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Gen Z reading Bible more, looking for authenticity, survey finds

gen z bible

The recent State of the Bible survey from the American Bible Society offers a ray of hope for younger generations. More than 20 percent of Gen Z adults say they have increased ...

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Fewer Americans are reading the Bible: Why it matters

fewer bible

How many people today are engaging the Bible in any meaningful way? Apparently, fewer than you might think. In April 2024, the American Bible Society (ABS) published their annual “State of the ...

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Impact of Asbury campus revival continues to be felt a year later

asbury service he gets revival

The effects of the Asbury University campus revival continue to reverberate a year later. The outpouring started on the Wilmore, Ky., campus during a regularly scheduled chapel service in February 2023 and ...

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Spiritually conscious rapper HerEx takes on Kendrick Lamar


When people think of the most influential rappers of all time, Kendrick Lamar is definitely on the list. The hip-hop artist made history in 2018 by winning a Pulitzer Prize in songwriting ...

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Gen Z expresses curiosity about faith in new survey


Generation Z may be a bright spot in an otherwise increasingly secular culture. Forty-four percent of Gen Z adults between the ages of 18 and 26 are either very or extremely curious ...

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The Force vs. faith: Most Americans say their spiritual views align with those of “Star Wars”

Star Wars

More than half of Americans say their views of spirituality align with those of the Force in “Star Wars,” according to a survey by Skylight, a nonprofit organization that promotes spiritual wellness. ...

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Asbury University ends on-campus revival service

asbury service he gets revival

What’s being called the Asbury Revival is ending at Asbury University as the school’s administration is moving it off campus. Wednesday’s service was only open to students and limited to those between ...

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Researcher finds connection between spiritual health and happiness

People who pray and connect with God are more likely to experience happiness and enjoy positive mental health, research shows. Extensive research into 13-to-25-year-olds has long found “religion is good for you,” ...

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Faith leaders share explanations for sharp decline in faith in God

Christian leaders have several explanations for why faith in God has hit an all-time low in the United States. Bart Barber, pastor of First Baptist Church of Farmersville in rural East Texas ...

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Kansas City speaker cancelled by Christian college for sharing biblical truths about sexuality

kansas city christian

A Christian college in Massachusetts cancelled three planned talks by a Kansas City speaker after students called his remarks misogynist and transphobic. Marvin Daniels, executive director of The Hope Center, spoke on ...

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10 questions to reflect on as you begin a new year

Once, when the people of God had become careless in their relationship with Him, the Lord rebuked them through the prophet Haggai. “Consider your ways!” (Haggai 1:5) he declared, urging them to ...

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PBS’s ‘The Black Church’ celebrates stories of worship & struggle

black church

Just in time for Black History month PBS is airing a two-part series about the rich 400-year history of the black church in America. “The Black Church: This is our Story, This ...

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Bible sales surge during pandemic

More Americans appear to be turning to God’s word for comfort and direction during the coronavirus pandemic. Bible publishing companies report increased bible sales. Tyndale House Publishers reported increased sales during the ...

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Quarantine and isolation can draw us closer to the Creator and family

There is solidarity in hardship and isolation – even for a family. This is a lesson that has become clear to Americans over the past few weeks as communities form “militias of ...

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Today is National Day of Prayer for coronavirus crisis

Today, Americans from all regions, of all races, and every political persuasion will join together for prayer over the growing threat of coronavirus. President Donald Trump declared Sunday a National Day of ...

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Faith in God: Good for your health?

Can faith in God improve your health? A surprising number of medical experts say it might. These scientists claim certain desirable qualities might be associated with personal faith and spiritual practice. Benefits ...

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Singer Chynna Phillips sees growing role for Christians in entertainment

Entertainers such as Justin Bieber and his wife can make a positive impact for the kingdom of God, popular singer Chynna Phillips has said. “They are awesome examples of what it is ...

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Quiet Fire: Lincoln’s faith explored in new book

President’s Days is just around the corner, and the leaders of the past can offer insights for our times. Abraham Lincoln is remembered for holding the union together and trying to bring ...

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Demi Lovato shares photos of baptism in Jordan River and ‘magical’ visit to Israel

Who can pass up a chance to visit the places mentioned in the Bible? When the opportunity arose for singer and actress Demi Lovato to visit Israel she said yes to what ...

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The ripple effect of multiplying disciples

It was encouraging to recently reconnect with a friend I first met more than 40 years ago.  Bill was a college professor and a religious person, but had not yet come to ...

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Brad Pitt reconnects with Christian roots

Brad Pitt returned to church over Labor Day weekend, thanks to his friend, musician Kanye West. The popular actor, who grew up in Springfield and attended the Missouri School of Journalism, was ...

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Only 1 in 4 Christians acting out their faith at home

Twenty-five percent of professing, practicing Christians live in households that regularly pray and practice Bible reading together and conduct outreach together to others, while 28 percent live in a home that does ...

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Black Christians lead Americans in Bible use

African-Americans have higher levels of Bible use and engagement and are more concerned about the decline in morality than the general U.S. population, a recent study has found. The latest State of the ...

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Church is hard work, not a private jet

We don’t like inconvenience, do we? Let’s face it–if you had a choice of an easy path or a rocky one, which would you take? Many would choose the path of least ...

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