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Tag Archives: christians

Christians under attack by Communist Vietnam


Vietnam’s communist government is continuing its assault on Christians as  more are arrested for refusing to renounce their faith in Christ. This according to the persecution watchdog group, International Christian Concern (ICC). ...

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10 Commandments altered by Chinese Communist authorities

Chinese communist authorities forced a church in China’s Henan Province to take down the first of the Ten Commandments given to Moses, as it was deemed offensive. The move comes as China’s ...

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Libyans discover mass grave of Christians murdered by ISIS

Last month Libyan officials uncovered dozens of bodies from a mass grave used by the Islamic State, Catholic News Agency reported. The bodies of 34 Ethiopian Christians killed by the terrorist group in 2015 ...

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Iraq Christians face bias in school curriculum

After $1 trillion spent and thousands of lost American service members, is anything really changing in Iraq? Archbishop Louis Raphael Sako, leader of Iraq’s Chaldean ancient Christian community, has asked the Ministry ...

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Netanyahu’s Christmas greeting to Christians is amazing

In a heartfelt televised address, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his gratitude in a Christmas greeting to Christians around the world, and in the US in particular, for their strong support ...

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As US prepares to leave Syria, Christians there plead for help

President Trump campaigned on a promise to end U.S. involvement in foreign wars. Americans, he said, were tired of 17 years of war and loss, fueled by a military-industrial complex that profits ...

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Religion only thing blocking total totalitarianism in China


It was 40 years ago this week that China opened its doors to the world and launched a series of ambitious reforms that would create one of the world’s largest economic engines. ...

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Christians targeted by ISIS to get historic help from America

Religious leaders and human rights activists are rejoicing after President Donald Trump signed a historic bi-partisan bill that supporters say will “boost” efforts to help Christians and other religious minorities targeted by ...

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China arrests pastor and his 100 church members

China is tightening its grip on the country’s Christians through repeated efforts to persecute and silence the Church including arrests and imprisonment. The latest example happened Sunday when Communist party officials detained ...

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Christian students being silenced on campus

Christian students are being silenced on college campuses. New numbers reveal the phenomenon is causing a growing number to keep their religious, and even political, views to themselves. An annual survey by ...

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Refugees in Kenya run for peace

KAJIADO, Kenya—In 2002, at age 9, James Nyang was to be taken as a child soldier so he could fight for his clan in South Sudan. It was his family’s turn to ...

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Brazil elects their own “Trump” partly due to Christian vote

Brazil has elected conservative Congressman Jair Bolsonaro as their new president, and evangelical Christians played a major role in his victory. His election reflected widespread anger at the political class after years ...

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When people hate Jews, they hate who Jesus is

On the Jewish Sabbath last week, an anti-Semitic terrorist filled with hate murdered eleven worshippers within Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue. It is being called the deadliest attack on Jewish people in ...

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NYC posters: Christian Trump supporters as ‘trash’

Christian supporters of President Trump are coming under attack in the self-described city of tolerance–New York City. Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared across the Big Apple ...

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Something amazing is happening in Iran

iran christian converts

More Muslims have come to faith in Christ in this generation than in the last fourteen centuries of Islam combined. The Church in Iran is now estimated to be between 1 million ...

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Is Kim Jong Un afraid of Jesus?

Open Doors USA has explored the reasons why North Korean leader Kim Jong Un remains “afraid” of Christianity. Their findings go to the heart of people’s beliefs about Jesus. Sunday, November 4 ...

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Should Christians celebrate Halloween?

Should Christians celebrate Halloween? Opinions differ between Christian leaders, lay people and church members. According to a poll taken on Facebook by  CBN News, 87% of believers feel that Christians should not celebrate ...

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Spared death, kidnapped girl made ‘slave for life’


Kidnapped Christian schoolgirl Leah Sharibu will not be executed as threatened by a Nigeria terror group, Nigeria’s independent online newspaper, The Cable, reports. According to The Cable, the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) says instead, ...

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Christians are the swing voters on Nov. 6

Both the right and the left are desperately trying to mobilize their bases and appeal to key swing voting blocks. But there’s a reality few in politics have fully recognized and accepted: ...

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Christians honored in Israel for work in face of terror

The Jerusalem Post newspaper reports Israeli communities near the border with Gaza expressed gratitude on Tuesday to the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ)for their work in responding to terror from the Hamas-controlled ...

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Dozens of kids at Bible camp among earthquake dead

The number of dead from the massive Indonesian earthquake and tsunami has now reached at least 1,234 and it’s expected to rise into the thousands as rescue crews explore new hard-hit areas. ...

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Christians in Kurdistan hope democracy will prevail

The Christian minority in Iraqi Kurdistan is hoping for its “real” representatives to be voted into the Kurdish regional parliament September 30, reports Kurdish news service Rudaw. The presidential and parliamentary elections ...

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Kenyan bus passengers killed over Islamic statement of faith


Some horrific news is emerging out of Kenya after two Christian bus passengers were murdered in cold blood by militants belonging to Islamic terror group Al-Shabaab. According to International Christian Concern, last weekend a ...

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Here’s why persecution of Christians in China is exploding

This summer, Christians in China are experiencing an escalating wave of persecution unseen since Mao’s Cultural Revolution. “We’re seeing more persecution or a higher level of persecution,” said The Voice of the Martyrs ...

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Facebook CEO models himself after brutal Roman emperor

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s love for ancient Roman emperor Augustus Caesar offers some insights into how he views being a leader, reports CNBC and the New Yorker Magazine. “You have all these good and bad ...

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