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Ugandan clergy are divorcing wives for younger church members

KAMPALA, Uganda— Aloysius Bugingo, a senior pastor at House of Prayer Ministries in Kampala, left his wife of 29 years in December and married a younger woman under the customary law. He ...

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Trust issues. Responding to our cultural authority crisis

In his book The Last Word, atheist philosopher Thomas Nagel, talked about an authority crisis – a “the fear of religion”: “… I don’t mean to refer to the entirely reasonable hostility toward certain ...

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Volunteer recalls taking her first call at the pregnancy resource ministry Birthright

birthright call

“Birthright, this is Christy.” I felt great energy and enthusiasm in my voice as I lifted the receiver and responded to the insistent ringing of the cream-colored phone with the curly, long ...

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Ukrainian Christians call for peace, prayer, but prepare for Russian invasion

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A Church of Christ in the eastern Ukrainian city of Dnipro is readying itself to house refugees if neighboring Russian forces invade. “We’ve already told some congregations that we can be a ...

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Lawmakers blast Biden for bragging about economic record

President Joe Biden has insisted on social media that his economic track record is the strongest of any president in the past half-century. “We’re ending 2021 with what one analyst described as ...

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Missouri governor creates task force to address supply chain crisis in state

With the federal government dragging its feet on addressing the supply chain crisis, Missouri Gov. Mike Parson is stepping up. Earlier this week, he crated a task force dedicated to the issue ...

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Dollar Tree not exactly a dollar in response to inflation crisis

dollar tree

Dollar Tree is the latest retailer to change its business practices in response to what’s becoming known as the “Biden Inflation Crisis”. The popular store, which until now only sold $1 items, ...

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After Biden Administration lost track, 1/3 of migrant children may be with traffickers

During the Trump administration, 600 migrant children were placed in protective custody. Most were separated from individuals whom Immigration could not confirm were their parents. The practice was roundly criticized by Democrats ...

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How to overcome three common obstacles to positive change

Amid the crisis of COVID, perhaps there is an opportunity to break through obstacles and pick up dreams left by the wayside. So much of life is spent on autopilot. Years pass ...

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Help homeless veterans on Independence Day

No veteran should have to suffer homelessness, but the good news is that the number of veterans experiencing homelessness is declining. A point-in-time survey by the Department of Veterans Affairs reports that ...

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Church in India responds with love, compassion to Covid crisis

india covid

Although India was able to minimize COVID deaths in 2020, a second wave hit the nation early this year, with over 300,000 cases and more than 3,000 daily deaths. India has totaled ...

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U.S. birthrate drops to lowest level in more than 40 years

The U.S. birthrate in 2020 fell to its lowest level in more than four decades, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Experts say the country and much of ...

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Video of abandoned and weeping boy highlights Biden border crisis

The Biden Administration is facing increasing pressure over its border crisis. A video of Border Patrol agents encountering a little weeping boy abandoned at the U.S.-Mexico border has gone viral, sparking outrage. ...

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Bestselling author Dr. Michael Youssef brings Americans ‘Hope for This Present Crisis’

crisis woke culture youssef

Is it possible our world has gone mad? We are in crisis, under siege, and the war is not from without; it is from within. The collapse of the Roman Empire occurred ...

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Migrants arrive at border with ‘Biden, Please let us in’ t-shirts

Who printed and paid for the t-shirts? That’s what many are asking after hundreds of migrants showed up at the southern U.S. border wearing shirts that read, “Biden, Please let us in.” ...

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Dina and Jerry: learning from their darkest hour


After Dina Russell had an abortion, her boyfriend Jerry Davenport didn’t forsake the relationship. That was unusual for a young unmarried couple involved in a crisis pregnancy. In fact, couples like them ...

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Opioid epidemic affecting foster care and adoption agencies

An opioid epidemic is sweeping the nation and it is having a profound effect on foster kids. The National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics reports that death rates are rising among young ...

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The story of Ignatius provides guidance for completing 2021 resolutions


Can a 15th-century Spanish nobleman named Ignatius offer lessons for succeeding at fulfilling our New Year resolutions? Making and breaking resolutions is a familiar and discouraging annual ritual for many people. Almost ...

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Justice Department suit says Walmart fueled opioid crisis

walmart suit

Did Walmart help create the opioid crisis? That’s what a U.S. Justice Department suit alleges saying that the retail giant illegally dispensed controlled substances to customers. The complaint alleges Walmart pharmacists knowingly ...

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Survey: 66% of all nursing homes at risk of closing

A new survey conducted by the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) has returned startling results. Nursing home providers across the U.S. state the majority are at ...

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“God, Trump and COVID-19” takes timely look at today’s critical issues

“God, Trump and COVID-19: How the Pandemic Is Affecting Christians, the World and America’s 2020 Election,” a new book by Stephen Strang, brings clarity to the world-changing events of 2020. The book ...

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Trump more like Churchill than critics want to admit

British leader Winston Churchill, like President Donald Trump, had his critics and his foibles. It’s ironic and hypocritical that many on the left have been so desperate to criticize the President in ...

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Expert: How churches can weather the coronavirus financial storm

churches coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic may have a severe impact on the finances of churches, ministries and nonprofit organizations. Phil Cooke, a Christian media consultant in Los Angeles, recently shared his advice on how ...

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While elective surgeries banned, some states still prioritize abortion

A growing number of states have banned elective surgeries in order to focus all resources on fighting the coronavirus. Some abortion providers and states, however, have determined abortion to be an essential ...

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Missouri National Guard called up, begins deployment

Missouri’s National Guard has is being mobilized across the state. Governor Mike Parson Friday signed the executive order to begin the full call up of the Missouri National Guard to assist with ...

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