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Tag Archives: north korea

Trump gets 92% negative media coverage but his approval rating is clobbering Obama’s

In spite of overt animosity by the media toward President Donald Trump, the president still draws support from a significant portion of the American people, in greater numbers than former President Barack ...

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Trump ends summit with North Koreans

With echoes of President Ronald Reagan walking away from negotiations with the Soviets at a summit in Iceland during the 1980s, President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s second ...

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‘Great opportunity’ Trump calls summit with North Korea

President Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un exchanged greetings as they kicked off their second historic nuclear summit today in Hanoi, Vietnam. Trump told reporters he and Kim are looking ...

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North Korean survivor shares horrific testimony of torture

christian survivor

A Christian survivor of a North Korean prison camp has escaped and now describes the horrific torture she endured for her faith and how God stayed with her through the brutality. In ...

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Japan nominates President Trump for Nobel Peace Prize

Ahead of his second meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, the leader of Japan is nominating President Donald Trump for a Nobel Peace Prize for his work to open up a ...

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South Korea will pay more to US after negotiations with Trump

South Korea will pay $60 million more for the upkeep of U.S. troops on its territory—this after President Donald Trump demanded that Seoul boost its contribution. The two nations inked a short-term ...

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The amazing ways North Koreans secretly share the Gospel

A pastor and two North Korean Christians who defected from the hermit kingdom without being captured have revealed the creative ways they continue to share the Gospel with those back home. Peter ...

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Pompeo talks about trade war, Syria pullout, North Korea: “Kansas workers will eventually benefit”

Mike Pompeo, the U.S. Secretary of State and a former Kansas congressman from Wichita, spoke about some of the key issues he is dealing with as the country’s leader of foreign policy ...

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North Korea uses kids to catch and arrest their Christian parents

People often ask me, “Why do you send Bibles to North Korea when they could get people arrested or even killed?” The answer is simple: We send them because our persecuted brothers and sisters ...

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Is Kim Jong Un afraid of Jesus?

Open Doors USA has explored the reasons why North Korean leader Kim Jong Un remains “afraid” of Christianity. Their findings go to the heart of people’s beliefs about Jesus. Sunday, November 4 ...

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Kim seeks second summit with President Trump

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is calling for another meeting with President Donald Trump. Kim made the request in a letter that the White House describes as “very warm and pleasant.” ...

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U.S. soldiers honored as remains return to U.S. soil

After over half a Century, U.S. soldiers who died in the Korean War are finally back home on U.S. soil. Fifty-five caskets containing the remains of military personnel killed in the 1950-53 ...

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President secures return of the remains of 55 American soldiers from North Korea

PYEONGTAEK, South Korea — In early June, Democrats and the media scoffed at the idea that a Trump summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un would produce any tangible results. This ...

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North Korea begins dismantling ballistic missile facilities

North Korea has started dismantling key facilities at a rocket-engine test center, a group of experts said Monday, potentially marking a significant step after last month’s historic summit between Kim Jong Un and President Donald ...

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North Korea cancels annual anti-America rally

For the first time in decades, North Korea has decided not to hold its annual anti-US imperialism rally which has been a tradition since the regime entrenched its power after the Korean ...

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Pastor encourages prayer for success of Korean negotiations

SINGAPORE – Christians around the world, including many Koreans, are attributing the success of the Trump summit with Kim Jon un, to prayer and the many sacrifices of persecuted North Korean Christians. ...

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Franklin Graham to N Korea: Christians are not your enemy

Evangelist Franklin Graham has a rich family history in North Korea. His mother, Ruth Graham, attended high school in Pyongyang in the 1930’s. His father, Billy Graham, visited the communist country in ...

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Norwegians nominate Trump for Nobel Peace Prize

One day after holding a historic summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, President Donald Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Two Norwegian lawmakers – Christian Tybring-Gjedde and Per-Willy ...

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North Korean summit reminiscent of Reagan in Moscow

President Trump will meet Tuesday with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in a historic summit that has hopes of changing world history by ending a 70-year war. Thirty years ago another ...

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North Koreans bow to Trump, destroy nuclear test sites

In another foreign policy accomplishment for the Trump administration, North Korea has carried out today what it promised– the demolition of its nuclear test site by setting off a series of explosions ...

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Christian hostages welcomed home by President Trump

After years in a North Korean prison, three hostages found their freedom as the Christian American men were greeted by President Donald Trump beneath a giant American flag after they returned home ...

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Christian hostages may return home from N. Korea with President


Metro Voice regularly asks our readers to pray for those being persecuted for their faith. We have some good news! Three Americans detained in North Korea, have reportedly been moved from a labor ...

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Breaking News: Trump to meet N. Korea dictator Kim Jong Un

USA Today is reporting that President Trump will meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un by May for high-level talks toward creating a nuclear-free Korean peninsula. The news was announced by ...

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Whoopi Goldberg says VP Pence needs to show more respect to North Korea

Whoopi Goldberg is saying crazy things again. And this time it is connected to the Winter Olympics in South Korea. The co-host of The View is apparently beside herself that pro-life Vice ...

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