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Tag Archives: temple

Mormon Church to build first Kansas temple

mormon kansas

The Mormon Church has announced plans to build a temple in Wichita, which will be its first one in the state of Kansas. Steven R. Banger, First Counselor in the North America ...

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The miraculous connection of Hanukkah to Christmas

hanukkah christmas war

I grew up a nice Jewish boy in Brooklyn, New York. When December arrived it brought some interesting challenges. Why? My family owned a toy store! I knew little about Christmas, but ...

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Palestinian leader denies there was ever a Jewish temple

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, in his now notorious speech at the United Nations on May 15, absurdly denied there was any proof of a Jewish link to the Temple Mount. In doing ...

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Discovery of Ivory sheds light on Jerusalem during Solomon’s Temple


An extraordinary discovery was recently unearthed in Jerusalem when Israeli archeologists uncovered an assemblage of ivory plaques dating to the First Temple period (Solomon’s Temple). They are among only a few found ...

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Home of Temple priest from era of Jesus and disciples discovered

temple priest

A ritual bath (mikveh) most likely used by a temple priest during the time of Jesus has been discovered in Jerusalem. The bath, dating back to the late Second Temple period near ...

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AdventHealth buys Holy Land Experience theme park in Florida

A Seventh-day Adventist health-care company has purchased the Holy Land Experience theme park in Orlando from Trinity Broadcasting Network. TBN, the park’s owner since 2007, sold the roughly 15-acre museum and tourist ...

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750 Christians killed at Ethiopian church that is said to house Ark of the Covenant

One of the largest mass killings of Christians in Africa is being reported. The massacre of 750 people occurred at the Ethiopian Maryam Tsiyon Church in Aksum. The church, which for 100 ...

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Discovery of oil lamp factory sheds ‘light’ on ancient Israel

israel lamp

Another major archaeological discovery has been announced in Israel. This week, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced one of the largest ancient ceramic oil-lamp workshops in Israel has been discovered in excavations before ...

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Archaeologists discover ancient Jerusalem market on the path to the Temple


The Israel Antiquities Authority believes it has found a 2,000-year-old market next to the recently discovered Pilgrimage Road in Jerusalem that Jesus and other Jews once walked on to get to the ...

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Is this a seal from the household of King David?


Did archaeologists just identify an ancient seal from the ring used by one of the sons of King David in a pile of dirt? That’s what experts believe. A 2,600-year-old bulla, or seal, ...

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Ancient Jerusalem road to Second Temple to be open underground


For the first time in 2,000 years, worshipers will be able to make their way to the steps leading to the Second Temple via a road which has been excavated underground. In ...

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Temple University stands by Marc Lamont Hill after CNN fires him for anti-Israel remarks

There is at least one person too polarizing for cable news, but apparently just fine for academia. Marc Lamont Hill was dropped by CNN Thursday after he made comments about boycotting Israel ...

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Is this the ring worn by Pilate at Jesus’ sentencing?


Have archaeologists re-discovered the ring worn by Potius Pilate at his sentencing of Jesus? Excitement surrounds a 2,000-year-old copper alloy ring bearing the inscription “of Pilatus” as it appears to be the ...

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Does birth of red calf signal the end times?

A Jewish organization whose goal is the building the Third Temple has made a startling announcement. The Temple Institute revealed this week the birth of a flawless all-red heifer that they say could ...

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Satanists protest 10 Commandments in Arkansas

The Satanic Temple held a “Rally for the First Amendment” at the Arkansas State Capitol Thursday and brought with them a statue known as Baphomet, a goat-headed figure associated with the group. ...

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