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Tag Archives: churches

Vice President Pence’s wife attacked for new job at Christian school

The battle to force private schools and churches to hire LGBT and cross-gender teachers, pastors and staff is heating up after the new job of the wife of Vice President Pence was ...

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10 Commandments altered by Chinese Communist authorities

Chinese communist authorities forced a church in China’s Henan Province to take down the first of the Ten Commandments given to Moses, as it was deemed offensive. The move comes as China’s ...

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‘God’s Love, Our Wings’: First ever Christian airline caters to churches, missionaries

A Texas non-profit has been granted permission from the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) to launch a brand-new airline which will cater exclusively to Christian missionaries. “Judah 1” plans to operate out of North Texas Regional ...

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Boy Scouts of America may file bankruptcy, as alternative groups thrive

Boy Scouts of America (BSA) may soon be filing bankruptcy. According to various news sources, BSA has hired a law firm to consider their options in the wake of a wave of ...

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Texas city ordinance would restrict who churches hire

Churches in Austin, Texas may soon be forced to hire staff and pastors that do not agree with central Biblical teachings on marriage and homosexuality if a city ordinance is implemented. The city says ...

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Algeria warns parents about ‘happy’ children being secret Christians


In Algeria, about 95 percent of the population follows Islam and less than two percent are Christians. The government bans conversion from Islam to Christianity, regulates non-Muslim worship, and enforces blasphemy laws, ...

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Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes attacked as intolerant

oepration child

Is the Christmas outreach effort of toy-filled shoeboxes supported by millions of American Christians anti-Muslim? Franklin Graham, founder of Samaritan’s Purse, the organization behind the Operation Christmas Child project, has responded to ...

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Chinese communists rewriting Bible and hymns


WASHINGTON — The Chinese government is supervising a five-year plan to make Christianity more compatible with socialism in which they are rewriting the Bible, a prominent religious freedom activist has told Congress. The ...

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China’s believers face new threat: camera’s in church


China’s independent churches are facing a new threat: forced to allow the government to spy on who worships in them or face the threat of being shut down. The Zion church in ...

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Chicago Christians pray and work to stop violence

Pastors in Chicago are desperate for God to intervene in the city’s exploding murder rate. As a result, 40 days of outreach called “Jesus Summer” kicked off in Chicago recently. The ministry ...

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Iran sentences entire church to prison

Iran’s Islamic regime has sentenced a Christian couple and their entire church to prison for practicing Christianity. Article 18, an organization that supports Iranian Christians stated that “A Christian couple have reported ...

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Rwanda closes hundreds of churches and arrests pastors

A move by Rwanda to shut down more than 700 churches in its capital city, allegedly for building safety, hygiene and noise violations, is prompting accusations that the government of President Paul ...

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Jerusalem wants to tax church-owned businesses

In the United States, houses of worship do not pay tax on their facility. But when that institution crosses the line and purchases property like an office building, water park, coffee shop ...

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Survey: 97% of evangelical leaders support FEMA helping churches

Many churches and faith-based groups experienced property damage in the natural disasters of 2017. Nearly all American evangelical leaders (97 percent) think faith-based groups should be eligible to apply for FEMA assistance. ...

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FEMA bill allowing churches to receive aid advances


WASHINGTON — Churches, synagogues, mosques and other faith-based community centers damaged in a natural disaster could be eligible for federal disaster relief funds through FEMA under a measure approved by a congressional ...

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Lutherans Work in Ferguson for Long Haul

ferguson lutherans

Months after the Aug. 9 shooting of black teen Michael Brown Jr., a group of Lutheran Church Missouri Synod pastors and vicars, led by Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) Missouri District President ...

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Churches Spearhead Ferguson Cleanup

FERGUSON, Mo. – When The Passage Church, on the border of the St. Louis suburbs of Florissant and Ferguson, partnered with local church plants to initiate a Ferguson cleanup effort of the ...

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