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Tag Archives: election

Poll: majority believe federal officials broke the law to prevent Trump from winning in 2016

In a poll that might give Democrats pause, a majority of likely voters believe that high-level officials in government broke federal laws in their attempts to stop Donald Trump from becoming president. ...

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Elizabeth Warren mocks men, people of faith at CNN town hall

Sen. Elizabeth Warren may be surging in the Democrat presidential primary polls, but she is doing little to court the support of Christians. Warren participated last week in a town hall sponsored ...

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Beto O’Rourke’s plan to destroy churches

Has Francis “Beto” O’Rourke leaked his plan to force churches to accept gay marriage? With seven words—“It is going to be an issue”—the U.S. government signaled to orthodox Christians that if they ...

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Police officer will run against Rep. Ilhan Omar in 2020 election

One of the most controversial members ever to sit in Congress will face an opponent in the 2020 election. Democrat freshman representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, is being described  by Minneapolis police ...

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President Trump’s remarks and audience comments at Young Black Leadership Summit

Metro Voice is making available to readers President Trump’s remarks at the Young Black Leadership Summit. The summit was held in the White House on Friday, Oct. 4. Remarks below video. Remarks ...

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Impeachment efforts force scrutiny of Joe and Hunter Biden dealings

Democrats are moving ahead with efforts to impeach President Trump accusing the White House of attempting to lock down details of his phone call with the president of Ukraine. However, newly uncovered ...

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Indian Americans go wild for Trump appearance at unity rally

It appears President Donald Trump has the votes of Indian Americans if a rally in Houston is any indication, Trump joined tens of thousands of Indian Americans on Sept. 22 who were packed ...

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All topics on table at Democrat debate, including gun confiscation


The top ten Democrats running to challenge President Trump for the White House jockeyed to distinguish themselves in a third debate often speaking over each other and going way beyond their time. ...

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Conservative North Carolina win a sign for 2020 presidential race


In an election that the national media touted as a do-or-die contest for President Donald Trump that would foretell his chance for victory in 2020, a Republican has won a shocking victory ...

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Media silent on Bernie Sanders wanting population control to stop ‘climate change’

population control

The media has a secret they don’t want you to know. What they’re keeping from viewers and readers is something out of the pages of a dystopian novel or perhaps the Communist ...

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News Briefs: Elon Musk warnings on AI; No ‘gay’ gene detected; Comey leaked secrets

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Second quarter revised up Second-quarter GDP was up a seasonally adjusted, annualized 2%, the Commerce Department said—a solid pace and on par from the previous second-quarter estimate of 2.1%. Weakness in inventory investment and ...

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AOC now says electoral college is racist

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has been criticized after she called for the elimination of the electoral college while claiming the system is a “scam” that undermines the “voters of color.” The freshman congresswoman made her comments in ...

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Google researcher: Make search index a public utility

A psychologist who has spent years researching Google’s massive influence has suggested a way for the tech giant to avoid potentially crippling government intervention. The solution, a significant sacrifice for Google, would be ...

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Boris Johnson to lead Britain as Prime Minister

Just a few years ago, Boris Johnson was described as Britain’s version of Donald Trump. The outspoken and often brusk British politician seemed constantly at odds with the established British political class ...

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Is Facebook’s ‘civil rights’ audit harming free speech?

Facebook, perhaps the world’s most powerful media platform, has released the results of its “civil rights” audit which it insists fights hate speech. The company said it is rolling out the updated ...

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Google inserting political agenda to impact election

Google is surreptitiously pushing its political agenda onto its users through its products in an effort that one employee described as “preventing the next Trump situation.” The company has cloaked its political agenda ...

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Stephanopoulos called-out for bias by President Trump in interview

President Donald Trump said that ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos and New York Times political reporter Maggie Haberman laughed when they were told Trump would win the presidency. Both are known ...

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Conservatives boost candidacy of Quintin Lucas for mayor

The election for Kansas City’s new mayor doesn’t offer conservatives much of a choice. Instead of a race between a Democrat and Republican, the Tuesday, June 18 contest is a battle between ...

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Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand states pro-life, Christian views like ‘racism’

Christians and pro-life voters are again in the crosshairs of another Democrat candidate for president. In startling comments, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) has stated that pro-life views are “not acceptable” and compared them ...

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Romney may not endorse in 2020

Failed US Presidential candidate, and Utah Senator, Mitt Romney says he is not sure if he will endorse President Donald Trump for the second term.  He added that he won’t necessarily support ...

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Joe Biden moves to left, flip-flops on gov’t funded abortions

In what many political observers see as an attempt to shore up his sagging poll numbers, U.S. Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden said on June 6 that he no longer supports a long-standing ...

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Political historian thinks voters will stand by Trump in 2020

A number of political observers are still dissecting the 2016 campaign for answers to how Donald Trump won voters and beat 16 Republican rivals and Hillary Clinton to take the presidency. While ...

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Trump gives authority to declassify Obama Justice Department spy docs

President Trump on Thursday night may have done what Democrats fear most. The president issued a memo giving Attorney General William Barr the authority to declassify any documents related to surveillance of ...

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Australia’s ‘Trump’ stuns media, pollsters with overwhelming re-election victory

Pollsters have gotten another major election completely wrong, this time in Australia. Prime Minister Scott Morrison, a Christian evangelical who is often compared to Donald Trump in his political views, won a ...

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Sen. Lindsey Graham invites Mueller to testify

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) invited special counsel Robert Mueller to testify about any potential discrepancies between responses Attorney General William Barr provided during a recent Senate hearing and the contents of a phone ...

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