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Tag Archives: christian

Overland Christian helps students pursue truth

overland christian

Located at 74th and Metcalf in Overland Park, Kan., Overland Christian Schools offers quality Christian education for students K-3 through high school. Since 1938, OCS has offered students a Christ-centered atmosphere to pursue ...

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Outreach Christian Education excels


Outreach Christian Education excels in providing quality, Christ-centered education. Our students are cultivated in Godly principles, and challenged through our curriculum. It is our desire to impart in our pupils the skills ...

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Largest gathering ever on religious freedom this week


What is described as history’s largest officially sponsored gathering to support religious liberty will take place in Washington, D.C. next week. The historic “Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom” meeting will be convened ...

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At Asbury Seminary, Nigerian pastor warns against passivity

Pastor Samuel Odubena recently gave a sermon at Asbury Seminary Chapel in which he spoke about how Christians in the West ought to react to persecution. Odubena is an Anglican priest from ...

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Michael W. Smith misses flight, talks Jesus to Uber driver


Michael W. Smith recently shared how a “divine interruption” led him to a surprise conversation with an Uber driver who truly needed to hear the gospel. It’s a powerful story about how ...

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Facebook to let leftist organizations run ‘fairness’ effort

Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg announced the company’s latest efforts to institutionalize the demands of 90 liberal organizations into the company’s “fairness” operations, including disturbing efforts geared toward the 2020 elections. Leaders whose organizations ...

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Chick-fil-A celebrates the cow, offers free food today


Got your cow costume ready? How about a white shirt while you say, “MOOO!” Today marks Chick-fil-A’s annual ‘Cow Appreciation Day’ – a holiday the restaurant chain invented 15 years ago to ...

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Tim Tebow calls on Christians to stand up for their values in America

Tim Tebow says that Christians need to stand up for Judeo-Christian values in America. At a recent conference, the popular sports figure and now movie producer said, “What’s amazing when you get ...

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Nigerian 7-year-old recounts Fulani attack on family

As a Baptist church member tried to fight off an armed Muslim Fulani herdsmen in a village in north-central Nigeria, he told his 7-year-old nephew and other relatives to run. The boy ...

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Jihadists attack Mali villages killing 100 Christians

As Metro Voice has reported, much of Africa is burning. That is, Christian communities are burning at the hands of Islamic jihadists who have instituted a campaign of genocide against them. News ...

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Huge monument will celebrate answered prayer in England

answered prayer

A British man has found a unique way to commemorate answered prayer and the Christian heritage of England. The Wall of Answered Prayer is a extremely large monument and piece of public art ...

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GoFundMe shuts down campaign for Christian rugby player’s legal fees

GoFundMe has shut down the campaign to raise funds for legal fees for a Christian Rugby player.  The campaign had raised $750,000 after Folau’s multi-million dollar playing contract was terminated after he shared ...

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Nigerian girl refused to renounce Jesus, became slave for life


Until this week, Rebecca Sharibu never set foot outside of her Nigerian village. Helpless and heartbroken, she boarded a plane for the very first time and traveled 9,000 miles to the United ...

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Black pastor had ONE question for Trump

Many of you may know of Mark Burns, a black pastor from South Carolina who boldly supports President Donald Trump. At a time when many across the U.S. believe Trump and the ...

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Aladdin’ star Naomi Scott says her Christian faith is ‘part of who I am’

Naomi Scott, who plays Princess Jasmine in the new live-action remake of the Disney classic “Aladdin,” said this month she doesn’t know how she would be able to navigate the ups and downs ...

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Exhibit features Jewish jewelry in Arab lands

The Museum for Islamic Art in Jerusalem, with a mission of promoting interfaith dialogue, has opened a “past and present” jewelry exhibit featuring a section that highlights the Jewish amuletic jewelry in the communities of the Islamic world. ...

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Supreme Court sides with Christian bakers

A Supreme Court decision is being called a win for religious freedom over the case of Christian bakers in Oregon. As Metro Voice has reported for years about the Kleins, two Oregon bakers ...

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‘Serving others’ more difficult for church-goers

serving others

Everyone is busy. We seem to live in an age where “activities” fill our time. Like most people, Christians often admit having a hard time serving others. This despite it being a ...

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Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand states pro-life, Christian views like ‘racism’

Christians and pro-life voters are again in the crosshairs of another Democrat candidate for president. In startling comments, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) has stated that pro-life views are “not acceptable” and compared them ...

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Tips for the stress-filled lives of singles

June jumps into our lives and brings with it piles of wedding invitations.  For Christian singles, the fancy cards serve as invites to more than one party: a wedding party and a ...

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4 things to know about Indian elections, persecution

The Indian elections last week saw a landslide victory for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Hindu nationalist party. It has Indian Christians and other minority faiths fearing increased persecution. Since ...

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Advocates for Nigerian Christians fear a Rwanda-type genocide

The populous nation of Nigeria has been a hotbed for violence against Christians. Those who defend religious freedom in countries like Nigeria fear another genocide along the lines of Rwanda is a ...

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Christian school recovers after vandals hit


Vandals ravaged a Christian school in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. over the Memorial Day weekend, leaving behind more than $50,000 in damages. All of the Showers of Blessings Christian Academy’s 10 classrooms were ...

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Christian teenager raped, forced to marry Muslim attacker

A Christian teenager in Pakistan is sharing a horrific story of rape, beatings and her forced marriage to a 45-year-old man. Neha Pervaiz, a 15-year-old who lives in the Ittehad Town neighborhood ...

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Christian student takes school to Supreme Court for forced Islamic prayer

Can a public school force a Christian student to recite an Islamic prayer of conversion and say there is  “No God, but Allah?” A Maryland school is defending its actions at the ...

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