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Religious colleges to share success secrets with secular schools

religious secular

An association of religious schools has formed a new commission to share recent successes in areas of access and affordability with their secular counterparts. The Commission on Faith-based Colleges and Universities recently ...

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Kids find Christ through the expanding ministry of YFC

kids christ

“We pursue kids where they are, instead of expecting them to come to us,” says the CEO of Youth for Christ, Jacob Bland. “Together, through trusted relationships, we point them to Jesus, ...

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Kansas, Missouri swapping residents

missouri heritage residents

Missouri welcomed 163,000 new residents last year and Kansas 94,000, according to new data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. More people moved to the Show-Me State than left. The ...

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The churches of Bangalore reflect diverse community of believers


Bangalore, India — often called the “Silicon Valley of India” — boasts a captivating atmosphere where rapid growth coexists with a rich religious landscape and a thriving technology hub. It’s a city ...

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A ‘postdenominational’ era? The rise of nondenominational churches

Pastor Dan Haugh welcomed 21 new members to his congregation Sunday morning. Six months ago, he welcomed 19 others to Stowe Community Church in Stowe, Vermont. While other houses of worship in Northern Vermont ...

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7 encouraging trends in Christianity for 2022

encouraging trends

The news for persecuted Christians looks grim this year with an increase in persecution expected. But there are encouraging trends that bode well for the church. As we go about our daily ...

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Number of atheists worldwide not keeping pace with religious growth

The number of religious people worldwide is increasing faster than the number of atheists, new research found. Lifeway Research has identified “7 Encouraging Trends of Global Christianity in 2022” based on data collected by ...

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A New Year Commitment to Excellence

The holidays and new year are a perfect time to reflect and commit/recommit ourselves wholeheartedly to Jesus. Don’t allow your past to define you and your future! God delights in comebacks and ...

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Rural areas, small towns still have almost half of all churches

Church congregations are shrinking in the United States, and it may be felt most in rural areas. The latest Faith Communities Today survey also found a median attendance decline of 7 percent. ...

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As Kansas nears 3 million residents, most towns lost population to the cities

The vast majority of Kansas municipalities lost population according to the latest census figures. Kansas saw its population grow 3% from 2010 to 2020 and the state will keep its four U.S. ...

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Survey finds that decline in white Christians has slowed

The decline in the numbers of white Christians appears to have slowed, according to the 2020 Census of Religion by the Public Religion Research Institute. The survey also looked at data for ...

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Thousands of coaches and athletes return to FCA Summer camps

athletes camps new members camp christian attendees

Tens of thousands of student-athletes will gather again after a year of pandemic lockdowns hampered a spiritual tradition.  They’ll attend Fellowship of Christian Athletes  Camps across the nation and the world this ...

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Math and Music: Why Do I Have To Learn This?

“Why do I have to learn this? I’m NEVER going to use it.” It is likely that you have heard this (or even said it yourself) many times. Students question the usefulness ...

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What is the ‘7% guaranteed’ annuity myth?

One of the most common things I hear from people who own or have been pitched an annuity is the belief that the annuity will “earn 7% guaranteed.” Usually this is due ...

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IMF: US recovery 50% stronger than expected

The U.S. economy is recovering faster than anyone thought. That assessment is not from the Trump administration but from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF has issued a “significant upgrade” to ...

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Economists blown away: Manufacturing expands at fastest rate since 2018

Economist expectations were blown away in August with U.S. manufacturing levels accelerating at close to a two-year high. The encouraging data was released by the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) and coincided ...

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Missouri leads way in reopening with explosion of tech jobs

Missouri is gaining a national reputation as a technology center as the state economy rebounds from the government-mandated Covid lockdown. Accenture Federal Services recently selected St. Louis for its new Advanced Technology ...

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Fellowship Church of Greenwood will host church replant summit

Fellowship Church of Greenwood will be the host for the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board’s Replant Summit in August. The church provides a good example of what attendees hope to replicate ...

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New research traces growth of Spirit-empowered Christianity


An in-depth study finds that Spirit-empowered Christianity is growing exponentially around the world and shows no signs of slowing. Oral Roberts University will hold an event on February 24 to release new ...

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Jobs report breaks expectations, unemployment at 50-year low

U.S. employers added 266,000 jobs for the month of November, surging past expected gains and continuing growth from October, adding fuel to the economic expansion. The unemployment rate fell to 3.5%, matching the lowest ...

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World’s fastest growing church: No buildings, no central leadership, led by women

For the last few years, researchers have credited the underground church in Iran as the fastest growing Christian church in the world. It has unique characteristics that defy comparison with churches in ...

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Even after closing on Sundays, Chick-fil-A revenue twice that of McDonalds

Being closed on Sundays to give employees a sabbath rest has not harmed the bottom line for Chick-fil-A. The company has announced revenue numbers that are the envy of the fast-food industry. ...

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Kansas new business decreases as nation grows

Kansas is the only state in the country with negative new business growth since President Trump took office, according to Bloomberg.  Data from the US Census Bureau highlights new business growth across the ...

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Kansas has nation’s highest rural property taxes

Some of Kansas’s low economic performance may be tied to the fact that property taxes are growing too fast. In fact, 65 KS counties saw triple-digit property tax growth despite their populations ...

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Consumer confidence at 15-year high

U.S. consumers are the most confident about the economy at any time since the early 200s. Positive views on wages, purchasing and job outlook by Americans  jumped to a 15-year high in early May ...

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