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Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

Can’t ‘hold it in’: Kenyan tribal chief brings Christ to his people, again

hold it in

Geoffrey Lekopir couldn’t “hold it in.” Already 42 years old when he came to Christ in 1999, he wanted his fellow Rendille tribe members to hear the gospel and know the love ...

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Study: Ringing a cancer bell at end of treatment does more harm than good

We’ve all seen the commercials. A cancer patient rings a bell, triumphantly proclaiming they’ve “beat” cancer. But is that celebratory moment doing more harm than good? Since 1996, the practice has become ...

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Time for a baggage check

I have baggage. Lots of it. While some people like to clean out their clutter in the spring, January is my time to toss out anything unnecessary. When I start going through ...

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Do armed members make church-goers feel more safe?


In the aftermath of several high-profile church shootings, most pastors say their congregations have taken some precautions to protect those in attendance. That includes peppering armed members throughout the church. Since 2000, ...

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Acquitted: Two-year impeachment saga over

President Trump today spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast just 14 hours after he scored a victory in the drawn out impeachment battle. The Senate voted largely among party lines Wednesday to ...

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Dozens injured Thursday in Palestinian attacks on Isarelis

Security forces have arrested the Palestinian man responsible for injuring 12 soldiers when he rammed his car into them early Thursday morning outside First Station. The attacks on Israelis some just a ...

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New Yorkers banned from future Global Entry passport participation

New Yorkers applying for the Global Entry program and other trusted traveler programs have a new reality. They’re no longer considered “trusted.” That’s because the Department of Homeland Security is suspending enrollment ...

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Hold on, Winter may last longer than expected


Sick of winter? You’re not alone. But hold on as it may be longer than anyone wants. Large swaths of North America will see a prolonged winter season. In an AccuWeather report ...

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Super Bowl commercial “The Four Loves” by C.S. Lewis a hit with viewers


Nearly lost in the shuffle of a suggestive halftime show and overhyped commercials, one Super Bowl advertiser featured the wisdom of Christian writer C.S. Lewis. New York Life, the third-largest life insurance ...

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Chiefs Coach ready for White House visit

A presidential invitation to visit the White House has long been a tradition for championship sports teams. The Kansas City Royals traveled there after they won the 2015 World Series when Barack ...

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President touts historic economy in address

President Donald Trump delivered his annual State of the Union address extolling not only the strength of the American economy, but the resilience of its citizens. While an expanding middle class, historic ...

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Born at just 21 weeks, little Ellie a guest at tonight’s State of the Union

state of the union

Two of the honored guests at tonight’s State of the Union address are from Kansas City. Ellie and Robin Schneider will enter into the national spotlight, not for their appearance at the ...

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Islamic state of Sudan moves to normalize relations with Israel

The Arab League on Saturday voted to “officially” oppose the peace plan put forth by the Trump administration. And while media outlets call the plan a failure, an announcement by Sudan about ...

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Gov. Parson lends support to pro-life Missourians at rally

rally overturn roe missouri

Hundreds of Missourians rallied in Jefferson City last Saturday as part of the 2020 Midwest March for Life. The upcoming elections were top of mind for many participants. “When we stop murdering ...

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Popular Wichita pastor dies soon after social media post at Super Bowl

pastor chiefs

Pastor Michael O’Donnell Sr. of Grace Baptist Church in Wichita nearly lived to see the Chiefs win the Super Bowl. He died in his sleep just hours after posting a photo of ...

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Uganda may be next to open Jerusalem embassy

Uganda could “soon” begin construction of an embassy in Jerusalem after President Yoweri Museveni stated that his country was seriously considering it.  The announcement came after a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister ...

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In Iowa caucus mess, Democrats fumble first election of 2020

iowa caucus

The Democrat Party’s first big showing in the 2020 election has been an unmitigated disaster with the Iowa caucus. On Sunday, a highly anticipated poll of likely Iowa Democratic caucus-goers was scuttled ...

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Rush Limbaugh announces advanced lung cancer


At the end of his show on Monday, veteran conservative radio broadcaster Rush Limbaugh announced he has been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. Limbaugh then told his audience that his job has ...

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Quiet Fire: Lincoln’s faith explored in new book

President’s Days is just around the corner, and the leaders of the past can offer insights for our times. Abraham Lincoln is remembered for holding the union together and trying to bring ...

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Chiefs invited to state capitol as Kansas City plans parade details

Kansas City officials are expecting 1 million people to attend Wednesday’s parade for the victorious Kansa City Chiefs. But that might not be the only place to catch the team as they’ve ...

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University of Missouri uses app to track students

New Students attending the University of Missouri (MU) will instantly be busted if they’re not in class. The University is requiring students to install a smartphone app designed to allow professors keep ...

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CNN won’t release poll that was exposed for major flaw

Voters have no confidence in political polls. They say they are worded to elicit specific responses, underrepresent segments of voters and often favor the media’s “favorite” candidate. A flaw in the final ...

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Clampdown on Iranian Christians grows during pro-democracy protests

Growing protests inside Iran have the Islamic regime stepping up pressure against Christians. The fear of Iranian officials, say experts, is that calls for democracy will lead to the expansion of the ...

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Chinese communists now banning Christian funerals

china funerals

Even in death, Chinese Christians are being humiliated as Communist authorities ban Christian funerals. According to a report in the Chinese watchdog organization Bitter Winter, communist officials are arresting family members and ...

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VIDEO: Patrick Mahomes on faith and pregame routine

Patrick Mahomes on his faith and how it shapes who he is. READ: Mahomes says God was with him during injury  

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