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Tag Archives: boys

As Boy Scouts shed name, Christian alternatives surge


After decades of declining membership, the Boy Scouts of America hopes dropping “Boy” from its name will attract more children to the program. However, some evidence suggests this latest move may be pushing more families to ...

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Missouri legislature to address biological males in girl’s high school sports

As state legislatures across the country move to protect women’s sports from biological males, Missouri is addressing the issue this year. But the effort is getting off to a rocky star. A ...

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Biden administration changes course on halting lunch funding for religious schools

The Biden administration has reversed course on its plan to use its interpretation of Title IX to stop funding lunch programs for schools that teach biblical standards on sexuality and marriage. The ...

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How a Christian high school in Kansas became a basketball powerhouse


(REVIEW) Can you name one of the best boy’s basketball teams in the nation? You may have never heard of the school, but that’s what makes their story an even better one. ...

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“People need to be outraged”: trafficking now rising across United States

Human trafficking continues to be a silent epidemic across the nation, said Kevin Malone, president and co-founder of the United States Institute Against Human Trafficking, whose organization runs the nation’s sole accredited ...

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Arrested for child molestation, Democrat lawmaker had sponsored sex-ed bill

democrat sex

The Democrat sponsor of an Arizona bill expanding sex education to kindergarten has been arrested on felony charges of child molestation. Sen. Otoniel “Tony” Navarette, who is openly gay and founded the ...

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What it means to be a man

What is a man?  It could be confusing answering that question because our society is changing quickly on this. Little boys should have their fathers to show them what a man is.  ...

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Gold medalist Jenner against biological boys competing against girls

jenner girls

Caitlyn Jenner, who is both an Olympic champion and transgender, has come out against allowing biological boys to compete in girls sports. Jenner, who formerly was identified by the name Bruce, was ...

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Parents pray and protest in Nigeria after Islamists abduct more than 300 boys from school

Governments around the world are still expressing shock after the Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram abducted more than 300 boys from one secondary school in Nigeria. It brings the number of kidnapped ...

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The pornification of America: How young girls are being groomed by sexual predators

What can we do to protect America’s young people from sexual predators? That’s the question I keep getting asked by people who, having read my article on the growing danger of young ...

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Parents ask Surgeon General to expose dangers of gender drugs, surgeries

Parents of children who have endured puberty-blocking gender drugs, cross-sex hormones, and permanent medical procedures as a part of their new gender identity are asking the United States Surgeon General to increase ...

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Video: Catholic students defend selves after receiving death threats


The Catholic students who were falsely accused of targeting a Native American demonstrator in Washington, DC have faced a massive wave of extremist, left-wing attacks. The mob of ranting, unhinged social media ...

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Did the media spin the Catholic student incident in Washington?

catholic student

The video of a male Catholic student and an American Indian went viral. National media and social media pushed it as an example of racism yet a fuller picture is now emerging ...

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