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Tag Archives: faith

Lent and the spiritual benefits of nature walks

What do nature walks have to do with Lent? Each year during Lent we try to imitate Jesus’ time of fasting and prayer by making various sacrifices, denying ourselves our favorite foods ...

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U.S. megachurch pastors quarantined after coronavirus exposure

Two pastors of one of the largest churches in the nation are under home quarantine after being exposed to the coronavirus during a conference in Germany. READ: Prayer guide for coronavirus Craig ...

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Prayer guide for coronavirus

Vice President Mike Pence was criticized this week for offering a prayer during a meeting on the coronavirus. Democrats, Hollywood actors and media outlets blasted the effort as “anti-science.”  But the comments ...

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Navigating the storms of life

We all encounter the storms of life;  difficulties, problems and crisis situations.  Who do you go to during those storms of life?  How do you respond in the bad times?  These are ...

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New heavyweight champ Tyson Fury credits God in everything

Tyson Fury, the new WBC heavyweight boxing champion, is giving credit to God. “First and foremost, I want to say thank you to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,” Fury said after ...

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Increase in ‘church hopping’ among trends found in State of the Church survey

The days of joining a church and staying in it for life are long gone. New research by the Barna Group shows that practicing Christians and churched adults believe in the value ...

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Ministry aims to rebuild villages destroyed by ISIS

Ever since former President Barack Obama called ISIS the “JV team,” the terrorist organization has decimated countless cities and villages across the Middle East. Now, a Christin ministry aims to rebuild the ...

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Support of same-sex marriage surges among mainline pastors

Almost one-half of pastors of mainline Protestant churches say they support same-sex marriage, according to a new survey from LifeWay Research. However, support remains low among evangelical pastors. The poll of 1,000 ...

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Chiefs owner Clark Hunt supports Explore God Miami initiative

faith miami chiefs. decisions, hunt

The victory by the Kansas City Chiefs may be over, but the impact still is being felt in host city Miami. More than 100 churches and groups came together on Super Bowl ...

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New research traces growth of Spirit-empowered Christianity


An in-depth study finds that Spirit-empowered Christianity is growing exponentially around the world and shows no signs of slowing. Oral Roberts University will hold an event on February 24 to release new ...

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Iranian Christian faces deportation back to Iran after failing Bible quiz

iranian deportation

After missing several questions on a Bible quiz administered by a British judge, an Iranian Christian faces deportation and possible torture. The 38-year-old Christian convert’s appeal was earlier rejected because he wasn’t ...

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Pearl S. Buck paves way for modern missionaries


Most people who know of Pearl S. Buck remember her as the author of the 1932 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Good Earth. It was assigned reading for many Baby Boomers. The book ...

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Los Angeles Angels manager uses influence to help those less fortunate


Across the nation baseball teams are in training camp. While the number of wins is always at the top of their priorities, many players and managers view the upcoming season as an ...

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Former presidents share their thoughts on the central role of faith

presidents faith

As the nation pauses for Presidents Day, it’s a good time to look at past presidents and their thoughts on the importance of faith. “While we are zealously performing the duties of ...

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“Lord of the Rings” actor defends the Christian faith in Hollywood

Hollywood is an often-overlooked mission field where a Christian can have a powerful impact on the culture. One actor who is outspoken about his faith is John Rys-Davies, who portrayed Gimli in ...

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Barna study: Pastors worried about reaching young people

Just over a week after leaders of a Minnesota church were accused of trying to get rid of older adult members from one of their campuses in an effort to attract a ...

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Man convicted in murder of missionary near International House of Prayer

murder missionary

A Kansas City man has been convicted of shooting and killing a Chinese missionary near the International House of Prayer. The murder rocked the large missionary community in the region. Curtrail Hudson, ...

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At huge Christian rally, Brazilian president declares faith in Jesus

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has confirmed his faith in Jesus while attending The Send, a huge Christian worship event held in Brazil last weekend. Bolsonaro was not formally invited to the event ...

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Muslim Judge on kidnapped Christian girl: ‘Unable to treat Christians as Pakistani Citizens’

A Pakistan high court has handed down a ruling based on Islamic “sharia” law that says men in Pakistan can marry underage girls as long as they have had their first menstrual ...

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Faith in God: Good for your health?

Can faith in God improve your health? A surprising number of medical experts say it might. These scientists claim certain desirable qualities might be associated with personal faith and spiritual practice. Benefits ...

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When time runs out; Kobe Bryant 1978-2020


Sunday, Jan. 26, players from the Toronto Raptors and San Antonio Spurs allowed their first 24-seconds of possession at the start of their game to run out in honor of No. 24, ...

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‘Watered-down’ gospel a concern of 72% of pastors

New research from the Barna organization finds that a “watered-down” gospel and an increasingly secular culture is a growing concern of pastors. The prevalence of a “watered-down” gospel and the culture’s shift ...

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Patrick Mahomes not the only quarterback sharing his faith

Quarterback Patrick Mahomes of the Kansas City Chief has been vocal about his Christian faith all season and especially during the team’s playoff run. Kansas City author Jack Cashill wrote in WND ...

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Singer Chynna Phillips sees growing role for Christians in entertainment

Entertainers such as Justin Bieber and his wife can make a positive impact for the kingdom of God, popular singer Chynna Phillips has said. “They are awesome examples of what it is ...

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Democrats who identify as Christians tend to prefer Joe Biden in presidential poll

Faith is an important factor in political preferences, with the overwhelming majority of evangelical Christians supporting the Republican Party. Religious affiliation also is a factor in preferences among Democrats for their primary ...

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