silencing the free speech of Christian and conservatives. Now, MRC Founder and President Brent Bozell, MRC Censorship Project Director Allen ...

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Great memories prepare Anita and me for what’s next

Memories have been flooding back to mind this week. In my June 1991 column for Kansas City Christian (now Metro Voice), I wrote this about the support of the community for a ...

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Publishing lessons of the past pave way for promising future


The Widamans reflect on 29 years of publishing. In the early 1990s, Dwight Widaman had never run a business, sold an ad or even owned a computer. He had something far more ...

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Surprise! Congress agrees with Trump on Jerusalem move

Below is a list of statements from members of Congress following the administration’s Dec. 6 announcement that the United States will now officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel: U.S. Senate: ...

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ELECTION COMMENTARY: Eric Greitens must apologize and come clean

Eric Greitens, if you want to win the trust of Christian and conservative voters, “EARN IT.” In the Republican primary for Missouri governor on August 2nd, Eric Greitens won a four-way primary ...

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PRIMARY ELECTION SPECIAL: Money, Sex and Power: the campaign of Eric Greitens

Eric Greitens−a lifelong Democrat with liberal alliances−claims to have recently become a conservative and is running as a Republican for Missouri Governor Greitens has raised big money−about $9 million−with most of it ...

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Charleston Pastor Remembered for Loving Others

  Clementa Pinckney, senior pastor of Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, S.C., was remembered over the weekend by colleagues and friends as a godly man who cared deeply for others. Pinckney was ...

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Obama Plans to Raise Rights Issue with China, Say Officials

President Obama plans to raise human rights issue with his Chinese counterpart President Hu Jintao during his U.S. visit next week, according to senior administration officials. The Washington Post reported Friday that ...

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