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Slavic Gospel Association helping hard-hit families in Russia as infections rise

russia infections

A U.S.-based mission to Russia and the former Soviet Union has distributed more than 500,000 meals to desperate families as Russia’s coronavirus infections hit a new high. Russia has jumped to third ...

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Hawk Nelson members offer support to bandmate who now disavows God

hawk nelson

Jon Steingard, former leader of the Christian group Hawk Nelson, recently announced that he no longer believes in God. The other members of the band – Daniel Biro, Micah Keuper and Davis ...

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Pentecost from Jerusalem to be broadcast around the world May 29, 30


The holiday of Pentecost, or Shavuot in Hebrew, commemorates the giving of the Torah to Jews and for Christians, the descent of the Holy Spirit on the followers of Yeshua – Jesus ...

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In interview with Pastor Greg Laurie, Mike Pompeo says he turns to scripture for guidance

Mike Pompeo, secretary of state and former Kansas congressman, has a strategic approach to dealing with the world’s problems. In an interview with Pastor Greg Laurie of the California megachurch Harvest Christian ...

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Christians in Nigeria: Almost 700 slaughtered by Fulani militias this year

nigeria fulani

Christian women, children, the elderly, disabled and men continue to die by the hundreds across northern Nigeria at the hands of Muslim Fulani terrorists. A new report from Nigeria details the latest ...

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Effective missions can’t happen without regular prayer

It has often been observed that a person’s last words convey great significance. Whether someone is dying or leaving not to return, they weigh carefully what they say. Final words will be ...

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Memorial for Ravi Zacharias will be livestreamed Friday morning

zacharias memorial

Tributes continue to pour in for evangelist and apologist Ravi Zacharias, who died on May 19 at age 74 after a brief battle with cancer. His life and legacy will be celebrated ...

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Americans maintain faith in God throughout pandemic, study finds

faith in God

Although Americans have not been able to meet in churches for several months, their faith in God remains strong. That is one of the key findings of a recent survey by UChicago ...

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Chaplain shares her story serving front lines of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

In the small Eastern Ukrainian suburb of Avdeevka it’s common to hear bombs exploding or nearby gunfire.  Seven years after Russia’s invasion began, the casualties still mount. Residents who fled and those ...

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Missouri woman shares vision of heaven after near-death experience


A Missouri woman has shared that she was declared dead, went to heaven and came back to tell her story. She was recently interviewed by Christian broadcaster CBN and local media on ...

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How Ravi Zacharias found Christ at Youth for Christ

zacharias christ

Around the world, those who  knew or were impacted by the ministry of Ravi Zacharias are mourning his loss. The Christian apologist’s death on May 19 at the age of 74, has ...

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Ravi Zacharias dies overnight after losing battle with cancer


Christian apologist and Bible teacher Ravi Zacharias, 74, passed away at his home in Atlanta in the early hours of May 19.  Zacharias lost his battle with a rare form of cancer ...

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Sunday school revamps online to ease Coronavirus fear in kids

The coronavirus pandemic can be tough on young children, but creative ways to share Sunday School lessons are making it easier. Brian Kaylor didn’t realize how the pandemic was emotionally impacting his ...

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Doctor says Ravi Zacharias is out of treatment options for rare cancer


Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias may be nearing the end of his battle with a rare and aggressive form of cancer in his spine. For three decades he has been one of the most ...

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Little Richard and his surprising faith story

little richard

Rock ’n’ roll icon Little Richard, who died this weekend at age 87, has been heralded by the entertainment industry as a trailblazer whose performances influenced Elvis, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, ...

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Demand soars for special communion cups

The coronavirus outbreak is changing numerous things about how church services are held, right down to communion. Blessed Communion in Chicago, the world’s leading provider of individually sealed, prefilled communion cups, is ...

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Creators of “War Room” movie plan online event for May 8

war room

Individuals or groups looking for entertainment options during the ongoing pandemic are invited to join in a special event centered around the faith-based movie “War Room.” The creators of the movie are ...

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The Chosen tops our top 5 family things for May

the chosen

Have you ever watched a television series that was good at the beginning, great by the second act and left you begging for more when the credits rolled? Such is the case ...

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Baseball’s Darryl Strawberry and his homerun for eternity

The most significant home run for Darryl Strawberry didn’t happen on a baseball field. It happened when he ran home into the arms of Jesus. The coldest place in the world on ...

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Today’s National Day of Prayer is a virtual event

Today, May 7, marks the annual National Day of Prayer and despite the coronavirus shutdowns, Americans can still participate virtually. NDP has become a tradition for millions of Americans who gather each ...

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Digital evangelism explodes in popularity during coronavirus outbreak

Christian Vision, a ministry that has focused on online digital evangelism for the past 10 years, has seen explosive growth in the use of its digital media. The organization is supporting churches ...

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Presidential Prayer Team plans virtual event for National Day of Prayer

The Presidential Prayer Team, the national, nonpartisan prayer ministry for America and its leaders, said it will host the largest virtual prayer event in the nation’s history on the National Day of ...

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More than $400,000 raised to assist small churches during pandemic

Many small churches have been hit hard by reduced giving during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. However, more than $400,000 already has been raised to help them, and more than 1,000 churches already ...

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One-quarter of Americans say their faith has grown during pandemic

Many Americans say their faith is growing stronger despite challenging times during the pandemic, according to a new survey by Pew Research Center. One-quarter of U.S. adults overall (24 percent) say their ...

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‘State of the Plate’ poll: most churches see giving decline

A new “State of the Plate” poll involving more than 1,000 churches across all 50 states shows that more than six out of 10 churches have seen a decline in offerings since ...

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