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Tag Archives: christians

Poll looks at who believes President Trump is ‘anointed’

Nearly half of white Protestants who regularly attend church believe President Donald Trump is “anointed by God,” according to a new report. “Trump the Anointed?” published by Religion in Public found that ...

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Why reopening churches after COVID-19 will be hard

Reopening our country will not be easy. And neither will be the reopening of churches across America. Most organizations are facing significant challenges brought on by the virus. Business owners feel overwhelmed ...

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Trump more like Churchill than critics want to admit

British leader Winston Churchill, like President Donald Trump, had his critics and his foibles. It’s ironic and hypocritical that many on the left have been so desperate to criticize the President in ...

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Fulani Islamists slaughter Nigerian children at home from lockdown

As Fulani militants murder children in Nigeria, Release International is calling on the African country to protect its Christian minority in the north. The charity reports Fulani Islamists continue to carry out attacks against ...

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The Easter Story – Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection

On this Easter Sunday, as Christians celebrate the Resurrection in their own homes, we take a look at the story of Easter from the Bible, including the Last Supper, Judas’ Betrayal, the ...

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Evangelicals approve of Trump’s handling of coronavirus

Nearly 70 percent of white evangelicals approve of the way President Donald Trump is handling the coronavirus outbreak, according to a HuffPost/YouGov poll conducted last weekend. By contrast, 45 percent of Americans ...

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Good news for Sudan’s Christians and their churches

Sudan’s transitional government has abolished committees formed under the Islamist regime of former President Omar al-Bashir that were used to take over hundreds of churches and other Christian property. Nasreldin Mofreh, Sudan’s Minister ...

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Nigerians mourn 350 Christians killed since January 1

Christian Nigerians have buried 350 of their fellow church-goers just in the first two months of 2020. The Nigerian Civil Society Organization reports that’s how many Christian believers have been murdered across ...

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Prayer guide for coronavirus

Vice President Mike Pence was criticized this week for offering a prayer during a meeting on the coronavirus. Democrats, Hollywood actors and media outlets blasted the effort as “anti-science.”  But the comments ...

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Barna study: Adults still find church attendance relevant

The Barna research organization, which specializes in issues of faith, reveals in a new study that that practicing Christians and churched adults still enjoy gathering and worshiping in church. The younger generation? ...

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Muslim Judge on kidnapped Christian girl: ‘Unable to treat Christians as Pakistani Citizens’

A Pakistan high court has handed down a ruling based on Islamic “sharia” law that says men in Pakistan can marry underage girls as long as they have had their first menstrual ...

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Faith in God: Good for your health?

Can faith in God improve your health? A surprising number of medical experts say it might. These scientists claim certain desirable qualities might be associated with personal faith and spiritual practice. Benefits ...

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Many businesses fail to include faith as part of diversity programs

Although many Fortune 100 companies say they are committed to workplace diversity, few promote faith and religious diversity, choosing instead to focus on sexuality. This is the key finding of the Corporate ...

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Chinese communists now banning Christian funerals

china funerals

Even in death, Chinese Christians are being humiliated as Communist authorities ban Christian funerals. According to a report in the Chinese watchdog organization Bitter Winter, communist officials are arresting family members and ...

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Coronavirus situation ‘critical,’ Chinese pastor reveals in letter to world

coronavirus pastor

As countries around the world issue travel bans on passengers coming from China, a pastor living in the epicenter of the deadly coronavirus outbreak has written a  letter to the world. He’s ...

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New Communist rules in effect Feb. 1 further strangle Chinese religious minorities


Christians and other religious groups will face “harsh” new rules Feb. 1 in China.  The regulations were announced in late 2019 and religious freedom advocates say they’ll further endanger followers of many ...

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Violence against Christians increasing around the world, Open Doors reports

open doors

Worldwide violence against Christians is on the rise, according to the Open Doors World Watch List released this week. Among the most shocking violence-related data disclosed was a report citing that more ...

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People triggered by Bethlehem response on ‘Jeopardy!’

Although most children in Sunday school know that Bethlehem is in Israel, the location stirred up some controversy on a recent episode of “Jeopardy!” Bethlehem is roughly six miles south of Jerusalem ...

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World Evangelical Alliance equates US with Iran, gets pushback from Christians

Is the US the same as the rogue regime of Iran which kills thousands of its citizens each year? That’s seems to be the message from the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). The ...

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8 New Year’s Resolutions for Christians

New Year’s resolutions can seem, overall, pretty silly. No one ever sticks to them, no matter what plan or goal they set for themselves. Those 100 new members at your gym the ...

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Thousands of Jews and Christians rally in New York to protest rising anti-Semitism

More than 25,000 people rallied in New York City on Sunday to support the Jewish community and speak out against rising anti-Semitism. The solidarity march included people from all backgrounds. The rally ...

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Missionary shares 10 things Christians need to know about Muslims

Christians have been asking many questions about Muslims.  Who are they and what do they believe? Do all Muslims sanction violence?  Most importantly, what attitude should Christians have toward them?  Why do ...

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Are evangelicals who support Trump fools?

In a lengthy op-ed piece for the Christian Post, Chris Thurman claims that “evangelicals who support Donald Trump are being both blind and foolish to do so.” Therefore “labeling them as such ...

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Nikki Haley: God has brought ‘lessons’ and ‘change’ through Trump’s presidency; Rick Perry agrees

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said that God is using Donald Trump’s presidency to create “change” and to help teach the country “lessons.” CBN News chief political analyst David ...

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Primary candidate Pete Buttigieg cites scripture to support pro-abortion beliefs


Pete Buttigieg, who has been surging in Democratic presidential polls, said he derives his pro-abortion beliefs from scripture. “I think for a lot of us — certainly for me — any encounter ...

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